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“Deep within the forests of Greater Faydwer a wood elf with a kind heart was born, as seasons passed the young lad known as Corbyn grew up and settled into his life with much ease. He lived well among the trees in the Greater Fay and had opened a small bowing shop. Eventually Corbyn met the woman of his dreams (her name known only by Corbyn) and they were to be wed, his life was complete. But tragedy struck one day as bandits murdered his beloved as she returned from an errand Corbyn had sent her on. For many seasons Corbyn mourned, his business slowly began to fail. Swearing off all that surrounded him Corbyn left everything behind, in hopes of forgetting the pain that tore at his heart and soul. Enraged Corbyn silently entered the bandit’s camp one night and lay his wrath upon the bandits, avenging the death of his love. Corbyn was ruthless in his vengeance, slaughtering every bandit he could find, each time reminding him of the love he once knew and lost. As he lay in the blood of his victims Corbyn swore that he would protect the innocent using the skills of an assassin. He left his home in search of furthering his training, to learn the ways of the rogue in hopes of becoming a master of his trade someday. Not much else is known of Corbyn. He hides his true racial identity with a simple illusion, rarely showing his true face and the pain that it bares…thus begins the epic tale of Corbyn San`Drax rogue by trade, assassin by heart…” …From the journal of an unknown historian…