Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
An incredibly minor infraction of a minor law. By the OMB, not Trump, nor anyone in the White House. I'm just making sure we're in agreement that this violation of the law in no way reflects on Trump, nor should be given any weight with regards to whether he should have been impeached. Right? We agree on that now, right?
The decision to freeze the aid was directed by the president himself
Um. No. I already explained this. The law was violated because the reason the OMB stated for the hold was not an allowable reason. But that was *not* the reason the White House gave for the hold. We're literally talking about some paper pusher at a desk in the OMB writing the wrong thing on a piece of paper here. You're making a mountain out of a molehill and then trying to attach it to someone who wasn't even involved in it except peripherally.
Nice try. I was careful with my words. I said *vision* for that exact reason. Presidents typically nominate people within their own party. That doesn't translate into "yes" men because each party has their own factions, but they typically share the same vision.
People can share the same broad vision, but have different specific ways of going about it. Both Trump and Bolton believe in strong foreign policy positions, which is in contrast to the Dems who largely want to hand concessions to foreign parties in the hopes that they'll be nice to us back. They are within the same range of that scale. The differences between Trump and Bolton in terms of use of military force as a tool for foreign policy are not as far apart as you might assume. They differed on a few details in terms of appropriate force. Trump didn't have issues with ordering the missile strike on the base in Syria, with the chemical weapons on it, despite there being Russian soldiers on said base. He didn't have a problem ordering the strike that took out that Iranian General who'd been coordinating attacks on US soldiers and allies in Iraq. He drew the line at launching a strike that would kill 100-200 people just for a shot down drone.
Hiring Bolton and expecting him not to do what he did would be like hiring DeVois and expecting her to support public education over private education. If his philosophy is "war, war, war, war", then you pick someone else.
Again, the issue with Bolton wasn't so much his specific opinions, but that he was unwilling to allow the president to override him, on a couple occasions trying to force Trump's hand by just kinda ignoring him, doing what he thought was right, and then once it was done, assuming Trump would just have to go along. I think we can both agree that Trump is not someone who like being manipulated like that. Which is not something as simple as "Bolton likes to go for the military option first". Trump knew that, but believed that Bolton would not try to do end-arounds on him. That's what got Bolton fired.
Gbaji wrote:
Bolton's dog and pony contribution might have increased books sales
You've never heard of advertising? No one who's been involved in a high profile case has ever written a book about it, right?