I had only seen her pop in the northeast room. Was at the east side a few days ago and had her pop in the north room and she dropped the aug. Decided to keep working the room cause I could use the aug on a couple other toons. Never got it to drop again over the next several nights and was only popping every 3 to 4 hours. A couple of other people had mentioned the south room too as being a room she pops in so I started clearing both the north and the south rooms. Man was I suprised. Named popped 8 times over the next two hours. Popped in both the north and south rooms. Got 3 more augs in that time.
PH in the north room is the mob at the podium. South room is the far back corner.
Charm lasts about 15 or 20 seconds. Wasn't able to click it to see what it's called .. since, hey.. I was charmed... but when it wore off, I just got back to killin' her.
"Increased the chance for Library Director Eslisar to spawn in the Keasora Library."
Seems the devs thought there were five placeholders, and upped the spawn rates after they discovered there were only two. Most folks seems to be reporting at least one spawn every two hours or so now from the two PHs.
Mobs still seems extremely rare. I've spent maybe 12 hours clearing the SE room without seeing him pop once. A guildy I was discussing it with said they'd camped it for 50+ hours without a pop.
SE most room, it was the mob farthest to the south of that room. I was killing all the mobs in that room and the named on the podium.
I was also pulling Lib and other possible PH from the NE room. No luck there.
Crew - CT Server -- Guild <Cypress> 85 War - 1200AA - MAIN TANK (T3 Group gear + AC augs) 3700AC 28K HP buffed 85 Brd 3K+AA(Group SoD T3 and CoA Raid gear) 85 Wiz 3K+AA(TSS-TBS-T2 SoF Raid gear) T4 Tank Merc T4 Healer Merc (Reactive) T4 Healer Merc (Balanced)
It spawned in the room opposite as the one mentioned below, for me. There are possibly multiple PHs for this mob. Mine was in the far east past the platform with Grellik, but in the south east room. Loc -1488, -2453, -756
Mob spawns in the most eastern part of the zone. I got her to spawn in the NE room that contains 7 mobs (a smaller room is directly north of it with about 5 mobs). She spawned at the podium in the middle of the back wall. Took about 12 hours of camping for her to finally show up. Dropped aug on the first kill. Be patient and good luck. Camped it boxing a paladin/rogue/wiz/2x cleric mercs. Fairly easy camp, just have to take 2-3 at a time when initially clearing; then it's a cakewalk.