stupidmonkey wrote:
It's "cute" that you keep trying, Palpi. For various definitions of cute.
Thanks, buddy.
Two days ago for first time ever I signed up for "e-trade". I'm nearly 50 years old and have always wanted to own at least a couple stocks. Be a big shot. And I have almost no idea what a stock is. But there seems to be an amazing thing last couple days where random commoners could make money.
So, well the site is still waiting for an authorization from my bank account. All $50. I live in poverty and even making $2 over the limit might boot me out of Section 8 or something. Or owning stocks at all. But **** it, grrr! ANARCHY! Or if not: Where's my $4 trillion stock-holder bailout?
My "e-trade" account is waiting on my $50 so I can't right now tell you which stocks I'm buying.
Nice try, fat cat. Maybe I'll let you know on Monday or next Thursday after my big win. [here's a hint, and I'm serious: "a company almost all of you have enjoyed products by ofwhich thereof". And it's almost 100% likely no other investor even of those reddit scourge-people would identify this company. Or maybe they would, again I am very ignorant about stocks or such. And I've never even visited reddit, except for No joke. That's the one reddit thing I am clued on, because of the robots. That fat pig this season of the "wyatchi" clan or whatever is a total ****. Put on a big cow-catcher, and proud of it. Also, that clan is made up entirely of enormously fat people. Maybe stop eating not only the corn but also every pig each every day, you fat bulbous bastards. If someone lit a match on your legs you'd go up like a candle.
Catch a tiger by the tail, well yeah, and let's skin the tiger alive and turn it into hats!!