You can give the tokens to to wayfarer people in the camp outside the tunnels in Lava. The two non-quest giving npcs by bithral and Elanye. This is the only way I have been able to hand tokens in and you do get faction hits according to the token given.
Been nice if they had some of these EVERYBODY could solo for faction. I have a 66 monk and so far about every faction task (even the supposed solo ones) seem to be undoable without a group. Would like to get my good factino up but I can never find a group to kill guards, all I can ever get is "CREATOR" groups. I have also tried sneaking to turn in my norrath keepers token but they still tell me I am not high enough faction to turn it in.
The skeleton models are undead, partially slowable by Shackle of Spirit. Soloable by a 68 necro. Max hit I've seen is 471. Tons of hp, not much in the way of resists.