To find the PH. With a tracker, set the track sort to alpha. find and kill all the [a fire imp]. These will convert to [a fire drake]. When you have a list of fire drake, use a wizard with the staff of [flux] to pull all the [a fire drake]. When you have all the drake. blast away with an area spell. With a tracker, clean up the rest. Also, when you have killed all [a fire drake], [kill a crawler, basilisk, elemental] this is a place holder to aid in separating the 1 minute drakes from the 5 minute drake on the tracking window list.
Set your track sort to normal.
a few minutes will pass and the [kill a crawler, basilisk, elemental] should appear on the list. Then last mob you killed consider it, this will give you the time you have to wait for the 5 minute count down. I sometimes gave it 6. But the 5 minute should then pop up to the top of the track window.
When you have found the 5 minute PH. Stay with the 5 minute dead drake(s) and consider it for the next 5/6 minute count down. Flameclaw or the 5 minute ph [a fire drake] should appear keep on tracking, keep on killing.
yesterday while hunting Lesser nightmare and Tisella I had 6 mobs spawn while standing in one spot ….. when you zone in from NF zone .. run straight up till you hit the wall that runs from right to left … from there go right ..till you hit a little gap between the wall that runs right to left and the one that runs up and down ….loc is about +1200 / - 250 / -93 … what I did was kill everything on the side with snakes/ Lizards/ elemnts and anything else I could hit from there … which spawned WarBone Monk (3 times min.) and Warbone Spearman (7 times Min.) the more important part is kill everything that comes threw that gap ( I am not sure which is the place holder ) I Spawned Brognot 3 times .. and a lesser nightmare (1 time he popped near the burnt skellies .. i think he was heading toward my spot when i caught him)… and i also popped Flameclaw once ,,, ( he is the Fire Drakes that come threw the gap .. but when he spawned he headed out toward the druid rings… ) ..anything that comes threw that gap either way is kill it .. Fire Drakes ,Lizards, Snakes , elements and even had a dust storm come threw ….leave Sir Leonel alone he is not part of the spawn cycle (every so often he would walk threw ) .. i got all of them to spawn in about 5 hours …..Tisella spawned today about 10 minutes (she spawned over by the Druid rings heading for my spot when i caught her )
I used a Druid to Track and a Pally with a bow to kill the mobs was easier and faster recast time .. plus it made it easy to kepp track of how many mobs i killed ( Around 850 plus in the 5 hours)
Its PH is always "a fire drake" roamer that has 5 mins repop. Other drakes mobs in the area which are not PHs has 1 min repop.
It roams in a square area in the SW part of the zone, from Druid ring to Ruathey to Talya Darkfall to Darglandoro Zandar and into the lava as I marked in the map.
Wooot! First Post!! No, seriously, where'd this guy come from all of a sudden? Found him by the Druid circle, whacked him and got the mask. Never seen him before! And the pisser is, I didn't take a picture, but he's nothing special, looks like a fire drake, a little tougher.
Flameclaw is a golden color, whereas the other fire drakes are reddish. He only dropped the Hollowed Iron Mask for me... He does go back and forth past the Druid circle towards the trading camp.
----- Henrian Illinoid - 80th Level Half Elf 4000AAs/Epic 1.5 Ranger of Tunare - The Rathe
I started to see it after the revamp while doing the picks quest. Kill enough fire drakes and it spawns. Only got it to drop the mask though, the cape must be a rare drop.