From the tunnel outside his spawn location will be 3 roamers, dispatch them quickly and then med up.
In his room, the Lord, has a lot of minions that you really don't want to have to contend with.
From the tunnel looking down at him, pacify the three to your right, then pacify the one closest to him and then pull immediately.
he should come solo to the tunnel and you should have zero trouble taking him down.
Lord Ragarrh has about 450k
He hist for 4.5k on avg, but he tends to rampage and quad.
Expect the enrage around 5%, but advise to not hit him cause he does a lot of damage for being a blue con.
If you want to go into the room with him and hang a right up top, you can, but not a lot of room to cast and the last thing you want is a healer being stuck in a croutch position. If you got a shammy, shrink, but for what it's worth, fighting him in the tunnel does limit the possiblity of adds simply by fighting him loosely (sloppy)