Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Your apparent belief that elected politicians should refrain from doing things that benefit people because they might view said politician positively...
I like this post because I can actually visualize you sitting there and realizing "Sh
it, yeah, me saying that Biden is going to buy votes like that made no sense at all... fu
ck... think... think..." then settling on "But Pelosi hasn't accepted the White House's demands on a Covid bill so she's hurting people and that's
like buying votes so I'll pretend that I always meant
that when I demanded that we talk about how Biden is going to buy votes! Hah, got'em again, Gbaji! No wonder my third grade teacher said I was the smartest kid in the world..."
I said "Biden and team", and made it very clear that I was talking about policies and actions to force people to stay trapped in their homes, prevent their businesses from opening up, keep riots and looting going as long as possible, etc. Obviously, Biden is not personally doing any of that. But Biden isn't doing a whole lot right now anyway. It's his "team" doing everything to drag him over the finish line. And that "team" is not just his direct campaign folks, but everyone on the Left that desperately wants anyone other than Trump in office.
So yeah, the Dems in congress blocking covid release bills (or putting poison pills into them) are trying to help Biden win. Every Dem governor who has put excessively restrictive closure rules in their states are operating from the same playbook. Every mayor and governor who are sitting on their hands, sidelining their own police and national guards while rioters and looters destroy stuff, are chipping in as well. And the liberal pundits and journalists and late night talk show folks are all participating, by taking all of the harm and pain that those things are causing to the people and blaming Trump for them.
That is the Dem strategy for taking the Whitehouse Joph. They are literally running on Trump mishandling the virus and being wrong on BLM protests, and being wrong on economic recovery. That's the whole strategy. They have nothing else. Seriously. Watch a liberal pundit on any network on any show. They all make the same arguments. And it's all about the things I've been talking about.
Call it "buying votes". Call it "influencing opinion". Whatever. It's all aimed at the same thing. So when your counter to this is "Well, Trump did a bunch of things that people liked, and which helped them, but that's bad because he's just doing it to win the election", it comes out kinda silly to me. So doing things that people like is bad because they might vote for Trump as a result, but doing a mountain of things people dislike and blaming it on Trump and hoping people are too stupid to notice is "good"? I don't get that. But, your denials aside, that is exactly the strategy that the Dems are taking right now.
I think it's stupid, and I think it'll cost them dearly. But you never know. And to be honest, it is kinda their best and only shot to win. So I get it. It's just that to win they have to wreak pain and destruction on the people. Which is kinda sad. I would not want to support a party that cared so much about just winning that they don't care who gets hurt along the way.
You can't just dismiss people who don't agree with you. You should, at a bare minimum, attempt to understand both *what* their position is and *why*they hold it. Just assuming those people are stupid, ignorant, bigoted, etc is the wrong approach.
"Those people just want a free ice cream pony from Santa Claus, that's why they're asking for marriage equality/equal rights/healthcare/etc..."
I'm not sure how you get from my point about calling people names if they don't agree with you being a bad way to win people over to whatever nonsense you just wrote. The devils in the details, and the problem is that the Left is often lacking on details. They get people active over the same broad stuff you just said. "I'm for equal rights!". Great. I am too. What exactly do you want to do to make us have more equal rights? Oh wait. You want racial quotas for films? You want to penalize companies, not for having unfair hiring practices, but if the employee tallies don't match what we think they should be? Oh. You want to just calculate average wages for whole groups of people based on identity while ignoring the actual job tites and experience and demand some kind of wage adjustments if the tallies don't come out right there either?
Um... No. That's not equal rights. And that's pretty much the problem the Left has. They want to use government power to adjust the results, but not really look into what's causing those results in the first place. And when folks like me want to look at those details, we get called names, or we get ridiculously manipulated stats thrown back at us.
When outcomes are the result of actions and actions are treated equally, you have equal rights. When outcomes are adjusted after the fact to make them equal regardless of the actions taken, or the impact of those actions, you have the opposite of equal rights. But in virtually every single social or economic position the Left takes, they want to do the latter. So yeah, I disagree with them. But that doesn't allow liberals to co-op terms like "equal rights", and "healthcare" or even "environment", and insist that their agenda in those areas is the only way to be "for" those things, and anyone not on board is therefore "against" them.
That's simply not true. But yeah, the more narrow minded you guys are, and the more angrily you sling accusations and labels at anyone who doesn't agree 100% with you, the more people will just walk away. Which is exactly what we saw in 2016, and I suspect we'll see even more of it this time around.
Edited, Sep 14th 2020 2:51pm by gbaji