Just as the other two Task Masters nearby.
Merchants of Highpass
Highpass Guards
Carson Mccabe
And, just like the other two, will scowl and refuse to respond, but still gives tasks and will not attack players.
You say, 'Hail, Meelana'
Meelana says, 'Well, well, well. I can't believe I'm seeing someone like you around here! It's been so long, I almost forgot myself in your presence. I've been keeping up on the stories from around the mountains and I can tell you that there are quite a few interesting [tasks] available for any budding adventurer who might be looking for work.'
You say, 'tasks'
If your level is too high :
Meelana says, 'I'm afraid I don't have any tasks worthy of your time. You should seek out areas more fitting to your experience.'