This guy is 1 groupable if you have the right setup
Just did this on Aradune in era with a full group. (70 - WAR (90% BiS in era, Max AAs), MNK (BiS in era, Max AAs), CLR (Time/Gates geared, Almost Max AAs), SHM (~15AAs), WIZ (70 AAs), and BRD (Time/Gates geared, Almost Max AAs).
1 - Position Tank south of him and tank/melee him facing north. 2 - Have Monk start event. 3 - Pop Warlords Tenacity + Epic 1.5/2.0 + Furious + HoTs from Cleric + Vie (Warrior HP should be over 20k, I have 22khp+ in this state) 4 - All damage in group go FULL Burn. 5 - Move into defensive on Warrior (Keep HoTs running from Cleric) 5a - adds dont spawn all at once, so just throw bellow and cry on the first time 6 - When the remaining Adds spawn AE Taunt on Warrior immediately and then rampage (This is when you'll take the most damage) 7 - If Warrior gets low on health, use Divine Arb only + celestial regen + exquisite benediction + pots
I did not have to directly heal my Warrior and he should drop fairly quick if everyone is going full disc burn. (30 second fight for the above group including aggro'd Adds).
Just soloed. Level 75 monk with fabled earthen fist and wolfclaws... rest is mostly elegant and mixed drops. I have 10khp unbuffed and 2k ac. Had DS pot, haste pot, celestial elixir pot, and cleric merc. Did this with only cleric merc buffs.
Started fighting on south side, mob back turned towards entrance/wall. Burnt speed disc, impenetrable disc, inner flame disc, ashen hand disc, then just kept up impenetrable when it popped. At around 40% I was running low on endurance so I FD'd and merc got summoned. Merc would get summoned and run out while I popped moment of clarity, then clawstriker's the aggro back and maintained this until merc died at 6%. I got lucky and procced 2 pets, I popped potion (as well as potions throughout the entire fight) and FD'd. Pets took aggro and I regened a little bit. Hit impenetrable again and tanked him the last 3-4%.
I have crap gear and 60aa's... not necessarily difficult fight.
anybody knows the respawn time for this ****......all responces are avoiding this question......anyone plz i am asuming since he is "raid moob" is at least 72 hrs am i correct?>>>>>.when really this moob is solo by a monk...a good monk..
Two-boxed it tonight with a 77 monk, 70 cleric, self-buffed, smattering of AAs. Cleric mostly just kept Mark of the Blameless going and CHealed occasionally. Fight took 22 minutes, but that's partly because I forgot get a DS at the start (and I have a lot of +DS gear but it only applies if I have a DS buff). Fortunately I was able to back away long enough between summonings to quaff a potion.
Various adds popped directly on top of each other, so it was hard to tell when more showed up or what they were called. I stayed south of Kragsmash throughout the fight and they never aggroed.
The cleric occasionally took some damage from his AE Rampage, but it never disrupted a heal.
Well, my friend and i did him only a few hrs ago. The adds spawned "where they should" - N of Kragsmash, halfway between him and the wall. (so, well out of agro range)
Group was 13kWAR+10kmana CLR+8kMAG+8.5kMNK. WAR+CLR+MAG were boxed. No Problem whatsoever, as the other posts said.
Could loot the mind + chest without any problems too, unlike an eariler poster said.
3 Boxed him with 75 Sham, 74 Monk, and 73 Druid. Slowed after agro, dots and HoT from shammy, while druid did some fill in heals and dots. Was rather easy.
Monk was 14.6k with 2kish ac, shammy 8kish mana, druid 7kish mana.
Just wiped 2x with a full group of Anguish-ish geared people.. because we were spread around him. We finally just stayed south, no adds, and killed him in 30 seconds. No push either, 4 melee pushing north and he didnt budge. Could do it with a group no matter what geared if you STAY SOUTH!!!
Just did this with one group the other day. With vet aa going, I didnt even need much healing if at all. at 3k ac, highest hit I saw was 1k. Lots of 200-500ish. A few pets on the hill side, a couple of us hitting from the side with the 2 quest npc's. The adds left up from someone else's previous attempts never agro'd. They were at Krag's back.
Edited, Sun Jun 4 21:16:10 2006
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr Dark Elf Shadow Knight Drinal (Tarew) Retired after 500 days /played Deleted Remade Retired again
Easy enough First and foremost . ADDS dont despawn if you dont kill them . so if you walk in and see adds up . they are stacked so tight you may not notice there could be 10 of them . so avoiding the adds alltogether is the easiest course.
No pets no DPS via weapons unless you plan on dealing with the adds.
Post your tank on the side of krag between him and the wall have him pushing the mob straight at the stone pillar.
Everyone else just range / cast . nothing with a stun or push on it . even though he's perma rooted he will slide just enough to agro the adds < hence no pets .. they push too much >
He's got junk for hitpoints and even with a ranged fight it takes no time / effort to get it done.
If you do agro the adds they leash to him . so have everyone run out of the stone arch . everythign will leash . and go right back in and finish it.
He is permarooted so no need to worry about push. Best to have everyone fight from the south side facing north since he will not move. That will give you the max distance from the adds and makes this a trival fight for a decent group.
Just did him and he didn't move at all. Had about 10 people, 2 Clerics, 2 Warriors, 1 Paladin, Monk, Wizard, Ranger, Beastlord, and Shaman, all 70. All Time+ geared, not sure about Shaman though. Clerics, Ranger, Shaman, and Wizard stayed back on South/South East side, the rest engaged Kragsmash from the front, us facing North, him facing South. Didn't have the adds aggro at all, with 2 Warriors, Beastlord and pet, Paladin, and Monk all pushing in the same direction.
Had huge overkill on him, he dropped pretty quickly, spawning his adds seemingly every 30 seconds. Probably off, but was darn quick either way.
I three boxed him last night, lvl 70 monk 10.5k hps buffed with lvl 70 shammy and lvl 67 druid. Got a little too close a few times (exceptional heal for the win). He has 650k hps, took a little over 30 minutes. Stay on SE side to avoid agroing adds. Shammy cast HoT and patched while druid cast Karana's Renewal at 60% health. Krag can hit for more than 1100 and does rampage, although rampage range is small.
Not too hard of a fight, had a good tank 13k buffed. Only worry is the adds which can be taken care of easily. They are on a leash to Kragsmash. So just have all healers and casters stay far back enough to stay out of their range. Recommend using range heals such as pious light and such. Adds are not mezzable, they are rootable.
one grouped Kragsmash today. I three boxed my 70 monk 11077hps buffed full defensive aa's my 70 cleric 7k hp buffed 6800 mana buffed only like 50 aa and my 70 shammy 7k hp buffed and 7kmana buffed guild friend beastlord and his boxed druid and a 12.5k pally 2500 ac buffed. Was a long fight 7-10 min but wasn't very difficult. Got kragsmash agroed backed off shammy debuffed slowed and crippled then all engaged druid landed every dot even lvl 40 dots and was two dotting with shammy cleric healed with over time/ch and shammy patch healed. Casters stayed on se side on hill and melle was also on se side of kragsmash to avoid adds. Looted chest with adds up no problem. Most hits from kragsmash was 400-800 some around 1000-1100. No one in group ever got hit with single target dot. Did not enrage. Does regenerate not much though. HAve fun killing him monks!
Atempted to Duo today on Stromm. Monk with full defensive aa and shammy Seems very doable but was only shammy buffed on monk going to make antoher atempt at it tonight
One grouped him today without the MT (70 warrior) even getting below 50% hp. Had the MT on the south of Krag, the monk and SK on the north east side of Krag (adds were up so I tested agro range), and the casters were on the hill to the south east. Had no issues with slowing. Krag seemed to be easier then a MPG mob, but with more HP. The rampage didn't hit any other melee. We also didn't have to kill the adds to loot the chest.
First set up anyone that is going to mele him on his south side max mele range. He is rooted and will not move so we had the chanter just debuff and slow him right after the text to start the fight and before the tank moved in. If everyone stays on his south side you have a good chance of not argo the spawns at 75,50 and 25% . Have someone that can snare root if you get the adds just snare-root kite them around. Depending on level and equipment its a group or little more mob. Loot chest spawns after fight and wouldnt let us open till we took care of the adds. Been told that you can just run all out of range and the pets will despawn shortly after but we just ended up killing them 1 at a time with the ranger and druid haveing done great job of snare-root argo kite.
75 Monk that con'd indifferent to a Wood Elf Druid. When hailed, he replies "Get out of my face. I have no time for you." He's on a rock at neg 475 neg 1200.