Name | Level | Type | Locations |
a noble | 59 | Undead | Veksar |
a noble - Highpass Keep | 38- 42 | NPC, non-quest | High Keep |
a noble crusader | 63 | Undead | Veksar |
a Noble Defender | 76 | Quest NPC | Jewel of Atiiki: The Great Invasion |
a noble efreeti [ Brass Phoenix Brigade ] | 111 | Monster | Stratos: Zephyr's Flight |
a noble scholar | 70 | Quest NPC | Plane of Knowledge |
a noble storm giant | 97 | Monster | Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness |
a nobleborn shiliskin | 56 | Monster | Undershore |
a nobleman of the past | 64 | Monster | Plane of Time A |
a Piq`a noble | 93- 96 | Monster | Resplendent Temple |
Zokta Noble Bribbiz | 60 | Monster | The Rathe Mountains |
Zokta Noble Groobl | 40 | Monster | The Rathe Mountains |