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Posts: 1
Lvl 35 ShadowKnight and making steady progress. Born in August 1999, i have not played for well over a year. Just got back into the swing of things and have all expansions. I've been in a few guilds, most of the guilds i've been in have split except maybe a couple. Have various other characters nearly in their twenties but have always favoured my ShadowKnight. I'm an occupant of the Rodcet Nife server. As befits a woman, i love to shop and floundered a lot of plat that i got off killing Hill Giants. Bought three different 2h swords, new and better armour and other paraphenalia for my other chars. Been in very few guild raids due to the time difference between England and America, so was not able to join up with comrades for battle. I hope to gain lvl 40 very soon, only then will i feel a sense of achievment. Fave weapon was my Dark Reaver. I now use the Blade of Xalgoz. Always looking to improve however and have read through this site for more suitable armour that befits my SK and also an excellent two handed sword.