I wandered into the zone to the location posted in the NPC info section above and within about 10 minutes, he spawned. This was 2 AM EQ time. I could not find Anehan Treol, so perhaps someone already killed him allowing Behroe to spawn for me.
I have been trying for 2 real life days to get this guy to spawn so I can get a Convoluted Assistant Appearance Augmentater. I have tried to wait for Anehan Treol to despawn and have Benroe spawn on his own for 3 EQ days. I have tried to do the quest https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=501 at 10AM, 10PM, 2AM, 2PM, 11AM, 11PM and then wait to see who will spawn next. It has always been Anehan. I have googled everything i can about Benroe and they all say different things. I have tried all the ways that I have found. Can someone please tell me the "exact" way to get him to spawn. This is very frustrating... Thanks
I have been trying for 2 real life days to get this guy to spawn so I can get a Convoluted Assistant Appearance Augmentater. I have tried to wait for Anehan Treol to despawn and have Benroe spawn on his own for 3 EQ days. I have tried to do the quest https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=501 at 10AM, 10PM, 2AM, 2PM, 11AM, 11PM and then wait to see who will spawn next. It has always been Anehan. I have googled everything i can about Benroe and they all say different things. I have tried all the ways that I have found. Can someone please tell me the "exact" way to get him to spawn. This is very frustrating... Thanks
You can try to kill Anehan Treol and see who spawns next if you don't mind the faction hit.
He just spawned at 10 AM game-time, and at /loc 108, -118 at the gateway from the main dock & Mermaid's Lure building leading into the tented area in front of the Lion's Mane Inn
I don't think that 10AM is predictable. I spent a couple hours in here today waiting for him to spawn and he didn't he spawn at 10 AM. What I did notice is that I could confirm that he does seem to "share the spawn" with Anehan Treol and that Anehan Treol seems to be up more than Behroe (at least today). What happened for me was that Anehan was up for extended periods of time (nearly a whole in game day) and he'd despawn for a few minutes. He respawned three times this way and it was only on the fourth daily cycle that I saw Behroe. He also spawned at -195, -133 today. Outside Port Authority in the gateway leading towards Voleens Fine Baked Goods. He can probably spawn anywhere on a path he might wander.
Edit: Just for giggles I stopped by South Qeynos again today to see what I could see and today...he does share the spawn with Anehan, they path back and forth between -195, -133 (the spot behind the Port Authority Building) and 118, -116 (the spot outside Lion's Mane Inn, in the tented area) and they path the "back way" between those spots. He despawned at 6 AM and Anehan respawned at 8 AM. Interestingly though, he was up for more than an EQ day. Anehan despawned at 7pm the next EQ day and Behroe respawned at 9pm.
Edited, Dec 27th 2013 12:28pm by Kynsh
Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife
I know originally Anehan Treol and Behroe Dlexon were on the same spawn. One was up during the game day, would despawn and the next gamehour the other would respawn for the game night. But I just zoned in found Anehan up, sat and waited the full time for him to despawn which he did, then instead of Behroe spawning Anehan respawned. Did they change it so that Behroe is rare now?