You say, 'Hail, Dru Razbind'
Dru Razbind says, 'Greetings, my friend. What brings you so far from the trodden path? I hope you do not plan on stealing my [fishing spot].'
You say, 'fishing spot'
Dru Razbind says, 'I need this spot! I fish to feed my growling tummy. I can no longer [venture into Kaladim] and eat in its fine taverns.'
You say, 'venture into Kaladim'
Dru Razbind says, 'I have been disgraced! I used to be a respected paladin of the Church of Underfoot until I failed to complete a very [important task] for Lord Datur Nightseer. He stripped me of my Cape of Underfoot. I cannot walk the halls of Kaladim without my cape.'
You say, 'important task'
Dru Razbind says, 'I was ordered by Lord Nightseer to carry the [Chalice of Conquest] to a noble band of paladins in the mountains of Rathe. While there, the entire camp was overtaken by a band of orcs. During the battle there was a [strange occurrence].'
You say, 'strange occurrence'
Dru Razbind says, 'A large fray raged. Brave, valiant paladins fought vile, green-skinned orcs and while this happened, I spied the [Chalice of Conquest] being taken away from the camp. I was then distracted by a well placed orcish blade. After I defeated the orcs in my way, I turned to see a blue orc running toward the horizon. I gave chase to no avail. I lost the chalice and all respect. If only a [noble Paladin of Underfoot] would assist me...'
This leads to the Chalice of Conquest paladin quest.