FFXIV Poll Raises Questions

The Player's Poll shows developers are listening, but do they know what to do?

In the days leading up to New Year’s Eve, we learned new information about Final Fantasy XIV would hit the Lodestone Web site on New Year’s Day.

We were hoping for answers, but all we got were more questions – literally.

Players who checked The Lodestone on New Year’s Day found the Final Fantasy XIV Player’s Poll. The online survey asks players about their previous gaming experiences, their favorite pastimes in Eorzea and which updates they would like to see happen first. Posted along with the survey was a greeting from FFXIV producer Naoki Yoshida.

Reaction to the survey has been mixed, and for good reason. On one hand, continued communication from the development team is a great thing. In fact, communication is the one thing Square Enix can do right now to make the FFXIV experience remarkable. On the other hand, I would feel better knowing the development team was working around the clock toward accomplishing a clear set of goals – and how can that be happening if the development team is asking us for directions?

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Then there’s the opening of the third paragraph of Yoshida’s Lodestone post, which states: “As part of the new direction promised, we here on the development and management teams have adopted four new keywords for Final Fantasy XIV: fun, live, reboot and rebuild.” Then, the last question of the Player’s Poll asks whether players would accept changes that “drastically alter the way we know Eorzea.”

Is that cryptic, or is that cryptic?

When anticipating the New Year’s Day Lodestone post, I was hoping for another outline of upcoming updates for Final Fantasy XIV. I wanted to find out when new quests would be coming, and whether we would get any new events, battlefields or other features during the next few months. More than anything, I was hoping for confirmation that updates would come faster and sooner than originally planned.

All of those things were included in the Player’s Poll, but with absolutely no indication of when to expect anything – and with a vague hint that everything might change.

Also unclear is whether Square Enix plans to blindly follow the will of Lodestone users. The lack of an auction house in FFXIV has been the source of numerous online debates; I dedicated an entire editorial as to why an auction house should be implemented. Really though, implementing an auction house shouldn’t take precedence over adding content to the game. But if enough irate gamers checked the auction house box on their surveys, does that mean it could be another several months before there are more things to do in game? Will the development team be wise enough to take the Player’s Poll results with a huge grain of salt?

The Player’s Poll proves the development team is aware of the task at hand. If each issue on the poll is addressed in a timely manner, then this game can still be great. I also appreciate the casual tone of Yoshida’s message. However, I certainly hope this poll is followed by actual information. What is the development team’s plan for FFXIV? How does this survey fit into that?

And what is all this talk of “reboot and rebuild”? That doesn’t exactly encourage me to log in and spend hours a week playing. If there’s one thing that can deter me from playing, it’s the threat that everything I’ve accomplished in game could be negated by a version update. Everyone who has played this game since launch deserves to know the extent of a possible FFXIV reboot.

That said, I marked on my survey that I would welcome dramatic changes to the game. It’s not that I’m unhappy with the game in its current state. In fact, I’m quite happy with the gameplay and user interface. We must remember though that FFXIV was recently given a new development team, and this new team should have the freedom to take this game in the direction it sees fit. If that means making some wholesale changes to crafting, the battle system or anything else in the game, then now’s the time to do it, while we’re all still playing for free.

To say this game got off to a bad start is an understatement, but the November and December updates left me feeling confident about where FFXIV is heading. The development team was upfront about upcoming changes to the game, and then developers delivered on those promises. That, perhaps more than the updates, told players that Eorzea was here to stay.

Now, though, I can’t help but feel there are more questions than answers.


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what i want
# Jan 20 2011 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
player house
new classes Bard Summoner Dragoon ect
add some more mobs for low lvls for the love of god im so sick of killing rats
kill that dumb leve system and fire the person that thought it was a good idea to only give us 8 quest every 36 hrs
solid classes dont want to craft dont, want to harvest, and dont want to lvl 8 classes cuz class A needs skills class B has cant make it happen well maybe http://www.riftgame.com/en/ will give us what we want
AH is priority #1
# Jan 16 2011 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
"Really though, implementing an auction house shouldn’t take precedence over adding content to the game."

I strongly disagree. When I see "AH implemented" I will be back to give the game another chance. I check in with this site every so often to see if this has happened yet. This is by far the number 1 issue with this game. Getting even basic equipment progression is so annoying, when it should be streamlined and quick (the actual transaction, not necessarily getting the gil mind you). I would happily be playing this if it had a FFXI style AH. I don't care if the content is lacking, because I will never get far enough to notice if I have to deal with a glorified Rolanberry mall for half of my limited play time.
Where is the fun ...?
# Jan 12 2011 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone found that FFXIV looks way to much like Monster Hunter ?
What if they tried to do a MH/FF grand scale, sicne MH Portable 2 is the #1 selling video game of all time in Japan ?
If you played both you know its 90% like MH main/basic system.

Where is the fun doing same leve quests each 36hrs for 5 diff classes ?
Where is the fun killing NM that drop craft mats ?
Where is the fun playing a MMO alone ?
Where is the fun fighting same easy monster 50 lvls since its the weakest ?
Where is the fun having fixed every 5 lvls missions ?
Where is the fun needing repair every 1-2Hrs of grind ?
Where is the fun buying 2-3 same item so you can grind 2Hrs + w/o needing repair ?
Where is the fun being forced to be a crafter ?
Where is the fun shopping 40 minutes ?
Where is the fun setting items in bazzar/repair 10 minutes ?
Where is the fun grinding 500+ monsters per lvl ?

In every FF we learn that friendship can conquer all! Thats what i want!
SE, Please Read, This Is What Needs To Be Done!
# Jan 12 2011 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
I, as most other residents within Eorzea have started my adventure on this game along with some real life friends, who together during the closed beta testing stages, and It's first announcement at E3 last year have anticipated this game greatly. Many people in fact, have probably done the same thing I did...go out and buy an entirely brand new computer, just for the sole purpose of being able to play this game from day one. However, as sad as it is for me to say, of my group of four, i remain the only person who actually enjoys this game in it's current state. I Honestly don't have much of a problem with the game, i really do enjoy it in fact. Of course however i see room for major improvement...and while i do not know if this post would ever reach the eyes of any of FFXIV's developers, I can only hope it does reach someone with the power to make changes to the game. I may not be able to speak for 100% of Eorzea's fanbase but i'm pretty sure i speak for at least 80% of them.

First and foremost, I, along with probably everyone else who responded to the lodestone poll, checked the "yes" box with asked if we'd welcome drastic changes to the game. I welcome these changes, wholeheartedly and with an open mind. The thought of the game dramatically changing actually makes me excited. So long as our current progress doesn't get erased in the process. So people are actually fine with that, however there are those like me who did not just pay the retail price on the pc version, but who actually went out and purchased brand new pc's just to play this game. Yes this game at the moment has no monthly fee...but for people like me, I've already spend enough money on this game to pay for about 3 years of online service. "Reboot" means only one thing in my mind...and for the hardcore fans like me who went through great lengths to support the Final Fantasy name, deleting the progress of those who have played loyally, even during Eorzea's darkest times, those of us who have already capped out some of our job classes...deleting what we've accomplished thus far, for the sake of changing the game would truly be unfair. I can promise, no matter how much the game improves by then...FFXIV's population will decrease dramatically. Moving on, i'll just list what i believe us fans would love to see in FFXIV sooner than later.

1. New Content, such as new areas to explore. This game has a beautiful world, yet we've only been able to experience a fraction of it. We want new dungeons and cities, we want to see Ala Mhigo and Ishgard already.

2. Player Search / add / boot feature, this is one of those features that truly leaves me scratching my head every time i think about why it wasn't added from launch day. We Shouldn't have to travel across the game world to invite or even boot a person from our linkshells. We shouldn't have linkshells of 100 plus people and only 10 of them ever being on at one time...and not being able to remove the dead weight of those who have already quit the game or have moved on to another linkshell.
Allow us to "search" for our friends, so that we know how close they are to meeting us when we're waiting to gather for an event, so we know when they're in the same zone as us so that we can
"Invite" them, without actually having to stand in front of them. Or if that person has stepped away from the game for a while or has fallen asleep while playing, allow us to "boot" that player without having to run from one end of the zone to the other where they decided to go "afk" or fall asleep at.
Linkshell leaders should have the freedom to add and remove people from they're group at any time, without having to locate them throughout a game world that has no player search feature. Small features like that make the game more user friendly and convenient.

3. Auction House OR Improved Wards, I'll be honest. I don't dislike the wards, i understand where the developers wanted to go when they came up with the concept of wards over auction houses. A free economy vs a controlled one. That's what it comes down to when you compare the two. At first, the wards were a mess. However now, after a few updates, we now have wards sorted by item types and an item search feature. Personally I like the fact that if I want an item, I have to go out of my way to search for it. Not only that but, if I find someone over pricing it, i have the freedom to just go find it elsewhere. With Auction Houses that freedom doesn't exist. Everything has a set price, one person creates a brand new tunic that no one has seen before, with stats not even superior to your current tunic, which is 10 below the newly created tunic...but this person has the power to list that new tunic in the auction house for 5 million gil, why, 'cause he said so! Then you have someone who's currently packing a huge amount of gil because that person spends every waking moment logged on the game doing leves. That person wants a new tunic, browses the AH sees this new tunic he/she's never seen before and doesn't realize that it's really not that valuable, however since at the moment he/she has the gil, decides to buy it. That then, becomes the standard price for that tunic. Kinda sucks, no? That being said i'm still not against the auction house. However, all the needs to be done to improve the wards is "restrict" players from placing items that do not belong in other wards in those wards. If a cotton boll is supposed to be found in the Clothier's Ward, then make it so it cannot be placed anywhere other than the Clothier Ward.

4. Transportation, Stables and Landing Zones have been a part of XIV since day one, but almost a full 5 months later we still can't ride chocobo's or airships. However with the use of Anima teleporting from camp to camp, city to city is very convenient. In terms of transportation, the airships really don't seem to have much of a purpose to them. Chocobo's on the other hand, still hold great purpose. La Noscea, Thanalan, The Black Shroud, and Coerthias are some huge zones and when your anima is in it's single digits, the run from one camp to another is not very fun, that is, unless it's on top of a chocobo! Now from what I've gathered, the development team was concocting some new ideas for our beloved giant chickens. My suggestions; 1. Mounted Battling, 2. Remaining mounted while working on field crafts such as Miner, Botanist etc. As for airships, that brings me to my next topic.

5. Companies, not too long ago on the lodestone, i read about a feature slated for an early 2011 release, called companies. I may have misunderstood, but what i gathered from the article was in short "linkshell hideouts" using building and airships. Maybe I was delusional at the time, but if I was, how awesome would that be. Think of it as a Mog House from XI, except an entire airship or building located in town that only your linkshell members would be allowed to enter. Give it some sims treatment, allow us to decorate our base with furniture, special items gained through events, or how about even allowing us to use our own screenshots from the game and place them in picture frames that you can place anywhere in our base. Allow us to purchase licenses to use crafting facilities in our base, that way linkshell craft heads can all be gathered together while crafting without having to travel to a specific city to use the proper facilities. Allow us to use an entire airship as a base, (purchase airship, plan travel route, airship moves on autopilot from zone to zone to pick up any members from that linkshell for free) good idea for airships, no? Those are just some of the examples i can come up with for that idea. Good folks at Square Enix, if this was your original intent, please by all means follow through with this idea as it is a great one.

6. More Quests, more main scenario, craft, and just other random quests in general. FFXIV really lacks quest. One story line quest every 4-5 levels, craft quests every 4-10 levels...with a level cap of 50, doesn't make for much story telling. More quests, that's all on this topic, more quests and with that comes...

7. Increased Level Cap, the game has almost been out now for half a year, and many players have already reached the games current level 50 cap on multiple jobs. While an MMO is still in it's infant stages and there are no end game events, expansions, super NM's around to kill, all most players have going for them are either quests, crafting and leveling up battle classes. Now with a lack of quests, and a level cap that most people have already reached, that leaves those high level people with nothing to do, and nothing to show for all their hard work. Which in time results in a lack of interest in the game, easy and fast solution (being as end game won't be around for quite a while) increase the level cap, keep your players busy. Also, what else keeps your players busy?

8. New Job Classes, even if it's in small portions, 1 new job class every 2-3 months, something new. With this i can only recommend the fan favorites I'm positive people want to see in the game. Now most people just want one solid job, such as a ninja, just having ninja abilities, I on the other hand and I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way i do, appreciate how SE tried to be different with XIV and experimented with new job types. To me it feels like SE just took a handful of job classes from XI and fused them together; Conjurer = White Mage, Black Mage, Thaumaturge = a crossover of dark knight and red mage, so on and so forth. I appreciate not just slapping the same old jobs on a new game. So let's continue slapping these jobs together and coming up with new things eh? Summoner, Ninja, Samurai, Blue Mage, Fencer, Beastmaster, just to name a few of the fan favorites. Delve into some of the tactics games from the GBA and DS they had a nice selection of innovative job class, Also Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light on the DS has a bunch of really awesome looking job classes. Give us some of those things.

9. More Mobs/NM's - last but not least, with new areas comes new mobs and nm's right? A HUGE pass time in most MMO's is running out there and hunting insanely strong beasts that without the proper strategies and job classes would get pummeled in seconds. Yes, you've already given us NM's, but....6? 3 leve types and 3 roaming, no, no, no that won't cut it. Even if it's something small and relatively harmless like Jaggedy Eared Jack, we want 'em. NM's don't always have to be Absolute Virtue status and drop god like gear and items. Even the small nm's make a world of difference, but a large increase of nm's is absolutely essential in raising FFXIV's fun factor.

Last Words, (Like I haven't already said enough) I played Final Fantasy XI for over 6 years, and i loved every bit of it. However, time moves forward, and with time comes CHANGE. When i quit XI, i didn't leave because i was tired of the game or had nothing left to do on it anymore. I left because it was time to move on to the next game, 6 years is a long time to dedicate to something, it was just time for something NEW. Alas, shortly after my departure from Vana'diel SE answered me with Final Fantasy XIV. With that they promised a new MMO experience. Though they're attempts haven't been 100% successful yet, I remain hopeful that they will address every issue i have listed above and i will continue to support them through it all. What would disappoint me, would be FFXIV drastically "changing" and transforming into Final Fantasy XI-2. Every complaint i see, every person i know who has already quit, all the people who left XI, came to XIV, and then went back to XI is all due to the fact that Final Fantasy XIV is nothing like Final Fantasy XI. You know what? I say good, 'cause XIV wasn't developed to be a clone of XI. I started playing XIV to experience something new, not an extension to XI with prettier graphics. Take it one day at a time, but try to address the issues listed above as soon as possible, as those issues are what will improve the game dramatically. This website is advertised along with a few others on the Lodestone. SE wants player feedback, well here's a chunk of it. If this post never reaches the eyes of any of the developers...at least i got to vent out a bit, and speak my mind on what i believe would make a good game a great game.

Seijelocke D. Luffyroth
Rabanastre Server
Logging Out...
I looove B#@%ch Slapping SE XD
# Jan 12 2011 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent

Maybe I am trolling...But I can't help loving to see SE get B%$@h Slapped!

I dunno why...it just gives me this thrill for some reason ROFL =P

I guess because I have been playing FFXI for many years..since 2004. And back then..SE OWNED you. THEY tell you how the game will be played. THEY will estimate how long it will take for you to achieve to fricken level 10 just so you can go to dunes and wait hours for a party invite. They would make level break quests insanely hard to do. And they cared less about how you felt about it. And because they knew they could get away with it.

They would say "Well, this is what we envision on how game will be played and this is how it will be." ROFL anyone remember when you would get like, 12-15 exp. points for an easy prey in the lower levels before you reach level 10?

Then sloooooowly over the years..SE decided to listen to their customers. The game got better. More improvements were made. Before you know it, everyone had 3-6 level 75 jobs. (Now its like level 90cap I think? lol) I guess when "That other Game" came out, they decided to uhm...listen to what their customers were saying since they were paying SE to play and enjoy the game rofl.

Now I love FFXI. I actually really like FFXIV too. I know I may be ******** or whining, but that's because I actually really want this game to succeed. This is a really beautiful game. But it wasn't ready. It's still not ready. I want it to have that cool adventure feel for this game like I did with FFXI. I want to do really cool missions and quests and AF Gear missions with a group of really cool friends. I miss all that. FFXI had such amazing wonderful memories...and you can't compare that to any other MMRPG out there. But this game needs Life. And Adventure. I think SE can do it. I haven't lost faith in them yet. They did it before. They can do this again.

Come on SE. Grow and Live. Step outside your cubicle and show us what "Adventures" really means to us. You can doooooo it. ;)

Im just waiting...
# Jan 07 2011 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I play FFXI until they make this game more fun then the actual version.
I reply that post, but since alpha test they asked us lot of thing, but they never did a thing what we asked for. Lets prey this new team make this game better. I didn't post for a AH. Is true that a AH could make betetr the game, but as for my opinion help greatly RMTs. And reporting RMT doesn't help, that's what I learned. I reported many times RMT in Besaid but they was still there... for me the poll is just a lie. At last my opinion after have made so many feedback since alpha and beta test. But of course. Need to wait this new team. But wait.. wait.. wait..
Calm down
# Jan 07 2011 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
It's not just the people who check the Lodestone who are going to take a poll. Everyone who made an account (at one point) will get an email with a link to the poll. So thankfully it's not just the people who continue to pay attention to xiv that will take it. It shows to people who left that the dev team wants to know what it is you want put in first my understanding is that they plan to put all of it in (or most) but wouldn't be able to do it all at once without us waiting months for a patch. so they'll have to give it to us in chunks. they just want to know the order of things to do it. To make us happy.
My Opinion...
# Jan 06 2011 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts

Its not about hating the game! Its about knowing how ffx makes there games great. Its playing ffx games from exp ( years of playing ffx games ) I have a right to *****? Its called an opinion, not ******** btw.

Edited, Jan 6th 2011 8:53am by Miademar
My Opinion...
# Jan 06 2011 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
241 posts
I highly doubt they would force everyone to start over from scratch if said changes were made.

I for one welcome huge changes, because in it's current incarnation, me, and 5 of my friends can't be bothered to log on and play at all, and I want this to be the MMO for me, but it's going to take huge changes to make that happen, so I voted for it.
I don't really post on these...
# Jan 06 2011 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
Give me a chocobo(even some chocobos walking freely. I don't have to ride it), a few more jobs, some lower level NM, cooler looking gears for jobs, PvP, LSvLS, Castle v.s. Castle, maybe a race or two or atleast male and females of the ones there aren't any, better quest description, more NPCs selling higher gears(once economy is fixed), AH or anything a bit better than what we have now, MAYBE some more customizable features for characters(i've seen some of my twins already, MORE HAIRCUTS!), ability to pick an age. everyone almost looks the same age.
If SE gave me all of that for FFXIV I'd probably never leave my room and think it would be the best game ever.

As ffxiv is right now. I'm happy. I'm enjoying it. Its not just playable. Its entertaining. I think the people who are complaining are people who play video games like they are jobs. And if they don't have the proper equipment to do thier jobs they are upset.

Keep up the good work SE and development team.
Theres always room for adding & improving, how much room is there for everyones needs and wants though?

Just a game.
I don't really post on these...
# Jan 06 2011 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
And I have faith in ffxiv that if anything is changed rebooted restarted deleted it is for the best.
a trip to Treno....
# Jan 05 2011 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
200 posts
let me just state this, I'm an rabid FF Fan, I've owned all the numbered series games and have played Tactics till the disc grinded away. i am however Most curies as how one of the best franchises in the world has gone to ****** FF13 was just stupid if i wanted a grinding RPG i would play a Korean MMO. FF12 was good it had a tactics feel to it an i was familiar with the jobs and there strengths. FF11 lvl 75PLD,75BLM,75SAM then Alexander's population died and so to did my Character. My favorite Titles where (US&EU SNES releases) FF2 FF3 FF5(PS&PC) FF8-PC, FF9-PS, Never liked 7 it just didn't feel right. (PS2)FF10. 10-2 was a joke/Nightmare gone horribly wrong.


We need a true Auction House where bidding doesn't mean wining.

since i see alot of people whining about the market system give them something to make them cry to there Mamie's a real AH with people biding over you to obtain whatever it is they need. implemented a unique starting bid for every item, as a crafter i sure in the hell don't want some guys walking out with my Bronze labryes for 500gil so id start the price @ 10,000Gil.

if you think the market ward is going to stave off the RMT's wait till player to player mail system is implemented. besides RMT's need a place to lay there maggot larva and that place is you the player's. and as more an more player's become maggot infested carcasses more RMTs are born. if you care about your server economy don't buy your F**cking gil, and report your friends that do. its as easy as that.

a trip to Treno....
# Jan 11 2011 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
FelixValmont wrote:
let me just state this, I'm an rabid FF Fan, I've owned all the numbered series games and have played Tactics till the disc grinded away. i am however Most curies as how one of the best franchises in the world has gone to sh*te. FF13 was just stupid if i wanted a grinding RPG i would play a Korean MMO. FF12 was good it had a tactics feel to it an i was familiar with the jobs and there strengths. FF11 lvl 75PLD,75BLM,75SAM then Alexander's population died and so to did my Character. My favorite Titles where (US&EU SNES releases) FF2 FF3 FF5(PS&PC) FF8-PC, FF9-PS, Never liked 7 it just didn't feel right. (PS2)FF10. 10-2 was a joke/Nightmare gone horribly wrong.


We need a true Auction House where bidding doesn't mean wining.

since i see alot of people whining about the market system give them something to make them cry to there Mamie's a real AH with people biding over you to obtain whatever it is they need. implemented a unique starting bid for every item, as a crafter i sure in the hell don't want some guys walking out with my Bronze labryes for 500gil so id start the price @ 10,000Gil.

if you think the market ward is going to stave off the RMT's wait till player to player mail system is implemented. besides RMT's need a place to lay there maggot larva and that place is you the player's. and as more an more player's become maggot infested carcasses more RMTs are born. if you care about your server economy don't buy your F**cking gil, and report your friends that do. its as easy as that.

first off, it sounds like you just like a few of the FF seris, so i wouldnt call you a FF fan. (FFVII was without a doubt a groundbreaking game - but of cource your intitled to your opinion)(10-2 was terible your totaly right in my opinion ^^ )

but your idea for a new AH system i dont think your considering the implications of a econimy. it sucks when you get outbit, or when an item thats low level and just what you need end up costing 1,000,000 becouse its a good peace. but at the same time thats how econimy works.
someone sells something - it sells well.
someone els realises this - they sell it too.
the price rises.
more poeple see its selling for allot and quickly -
more poeple get it to sell it.
sellers lower there price to make theres sell first -
the price lowers.
its a good system. i like it and its exactly what this game needs.
not some prehistoric "serch - then go find" system like the wards.

things id like to see, in order that i want them.
an Auction House. a TRUE action house.
Lower lever NMs, True nm's not those 3 HNM rage sh+t they gave us.
Quests that have a story to them, or at least more of a "Quest" not the crappy shopping list of mobs they give us now.
an explanation on how they intend to add future class's like "thief" "Blue mage" "Red mage" and other clasics.
Content! like, BCNM's some sort of item leveling system. or maybe a NPC thats your to call onto the battlefield. something thats not a grind and not part of any ongoing story! just something do bloody do! maybe... "chocobo tracking" you have to use a tempory skill to track a moving chocobo (thats invisible) and when you find it, its digs you up a reward a random item! and you can get items that help you track the chocobo's. that'd be something.
+ it would remind people there playing a FF game, not just a medieval sim.
a Biestiary !! please!? it'l be easy to put in. just a list of names even. with a check box. so you can see what you'v killed before.
with all the NMs allso.
you could even make it into a content filler -
you speak with an npc, he gives you the biestiary. like a pokedex, you have to defeat these mobs to find out the info about them.
and he'l give you rewards are you progress threw the lists.
kill an NM he gives you some gill.
kill.. 20 different mobs. an rare ring. 50, another item ect ect.
it'l be fun, it'l give us something to do, and we can compete with eachother and brag about our ranks.
fun fun fun!

and anothing thing we want.
ITEMS that freely drop from NM's not craft matt's just items.
rare items. that tell people "look what i'v killed"

the changes to FF14
# Jan 05 2011 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
i myself are currentlly please with the interface and gameplay the only things I think they need to work on is the exp you get, crafting, and the repair guy having no AH means I WON'T GET A TELL EVERTY SEC FOR GIL FROM A RMT which I LOVE ALOT GO SE in that area the repair guys need to repair rings,earrings, and neck in other words if the repair guys repairs every item u wear than thats cool u still need to repair but atleast you dont need to run around looking for a goldsmith ^^ I am a very easy person to please infact with the current updates im still playing ff14 unforchantly people are VERY TOUGH CRIDTICS and with exp on FF11 SE should know what to do by now ;)
My Opinion...
# Jan 05 2011 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
When I read some of the comments here I think some people need to play a different game instead of ******** about a game quite aggressively. If u hate it so much just leave.
I think the core of ffxiv is great and what I expected from a 2nd Installment of FF Online. My Performance is good nowadays, while I'm not sporting some sort of "uber" rig. The Interface reacts perfect and I think most options arent too clumsy to navigate to. Crafting needs maybe some tweaking I guess(UI-wise).
Furthermore I don't understand the urge for an ah... it just supports RMT(u would whine when they destroy the economy) and doesn't help much else.. it's just a convenience tool but I think current system is quick and convenient enough < imo.
My biggest concerns regarding gameplay are: we need more meaningful and useful(exp wise) group content and a fixing of the targeting system. I think pting in ffxiv quite rocks. Devs need to support that.
Oh well and a tad more fancy spell animations plz .. thx.
I only have the best hopes for ffxiv.... i hope se reachs a profitable customerbase soon enough.

My Opinion...
# Jan 06 2011 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Illmind wrote:
When I read some of the comments here I think some people need to play a different game instead of ******** about a game quite aggressively. If u hate it so much just leave.
I think the core of ffxiv is great and what I expected from a 2nd Installment of FF Online. My Performance is good nowadays, while I'm not sporting some sort of "uber" rig. The Interface reacts perfect and I think most options arent too clumsy to navigate to. Crafting needs maybe some tweaking I guess(UI-wise).
Furthermore I don't understand the urge for an ah... it just supports RMT(u would whine when they destroy the economy) and doesn't help much else.. it's just a convenience tool but I think current system is quick and convenient enough < imo.
My biggest concerns regarding gameplay are: we need more meaningful and useful(exp wise) group content and a fixing of the targeting system. I think pting in ffxiv quite rocks. Devs need to support that.
Oh well and a tad more fancy spell animations plz .. thx.
I only have the best hopes for ffxiv.... i hope se reachs a profitable customerbase soon enough.


Utter rubbish if I may so. AH do not destroy the economy. In fact, RMTS sell there items for a lot less then the players do. They need to sell fast, so they can sell there gill for rl Money. Get your facts right m8!

Of course its convent! I don’t want to go shopping in 20 stores to get one ruddy item. If I know where to buy all items. I go to one shop. I even ask for discounts. Cut the crap when it comes to AH's being a rmt selling function, Its bull. Try Google to buy gill ect and U will find out for your self, what they sell there crappy gill for.

Hope SE some times Google these sites and ban them

AH are what players do to the economy wise. That’s my opinion. You have yours.

My Opinion...
# Jan 11 2011 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
And you need some reading comprehension, I'm going to quote Illmind: "I don't understand the urge for an ah... it just supports RMT(u would whine when THEY destroy the economy)". Nowhere it says that AH destroys economy, it does say RMTs do, people who BUY gil do also.

And you don't seem to understand the real effect of an AH, it grants easy acces precisely to sell items cheap and fast, new player base is screwed, the ammount of gil is astronomical, causing inflation, low lvl items costing 1m gil, among other effects. I've seen games like Aion, where AH/Broker was ******** up the economy a month or two since it's realease, do you honetly think that's ok?

Market Wards as they are now, work fine, it's something new, we all need to get used to something new but that takes time, they do make you work a little more as you character needs to go physically to buy, but seriously, people want everything handed to them since wow appeared, you do a fart emote there and get epic gear and that does not make you feel like you've accomplished anything, imo.
* sigh *
# Jan 05 2011 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
As an older gamer ( and my favorite game was always ffx ) So dont knock me for my opinion please.

First of this game should never, never, been released. ( in the state that it was ) I am real surprised that they did. ( I must have missed the Beta !!!! Where they never listened to the feed back. I can only blame them!

So now they have to try and build up ffx14. I know from playing All ffx games that they can do this. It will, I am sure be a great game.

When I brought my first ffx first ffx game it was for the snes.

Here is a link for you young ones :)

It just shows the history of the snes and ffx games.

I do have a life :) ( Believe it or not ) ^^ It was my first ever ffx game. I do have faith in ffx14 Being a smashing game.

I think it will rock, but they have to get with the times. Games have moved on. New and young players want more action, they want to be competitive, they want the best gear ect Player housing ( Can they do that ) ^^

make the gear look sexy! I dont know why but, I found male players more competive when it comes to great looking sexy gear ) haha Crossdressers for ftw ( joke )

Bring FFx14 alive! Don't be stuck in your old style of programming ffx. ( mind set ) Go out there SE, and kick butt! Make ffx 14 the best. Get the lore of ffx going, get them ffx players that also like to RP ( for u young ones) >> ( role play ) ( another topic for later )

Get rid of the old style of thinking. Grab them players, and keep them!

Well as u can read, I am a fan of ffx. ( I also played lots of others )

You can not please them all, of course. But work out a way where u can? Look at the koreans and what they are doing.

Keep the ffx name going. Listen to the younger players ( and old ) ^^

P.S Auction house if u please ) haha

Edited, Jan 5th 2011 9:27am by Miademar

Edited, Jan 5th 2011 9:38am by Miademar
# Jan 05 2011 at 2:13 AM Rating: Default
58 posts
I am so sick of players whinning about no auction house. The only thing an AH does is make things real cheap for those too lazy to craft. After a while, the poor crafters can't make a cent for all their hard work. This is the way it was in FFXI. I had a level 100 craft and all the rest at 60, and the only way to make money was by selling consummables. Making armor and weapons was a money-losing propositon ... unless you were extremely lucky and managed to HQ something. Now, if SE made all gear attune/equip like some other games do, this would be different. But as it now stands people just dump their old stuff on the market and flood it.

The other thing I'm sick of listening to is people complaining about the battle system. This battle system is far, far better than the one in FFXI. If you were a damage-dealer in FFXI you could go AFK for a short while and no-one would know the difference. Talk about boring! Granted, the targeting system still needs some work, but the basic system is great. It makes you think about your resources. Oh, wait, I forgot that some of you don't want to think and want everything handed to you. Go back to playing WoW and shutup.

First of all for "some people" who are so sick of everything there is something called a mental institution.

Second... funny, because i loved the ffxi battle system and all my mains were mages and "some people" obviously never played ffxi endgame, because if a Samurai with max store tp gear, haste, march and a hagun wans't weapon skilling every 5 seconds he was obviously afk.

I like how "some people" can be so introverted

Go back to tormenting your little brother and pets and shut up
# Jan 05 2011 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
Second... funny, because i loved the ffxi battle system and all my mains were mages and "some people" obviously never played ffxi endgame, because if a Samurai with max store tp gear, haste, march and a hagun wans't weapon skilling every 5 seconds he was obviously afk.

Yeah, my first main was a Red mage, and I'd be working my *** off while some stupid DD sat around in an exp party, went afk, and auto-attacked. Granted, endgame may have been a bit different, but the battle system still sucked. WHM's and RDM's had to pay constant attention to what was happening, while the rest of the DD's more-or-less did their own thing. I'll admit that when skill chains were used (skill chains? Remember those?) a DD had to pay attention. But by the time I quit that game a SC and MB were rare indeed.

As I said before, the battle system in FFXIV is far superior because EVERYONE needs to stay involved.

That being said, this whole thing with getting more exp with more people in the group is just BS.
# Jan 05 2011 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
703 posts
You're actually comparing two different things there... and unfortunately, you're both at fault for not dictating at what parts of the game these events took place.

A DD in FFXI could have gone AFK for a minute or two, if the party was performing well, if there was an emergency IRL (including WC), or if they simply passed out from too much grinding or too little energy. However, this mainly took place during grinding sessions. Parties BEFORE end game (and the occasional merit party). There are also more than SAMs...

Miademar was also semi-correct about achieving a profitable status from crafting, though you didn't argue against that so I'll leave that topic be.
The Poll
# Jan 05 2011 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
From what I can tell they have much work to do, and takes time. Hence the so called poll. They want to prioritise what should be fixed and made better for players. I thought that poll sucked tbh! U could only click ( tic ) on one thing in each category. There were at lest 4 I would have clicked right away. They would have got more of a clear answer from the poll if the players had been allowed to do so.

Btw any one have some sort of copy of it? :) I would like to see what would happen if we could have the same poll here on Zam?
No Auction House, Not Ever, Please
# Jan 04 2011 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
I am so sick of players whinning about no auction house. The only thing an AH does is make things real cheap for those too lazy to craft. After a while, the poor crafters can't make a cent for all their hard work. This is the way it was in FFXI. I had a level 100 craft and all the rest at 60, and the only way to make money was by selling consummables. Making armor and weapons was a money-losing propositon ... unless you were extremely lucky and managed to HQ something. Now, if SE made all gear attune/equip like some other games do, this would be different. But as it now stands people just dump their old stuff on the market and flood it.

The other thing I'm sick of listening to is people complaining about the battle system. This battle system is far, far better than the one in FFXI. If you were a damage-dealer in FFXI you could go AFK for a short while and no-one would know the difference. Talk about boring! Granted, the targeting system still needs some work, but the basic system is great. It makes you think about your resources. Oh, wait, I forgot that some of you don't want to think and want everything handed to you. Go back to playing WoW and shutup.
good god
# Jan 04 2011 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
can we please get over the negativity? For once just once, Id like to come to the main page and see a useful post.. one that discusses more into stats to ranks/crafts ect, rather then how this game is so terribly fu*ked up, when really, no its not THAT bad at all.
# Jan 04 2011 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
58 posts
I am of the same opinion.

i do feel that they threw around the words rebuild and reboot a little half-hazardly. They are not going to reset player accounts, that would be a dangerous move. Having read the interviews though, the keyword was 'trust' and thats what i think the rebuild and reboot is all about. Rebuild trust with current players, and reboot the trust of players who abandoned the game.

I choose 'no' for drastic changes, because i would rather see this game being built upon, rather then demolished and restructured. I like the game the way it is right now(i feel like one of the rare few), would rather see things added to increase my like of the game.

Do you have any MMO Experience? This game doesn't only just need new content it needs to be rebuilt. A 60 hour game of button mashing is tolerable, but not one that will keep you playing for years(not that ffxiv will do that, at its current state) Yea this game is decent, but it wont survive against the upcoming MMO's with just "more content". I had a blast with this game until the combat system got repetive and exhausting(10 hours into the game). I had 10 75's on ffxi and more if i didn't lose interest in the outdated graphics(just to point i know a good combat/exp system when i see one)

You probably won't even be playing this game for much longer either(even if they do add more content), just watch. Your obviously dillydallying and your opinion would be the death of SE.
# Jan 04 2011 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
I have to disagree with you. I am an avid gamer and software programmer, I have played MMOs since I can remember. I do agree this game needs changes, but a complete rebuild isn't the way to go. A rebuild would mean we would be waiting longer for the game to go where the developers and players would want it to go. A rebuild isn't as easy as snapping your fingers and getting what you want. WE, the players, would have to wait another 3+ years for them to rebuild the game.

I have taken a 3 week hiatus from the game, not because I don't like where it's at, or where it's going, but because I left town for the 3 weeks and I'm excited to get back on.

The game does need work, but a rebuild isn't the direction SE needs to take. They need to weed out the bugs and the problems first, and than implement new things, otherwise we'll still be getting crap XP/SP. I don't see the need for new mobs or NMs when people are complaining about gameplay and lag and all those problems. And the "60 hour game of button mashing" is what you do when you play any sport/fighting game. If you make use of things such as the Battle Regimen mode, than you can play faster. I have literally hit fatigue faster using Battle Regimen than just using normal attacks, considering BR takes down the enemies far faster, thus removing the XP/SP problem.

My guess is you're a WoW baby, and if nothing is handed to you on a silver platter, than you will complain about the gameplay. I like the challenge of FFXIV and the system. Sure, it needs work, but I would rather wait a short amount of time vs the longer amount for a complete rebuild/reboot.
C'mon Thayos, give it a break!
# Jan 04 2011 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
I get the feeling SE just can't win with some ppl.

If they had no player's poll there would be whinging about SE not listening to their player base.

Now that they have a player's poll you whine about how you worry SE haven't got an idea of where they want the game to go.

Obviously their vision for the game (non-AH, solo friendly as well as party-friendly) hasn't turned out the way they wanted and so they're seeking feedback from their players. Kudos to the SE dev team for being courageous enough to get out there and ask for feedback and not just sticking their blinkers on and repeating 'this is the way we envision it'.

Lay off it, will ya.
My Thoughts
# Jan 04 2011 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
1. FIX THE %&#@ TECHNICAL GLICHES. I have seen Commodore 64 games that run better, on an emulator. Why should it take 2 min for the NPC's to load? Or up to 2 sec for the interface to respond to commands? FIX THE STUPID ALT/TAB. No excuses here. You've had plenty of time with FFXI to fix the problem. Oh yes, a real windowed mode means that windows are resizeable.

2 Repairs are way too costly and somethings cannot get fixed at the NPC

3. Tele Travel burns up way too much anima. Other options please.

Maybe the entire dev staff should take 2 weeks off and play other MMO's so they can get a better idea how things are supposed to work.Then go back and play FFXIV and then see if they can understand what needs to be fixrd.
# Jan 04 2011 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
only thing i miss is from ffxi is doing a bunch of random quests from npc that you have to go find and talk to start and actually have a storyline and some of them are multi long quest chain that reward the player with a unique item at the end of the quest chain like lu shang fishing rod, or City Fame instead of mindless get a battle leve go kill x mobs and come back for reward.

What it is we need.
# Jan 04 2011 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Really the major problems with this game are just the tons of extra moving pieces.

Crafting recipes need to be streamlined. Making a pair of sleeves, front, back, and whatever little piece is just aggravating when trying to make actual gear. Unless they want to add "Buyer" as a class to help procure ingredients outside of your discipline, there's no need. Crafters craft to make the most popular (profitable) pieces (or to repair their own gear). Not to put up "specialty shops" (which I think is unfortunate).

An auction house/mailbox system would do wonders for the economy and player interaction. Or at least those of us that "alt" (like I do).

Levequests that are less than 10 levels apart would be nice. Every 5 levels might work... especially higher up. Also, please stop giving me rank 1 local levequests when I'm rank 15. Oh, and let us choose between gil and guild marks on the R20 quests.

Mob distribution here is just awful. I don't want to wander from the cities 20 minutes due whatever direction to get one shot by whatever creature. It's not like it adds challenge because you don't have a prayer of killing it. Bunny rabbit, bunny rabbit, NOOO PEISTE!!!

The class quests are sparse... in fact there's like what one at level 20 and another at 30? You gave us a taste so now you have to follow through.

So if fun = more quests and story, live = more content, reboot = supports new and exciting gameplay (see fun) not just deleting everyone's character (unless the game is VASTLY different), and rebuild = game is much more powerful, user friendly, quick, then I'm all for it.
What it is we need.
# Jan 10 2011 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
RadiantHawkWings wrote:

Levequests that are less than 10 levels apart would be nice. Every 5 levels might work... especially higher up. Also, please stop giving me rank 1 local levequests when I'm rank 15. Oh, and let us choose between gil and guild marks on the R20 quests.

Actually, this works out better than you think, when combined with the star system.

At rank 15, a 3-4 star rank 10 leve is good SP/xp, and some rank 20 leves can be done at 1 star. Rank 18, most rank 10 leves can be up to 5 star, and most rank 20 leves can be 1-star'd.

Also, for offering lower level leves (except for crafting classes), just because your main class is Rank 30, doesn't mean you'll never want to do leves for a rank 1 class, and combat leves are class-independent (unless guild marks are involved)
What it is we need.
# Jan 04 2011 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
Fun = SE laughing at the users who still play their garbage game
Live = LIVE with it they wont fix the game like it or leave
Reboot = Alter/change current content ingame they wont bother to update/add stuff yet.
User Feedback
# Jan 04 2011 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
I normally don't post replies, but I couldn't resist. I just want to say that we shouldn't mistake valuable user feedback with asking the user how to design a product. I do this sort of thing professionally as an Information Analyst. Organizations involve the user to gain valuable feedback. This does not mean they are asking the user how to design or create a product. Square Enix is asking users what is important to them. They are following the appropriate measures for achieving this.

User Centered Engineering (user centered design) has been around since the mid 90s and recently has proven successful in most industries. I have no doubt that it's the reason products like the iPhone, iPad have been successful. Generally an analyst would hold a User Focus group and/or User testing (in this industry known as beta i guess). The survey sent out is acting as a virtual Focus Group for product design. SE would then take this feedback and create a solid plan based of the priority items identified by the users. Again this is not asking the user how to design the product, but asking what is important to them. This process happens (or should) on almost every successfulness product on the market today.

I recommend doing a Google or Wikipedia search for 'user centered design'. It may provide a clearer idea of how SE is trying to approach this situation (at least we all hope). I apologize in advance if i made any spelling or grammatical errors.
# Jan 04 2011 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
Well, an AH is crucial for every (most) MMOs today! Therefore players demand an AH over Content - even if that would mean nothing to do for another 2-3 month... they want their basics. SE had to know that way before the release and now they are struggling to implement a proper one.

However - i am looking forward to a complete overhaul of the game and a complete rollback. Once the game is ready to actually pay for we all should start from the scratch again - its just fair AND that could encourage former players to come back. Otherwise they would feel left behind...its just how it is.

The thing is really simple imo - add some more content for levels 10~50 because doing the same guildleve over and over again sucks. Add more Guildleve and/or change Cooldowns and lets give them at least some decent rewards. Also add the AH most of players want so bad :) Maybe change some crafting/harvst/fishing mechanics and make them less "complicated".
And my last wish - make the world alive! Right now its an awful dead world...i want grasshoppers :D You know what i mean uh? If not -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iesY1XssACM (great video)
# Jan 04 2011 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
make the world alive! Right now its an awful dead world...i want grasshoppers :D You know what i mean uh? If not -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iesY1XssACM (great video)

I would have to agree this would be a big help to the looks of the game cause it is not always the big things ppl like to see the small things like shown in the video. These things help grab you and bring you in to the game and helps make the environment come to life. I cant say I have seen everything in FFXIV like I did in FFXI but the world does really feel dead in FFXIV nothing to make it feel like, well a real world like FFXI made thiers feel like.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 04 2011 at 7:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I played the beta, I hated it. I made my comments, they were not much different than the sea of people who also hated it. The handlful of fanboys in no way outnumbered the detractors.
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