Unidentified Flying Daevas Daily Winners
As promised, we've begun selecting the daily prize winners for the Unidentified Flying Daevas sweepstakes. These lucky lords and ladies will be receiving an assortment of Bigfoot Network swag and a copy of Aion! For those of you that thought Aion would only be available to the grand prize winner, we're happy to inform you that NCsoft generously granted us enough copies to give away to all of our daily prize winners!
Daily Winners (Killer Swag and a Copy of Aion)
Day 1: W. Jones
Day 2: R. Laskowsky
Day 3: H. Edwards
Day 4: L. Maslyn
Day 5: S. Lewis
Day 6: G. Confer
Grand Prize Winner (Alienware Aurora Desktop)
B. Brady
Tags: News, Sweepstakes