Killed him last night when was burning the lesson on my 75 monk and 82 shaman (bot). Pulled him together with couple basilisks since I didnt expect this mob to be a hard hitter. Monk was tanking just with Unity on (18k hps, 2600 ac, max defensive AAs) after pet shaman pet poofed after few rounds.
Monk dropped to 40% in no time and managed to hit Impenetrable to give shammy some time to land a slow (resisted without Malo), listnesness, 2.0 click and Lynx. Komodokin had much more HPs than other basilisks but definatelly not tons.
What was strange is that I healed monk maybe 3-4 times (couple 6k-10k crit heals, couple 5k HoTs) during the whole fight that lasted about 2 minutes or so. Monk was summoned under Komodokin's belly and was on autoattack whole fight. After checking logs I noticed that my monk was barely hit, lots of 200's - 500's quads, occasional 3k+ (not a single 4k+ hit) and constant misses. Basically, after slow landed monk was self healing with Listnessness and shammy's 2.0 with occasional heal after a lucky round. Even light blue basilisks were hitting more often than this named...or maybe I was just lucky :) Dropped just three claws.
Average hit between 1500 and 2k, max hit on me was 4640, Flurries, hits very fast. have a couple of healers before attempting this mob and a pretty good tank if you expect to kill this mob
ok got bored and pulled this guy today just to see what my group could do... lvl 70 bard, 16k hps roughly with the buffs i had and about 2900-3k ac... max hit on me was 4565 before i had to deftdance and the druid evac'd we got a laugh out of it cause we pulled him all the way to verg. mines single... yeah i was really bored waiting on overseer to spawn.. needless to say i wont get that bored again till exodus is up again :D but i was able to snare him on the way back to single him out from all the adds before i faded them off