I dont want to sound like a newbie because I am not, but I am to places like this. What do they mean like forbidden area? Like even if you have good faction are you KoS past this guy? And when he tells you everywhere past him is retricted if you try to pass him will he KoS you? Just wondering
hunted there a few times. Being a shaman sucks in here. hehe
You begin to cast Malo. You will not evade me Astonyx! bash pow crush bash Complete heal You begin to cast Targars insects. You have been summoned. Bash pow crush bonk crush Loading Please Wait.....
That was my first time in NToV. Ever since then, its been fun. good loot.
The entrance area (South wing) is safe for Non KoS CoV folks.
The Hub (Where all wings meet and where this guy is) is safe for Non KoS CoV folks.
The East wing or Halls of Testing is KoS to everyone but has no faction hits. This is where you get pieces for Skyshrine armor quest and ToV inzone quests.
The West wing is safe for Non KoS CoV folks. There are 3 dragons back here that give the in zone quests.
The North wing (Sacred or Frobidden area as it is called) is KoS to all. Killing in there gives negative CoV and Guardians of Veeshan faction hits. This guy guards the entrance to the North wing and warns people of it's deadly nature.
There is actually a verry nice veil that bears the same name as this guy. not sure if its a quest item or rare drop but is listed on casters realm as coming from this zone.