Kavekkk wrote:
No. Wrong. No-one reported it, not even Carlson. That's the extent to whicht he liberal media has sticthed up America.
To be fair, Carlson isn't a reporter. He's an opinion commentator (or whatever the proper title is). He doesn't report news, he just rants about how everyone else is doing it wrong. He also likes to go for exaggerated language, like calling something a "mass shooting" that, well... isn't. Not by any standard definition, anyway.
As to the shooting itself? This is what happens when you have a bunch of mostly white angsty woke liberal millenials sitting in their suburban neighborhoods calling to defund police (in other people's neighborhoods, of course), and nutty BLM and Antifa folks taking up the chant, followed by liberal pundits and politicians grasping onto the same idiotic idea to use as a wedge issue in the middle of an election season. It puts police and mayors in impossible situations. If they had sent in police to break that party up, all it would take is a small number of people to get violent with the police (a near guarantee) and you'd have video of the police "violently attacking people at a peaceful block party" plastered on the evening news. If they don't, then it's just a matter of statistics as to where and when the bodies drop.