ou say, 'Hail, Seradi Stormcaller'
If you do not have completed the Tabron series as well as Cure the Crud and Stop the Spreading:
Seradi Stormcaller responds in a deep, thumping voice, 'Hello. I'm sorry, but I have no time for casual conversation. If you wish to help us here, then speak to Garvin or perhaps Tabron, they have many urgent tasks to accomplish. May the wind be at your back, traveler.
Once you have both:
Seradi Stormcaller says 'Welcome, friend ______.' Seradi's voice booms. 'I have heard good things about your willingness to assist the folks of Oceangreen. Even Garvin spoke kindly of you, after his fashion. Tabron has discovered some interesting and disturbing things with your help. We now know that the waters of the lake in the nearby cavern have been heavily tainted. To the best of our understanding, this couldn't happen without some form of, well, [concentration] of the taint.'
You say, 'What concentration?'
Seradi Stormcaller says 'The water in the lake hidden in the hills is tainted, but not nearly as much as that of the cave. The water in the town is actually less tainted than the water of the lake in the cave. Even though that lake has a constant influx of fresh water, it never appears to reduce the disease. So I believe that there is some agent of disease in that cave feeding taint into the lake. We have sent a few scouts, but fewer still return. Those that do speak of diseased animals and plants and you yourself saw some diseased treelings. Right now our forces are dedicated to the defense of the village, but I cannot deny my nature. I would ask you to seek and destroy the source of the taint in that cave. Can you [do that] for me?'