Killed him last night with my 62 Nec. The key is not snare, but Spirit of Shackle. Spell slows attack speed but not movement speed. Most important spell to a Necro in this zone by far. Used 61 pet to tank....<yawn>
65 necro here just solo'd him and dropped the token. Absolutely cake with a dc pet and undead slow. all the mobs in the room are singleable, and i just used slow to pull them.
Pull the guy directly to the right of door. After he's dead, pull the guy to the left, by another door. If you dont have a pacifier, walk to the far wall (in the corner) and pull the animist or Feral Lord. When hes dead you can pull the final guy, to the far right.
The room on the far wall has 2 pops, and needs a pacify to single pull.
The room to the left has about 8 guys, most single-able
Did this camp with 58 SK, 55 ranger, 57 paladin, very easy, maybe 1 heal a fight on SK
Didn't even need malo, slow stuck almost 100% of the time
There is no set spawn time for him, you just have to keep killing the PH over and over. I have had him spawn 3 times in a row then I have had him not spawn for 10 mobs or so in a row.
* zone in head to courtyard and invis * head up the ramp (to your left if you are in courtyard) * drop invis put up IVU (Invis to Undead) * If you are on ramp facing into builing you want to take a LEFT. I never have gone straight. I think it's just a few cells. Head through rooms and down the stairs (only 1 direction you can go if you took the LEFT).
* if you see the Duke (hes PH for Lord Sasil ) you can camp this spot at bottom of his stairs.
* with a Dire Charmed Crusader you can solo the Duke and Lord Sasil as well as anything in the area. Looted Shiny Pantaloons and Ring of the Lost Soul
* If no one calls Animist or Feral Lord (same camp) move to the water hole at end of hall. Drop into water (10 to 20 second swim) its basically straight but hug right at first intersection. Come up into room with a bath to your left and 1 mob opposite from you.
* You are now in the camp spot for Animist who is the PH for the Feral Lord. He spawns in next room over. I used Pacify to keep adds down and solo'd the whole area. Killed named twice. The Kylong Shinguards dropped twice (day before they dropped too they might be common for him).
* Pacify Invis InvisUndead all make for an easy camp.
Easy to keep mana up with Mana taps. Crusader DC with haste can easily kick the crap out of any other mob
I know this is a hard answer to quantify but what other lv chars and classes would a reasonably well equipped 60th lvl pally need to take this guy out ?
55 Shamy and 55 Paly took him down to day very much no problem. Pacified everything else in the room then fired one on him which he resisted, makeing up our minds for us on the pull order. Granted we are on FV and a bit ubah geared. Between our buffs I (the paly of this duo) took on the fight rolling with 4200 HP and 1302 AC.
We have camped this guy before and Twice has been the legs? and the other post has been legs as well? Just wondering if that he drops anything else besides the legs
Today was my first chance to fight in the new zone and we were lucky enough to come across this mob.He dropped the Shinguards =) We have been at this camp for over an hour and only saw the Feral Lord once. He might have been pulled to another camp. We think that an Animist is the PH for him. A good place to pull him and other mobs to is /loc {-50, 560}