Player of the Week: Primrose

(Date Posted: December 1, 2006)

Real Name: Ellen

Allakhazam Name: ElneClare

Character Name: Primrose(x) - SOE added the x when I had chacacter transfered and I'm not going to complain if they ok it.

Character Race: Wood Elf

Character Class: Druid

Deity: Tunare

Server: Povar now, but started on Cazic Thule with my old guild from the old gold box Neverwinter Nights.

Guild: Aude Sapere after years spent with The Brotherhood of Pathfinders and The Protectorate.

Guild Rank: None at the time, I did my time years ago and now am just happy to have my cane and rocking chair as a TP Elder.

Guild Websites: Aude Sapere, and just because I'm loyal to my good friends of years past; Brotherhood of Pathfinders and The Protectorate

Length of Time in Guild: 11 months, but I've been in two other guilds for 12 and 10 years now.

Real World Location: Baltimore, MD

Career / Employment Industry / Current Level of School: I've been on disability for sometime now, which gives me more time to spend online, but keeps interfering with my gaming too, due to pain.

Hobbies: Reading, gaming, needlecrafts with seveal projects started. I find having grandkids means you may actually finish a few.

Family? Jonwin is my S.O and I have 3 daughters, 2 who are active gamers in WoW and a grandson and granddaughter who were born gamers, as son-in-law is also in WoW.

Besides EverQuest, what other MMORPGs have you played?
Neverwinter Nights on AOL wasn't quite a MMO, but it was my first online game and the community was great. I'm still friends with many of the people I play NWN with, 9 years after the game closed. I followed guildmates to a few other games that didn't survive betas, and stayed in EQ while they went on to newer MMORPGs. I played DDO twice, but just couldn't get past the interface.

How did you find out about EverQuest, and when did you begin playing?
I heard about EQ though the old NWN community when it was first accounced. After reading about the game in emails and on guild boards since beta, I finally decided to jump on. And when my guildmate heard, he sent me a copy of EQ for Christmas in 1999. Primrose was reborn on Dec 28, 1999 and got twinked within 5 minutes of entering the game by guild bro's.

Do you know anyone in real life who plays EverQuest?
Yes, as it's the game my children started in, and we tend to find ourselves constantly meeting other gamers who play EQ. I introduced Jonwin to EQ, but like to blame him for my gaming addiction, since he helped at Origins 2, where I got bitten by an RPG bug.

How did you come up with your main character's name?
PrimrOse was the name given to my Cleric/Mage in NWN, by a guy I was seeing online at the time. Within a short time, she became a main figure in stories BoP friends posted on the NWN AOL site and so grew on me. I was very surpised that I was able to get the name without the zero when I first logged into EQ. My alt name is always Elne Clare for my other NWN Guild, TP.

What factors affected your choice of race / class for your main character?
Rosie was always a healer and known for her love of gardening, so druid was a natural for her. When BoP moved to EQ, we decided that Tunare best fit a Ranger guild that was founded in dedication to Mielikki.

About how often do you play EverQuest, and how long is a typical playing session for you?
I play a few times a month and sessions can last between just an hour to several hours, depending on how long before pain and/or mind fog interferes with playing.

How do you spend your time in game?
It depends on how I feel. I love to be able to group, but there are so many days that I just end up solo'ing or working on my skills and listening to (reading?) guild chat. I gave up even trying to do pick up groups early on, as I always feel bad getting in a group and then suddenly finding myself in too much pain to play.

What other class/race combinations have you levelled past 35?
Wood Elf/Druid

Approximately how much of the EverQuest world have you experienced?
Since I only recently got any of my PCs past 35, there is still a lot of the game that I just haven't had a chance to see yet. I'm trying to change that quickly as I've yet to see any of the high end game.

What is your favourite expansion?
PoP for making it no longer necessary to wait forever for a boat and pray you don't go link dead halfway to Kunark.

What is your least favourite expansion?
PoP for making it no longer nessecary for poeple to depend on Druids for ports.

What is your favourite zone?
Stonebrunt Mountains, as I love the graphics and it been a great place to solo.

What is your favourite NPC?
I have to go with Fippy with his constant dying, while trying to rid his land of newbies.

What is your favourite raid encounter (if different from NPC)?
I have yet to go on a raid, though was fun watching my daughter's guild get wiped a few times.

If the war between Firiona Vie and Lanys T`Vyl erupted again, which side would you take?
Lanys, as I can't put up with uppity High Elves.

How do you describe EverQuest to your coworkers or computer-illiterate friends?
I try to see how much they know about gaming and then end up saying it's somewhat like DnD as I roleplay a Druid and kill monsters. Any sign that they are religious and I just be quiet.

What is next for you in the world of EverQuest?
Finally getting to reach some of the higher level content and start my epic.

** Pick the winner in a battle between...

Felwithe vs Neriak - Neriak, as High Elves bring out my dark side.
Solusek Ro, Lord of Flame vs Karana, the Rainkeeper - Have to cheer on the Rainkeeper, or my halfling ranger alt, may come after me.
Muramites of Discord vs the Drachnids of Darkhollow - I'll go with the Muramites, as I hate spiders.
Tradeskilling vs Questing - Tradeskilling, as I love the feeling of something becoming trivial.
Instance Zones vs Static Zones - Instance Zones.
Monster Missions vs Project M (PvP as Monsters) - Monster Missions.
Soloing vs Pick-Up Groups - Soloing.
Guild Raiding vs Grouping With Friends - Toss up here as Guild is made up with friends, so I'm most likely be raiding with friends and folks that will become friends, as long as I don't hit the wrong hotkey by mistake.
GM (real people) Events vs Scripted (computerized) Events - GM event, though they have to be well scripted or I find them a waste of time.
Arena Royal Rumble vs 1-on-1 Duel - Arena Royal Rumble
Faydwer vs Odus - Faydwer
Kunark vs Velious - Velious
Planes of Power vs Gates of Discord - Gates of Discord
Depths of Darkhollow vs Omens of War - Depths of Darkhollow
Bard vs Enchanter - Enchanter
Monk vs Rogue - Rogue
Paladin vs Warrior - Pally, because my love plays one
Allakhazam vs Illia - Illia