Gwidre~113 Ashenhand of Quellious, Bunny Minion of Iratus Lepus, Xegony Server; Shawlweaver Trideni~108 Spiritwalker of The Tribunal; Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt Phedraa~105 Primal Elementalist of Rodcet Nife, Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt Athelu~108 Farwarden of Tunare, Shawlweaver Aspirant, Bunny Alt Lisselle~106 Enchantress of Veeshan, Bunny Alt Macey~106 Druidess of Tunare, Bunny Alt Trilenol~110 Cleric of Brell, Bunny Alt Zellanna~96 Grand Occultist of Bertoxxulous, Bunny Alt