He spawned for me, today, on the right side of the graveyard, and I kick myself for not checking there earlier, as I kind of stayed down in the basement. So plz know he can spawn in any open tomb that has a fallen heretic in it. in the larger crypt area. Happy Hunting!!
Took me close to 20 rounds to get it to spawn twice. Spawned in two different locations in one of the side graveyards. just keep killing the heretics. should be 2 heretics on each side graveyard, then 4 in the basement.
I ran into a small snag when doing my turn in as this guy sees past invis (even HIDE). Having invis undead cast by other player after you open trade window might work but what I did was finally claim that goblin illusion clicky and used it. Opened trade window, clicky goblin illusion, then I FD and was able to do turn in.
OMG! It took me about 30 spawn rounds for him to appear! My advice to you is, don't give up, it will spawn eventually, just keep killing the heretics over and over again and he will pop up.
I was having difficulty handing the shroud to him as a Froglok, he conned apprehensive to me and there is no associated faction listed for him. Seeing as he is undead he saw through the cloudy potions and told me "I have no need for this, you can have it back." Hiding didn't work either, and you can't cast spells like Invis vs. Undead with the trade window up. I tried feigning death and handing it to him but he kept saying "I'm busy right now!" What finally worked was a discipline based FD, I used Rigor Mortis. Open the trade window, hit Rigor, hit accept, win.
Spawned for me in the left temple graveyard as well. I used the invis trick by submitting the item, then using a cloudy potion for invis, then clicking trade/give. The mummy popped in its place instantly and was blue to a 61SK. The fight was fairly manageable with a cleric merc. Had quite a few hitpoints but didn't even come close to being difficult.
Was already spawned so no need to geek Heretic Skeletons in hopes of spawning. I am a lvl 64 SK with complete set of dropped armour for my level range (Elaborate Defiant?), nothing special in my Primary, a couple AAs in Combat Agility and Combat Stability and a T1 Cleric. Getting there was a pain since the tunnel down to that area had See Invis Gargoyles that insisted on aggroing me as well as See Invis Constructs that wandered up and down the tunnel. There was several Gargoyles on the tops of the walls to the area you want to get to so either bring a higher level toon to clear the front area or get used to aggroing at least one Gargoyle and three or four City Spirits. No wandering Constructs from the outside aggroed so that was a relief.
Once the Ghost spawns do the turn in and he'll spawn.
P -515.0536, -803.3602, -682.1655, 0, 240, 0, 3, Ghost_of_Glohnor_PROPER
hope this helps. it's the proper area for which he spawns. Also, he was not sitting upright like he is in the picture, he was actually laying down, which I thought was odd. Just figured I would note this so when you go into the area he spawns, you make sure to look carefully. I almost missed him if it wouldn't of been for his name popping out of the casket heh.
After spending an entire evening and a couple hours today, I finally got him to spawn in the left Graveyard area, inside one of the Coffins there, the PH's were Heretic Skeletons. After I turned in the Cloak, the Mummy (which looked like a Skelly hehe) spawned right there and was green to me at 73, pretty easy kill, but also easy to get adds depending on where he would spawn.
For me, he appeared in the place that mapfiend said, which was in the coffin in the back in the rightside (above-ground) crypt yard (loc 844,469). After killing him, the mummy appeared right there in front of me and immediately agroed my sk and my boxed 75 mage. Like previous posts have said, he is not hard to kill but he does have alot of hp and he does retreat at 20% or so, so it might be best to keep the immediate area clear of adds.
I tried to make him pop in the leftside crypt yard and crypt underground by clearing those areas a few time but failed. So the next day my mage fought his way to the rightside crypt yard and the ghost popped after the second clearing. The ghost was apprehensive to my erudite tribunal mage.
When he first popped, he was standing up. After about a minute, he layed down into the crypt. He was never in the sitting position that you see in his picture here. I guess his picture is a pre-revamp screenshot? And the mummy does not look like a mummy. Its a skel. /shrugs
For those of you who have never been to the crypt yards and are a bit confused by the map drawings, I'll visually describe the area from the point of view of fighting there from the rock-door entrance.
After you fight your way to Jael the Wretched, continue thru the tunnel until it ends at a wide openish area that slopes down. In this open area you will see in front of you a structure surrounded in front with a low wall, a tunnel that is ahead and to the left, and a further open area that is ahead and to the right.
I did not bother to explore the left tunnel, it goes to the bottom of The Hole. The open area to the right lets you see the hole that The Hole is named after. It has a waterfall above, and you can see the named guy waiting below at the bottom. He looks like a black reaver from City of Mist, only bigger.
I don't think there are any safe spots in the openish area, as several wanderers path back and forth from Jaels tunnel, and the left tunnel and the structure.
The low wall has an entry-way in front with several mobs guarding it, plus the top of the wall has the usual gargoyles laying down on top of it. Once you enter thru the entry-way, you will have a choice of three directions to take. The middle direction takes you into the structure which eventually leads to where the ghost and High Scale Kirn (for shaman epic) used to be until EQ revamped The Hole back in mid-2003. The left direction takes you into the leftside crypt yard (also called the West Graveyard). The right direction takes you to the rightside crypt yard (also called the East Graveyard). Both these yards are very small, with only a few mobs in them. The rightside crypt yard has a gargoyle in it who is kinda hidden so be careful.
When you go halfway down the leftside cryptyard, the entrance to the underground crypts will be on your right. There are about 7 crypts down there, but only 4 have mobs on them. There is a contruct wanderer that paths in there and up to the low-wall entry-way.
The safest spot I could find in the whole area around there was in the leftside crypt area, all the way in back as far as you can go. Make sure you don't sit down though. And its not completely safe, as every once in awhile the contruct wanderer will path close enough to agro. This "safe" spot was why I tried to pop the ghost on leftside. Its where I had my mage log out.
Anyways, this info should be enough to get you started.
Got the mummy to spawn a few days ago, and was indeed on the location of the Mapfiend map that i had downloaded. down inside the the crypt and not outside. he was stretched out in the air and it took me almost 3 minutes to finally hand him the Shroud, it was tricky and i was worried for a few minutes because i couldn't figure out how to give him the shroud, so i just kept clicking all over him until the tradewindow finally opened.
NOTE: the Mummy spawns in a random location. BRING A TRACKER. i found him through the front entrance of the crypt in the back and up the stairs, we still had to fight our way to him but i'm glad i had my 70 ranger buddy to help track him for me, or i would have been all day looking for him.
Verified that he does in fact have a PH. Kill anything in a coffin, even in the crypt below the graveyard. He can spawn in any of the coffins.
If you use the mapfiend maps, there is a spawn point marked, which is where I found him up the first time I did 1.0, 2 nights ago I got him to spawn on the other side.
Used to be no ph. Just check if he was up. Now, it seems he can pop at any coffin, both sides of the graveyard. Just kill til he pops.
Edited, Dec 1st 2006 6:00pm by Kalysta
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr Dark Elf Shadow Knight Drinal (Tarew) Retired after 500 days /played Deleted http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/character_profile.vm?characterId=455266869792 Remade http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=96950 Retired again
Been sitting here for roughly 9 days now major PIDA..... Sleep not much but this dam mob wont spawn. Already had trouble spawning kyrenna so gm gave me my items. U think this is a bug? anyone know spawn time and if mob can skip them? last peice before lhranc just wanna get this darn thing dun.
Finaly killed the Ghost of Glohnor tonight. Hardest part was actually getting to his spawn point. After several unsucsesfull tries we managed to complete this part with a 70 sk, 55 sk, and a 63 cleric. Each of us got up invul spell and leaped off the edge of "the hole" in Paineel. The large one that just beg's for you to jump on in. You land around the Guardian of the Seal at the bottom of the waterfall. Just a short trip through the corridor and out into the clearing before the castle area with the graveyard. (GoG will be waiting inside the graveyard just past the entry door) Ghost of Glohnor was sleeping peacefully in his coffin when I handed in the shroud. The Mummy of Glohnor spawned almost right next to his origonal spawn point. Loc 767, 608, -669. Very magic resistant but I did manage to get my DoT's to stick the first time. Peice of cake. Good luck to everyone on this over rated quest.
The Mummy spawns in a different spot. There is a door next to the graveyard where the ghost is sitting. When you do the turn in, enter the door and run down the hall. Turn the corner and the mummy will agro you. Pull him out and kill him. He is very easy to do. I'd say it takes 2 people to take him down, anything over that is really overkill - but the more the merrier.
Just a lil tip, but Glohnor does flee when low on health, and since he is not 'snareable', and since the area is crawling with mobs, it could get really ugly, fast! One suggestion is that since my Harm Touch did in fact land, I would suggest waiting to use your Harm Touch until the end of the battle, when Glohnor the Mummy begins to turn to flee....just to avoid him running your group into more adds.
Also, just so you know where he is, he is outside the fortress where the old High Scale kirn used to be at , before they revamped the Hole.....but remember, Glohnor IS outside, in the Graveyard
Ok, this takes some practice, but this guy is really easy. I tried earlier to solo him, only had self buffs, and I have pretty crappy gear, worse than Ssra level stuff. I was only able to get him to 30%. I came back later, just to see if the ghost was up, and found the mummy still standing there. So, I aggroed him, and starting running up towards the entrance. I used FD to clear aggro, but the mummy will stay where he was when you FDed. So, you run along, stop, wait for him to get in sight, FD. Wait for other mobs to leave. Stand up, aggro mummy, etc. Just dont' do damage or he'll start summoning you. I was able to use this method to get him up to the entrance, where I had a shammy meet me, and we then proceeded to kick it's ***. Piece of cake!