Kavekkk wrote:
Gabji, do you admit that the US response to corona has been among the worst in the world, or do you deny it?
Not sure why you're asking in this thread instead of the one or two others about coronavirus, but whatever.
It's unclear what you're asking. Measuring a "response" is a subjective thing. I think that the US response was one of the best in the world (again though: subjective). The US was among the first nations to recognize and take actions with regard to covid-19. We very quickly put up travel restrictions, began tracking patients, setting up quarantines, etc. Helps that the CDC is pretty much the best at this in the world though.
As far as results, that's a different story. You'd need to define "among the worst" though. There's a lot of countries in the world, and the US is currently ranked 8th in terms of overall mortality rate from covid-19 (that's per-capita, not per cases). So our "result" so far is better than Belgium, UK, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Chile, and France. But worse (on paper anyway) than a hundred and so on other nations. So you could say we are "among the worst", but that also includes just about every western and first world nation too. When you have populations with easy travel within your borders (and across them), a virus like this is going to tend to spread quickly. Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the "response" issue above.
I'll also point out a couple other things (which I think I already mentioned in the covid specific threads). There are differences between nations and how they report deaths. We tend to count any one who dies and has covid-19 as a "covid-19 death". Other nations may only do so if it's absolutely clear that the person would not have died if not infected. Others stand somewhere in between. I'd go into the political and economic reasons behind this, but I already did in another thread.
I'll additionally point out, on the possibility that your point in bringing this up is to just make a "Trump did poorly" argument (likely a good guess, but I don't want to assume here), that the federal level response to covid-19 was pretty spot on. Trump was way ahead of the game on this. He was ringing the alarm bell on this back in early to mid January, while the Dems were dismissing it as a distraction from the impeachment process. When he pushed the WHO to call out China on what appeared to be false claims about the virus (just based on the cases we were seeing in the US, and in other countries), they eventually were dragged kicking and screaming to acknowledge (only on Jan 15th) that the virus was indeed transmittable human to human. Prior to that point, China was claiming it was not, and the WHO was just parroting their claim.
Trump was also ahead of the game with travel restrictions. And no, not targeting people based on ethnicity, but geographical locations based on covid-19 outbreaks. He first restricted travel from China directly (Jan 26th I believe). Then followed up with restrictions from Iran (not a hard thing anyway) and Italy, because those two had the biggest initial outbreaks. Over the next couple weeks in Feb, he expanded the restrictions to all of continental Europe (because the EU didn't put any travel restrictions on folks in Italy, so anyone could just hop on the Eurorail system and travel anywhere they wanted, doh!).
The Dem response was pathetic. At first they claimed he was exaggerating, and then distracting from the impeachment trial. Then when he instituted travel restrictions, it was xenophobia. He must just hate Chinese people. Then I guess it was Italians he hated? Then all of Europe, which still resulted in a ridiculous slam from the Left that he was favoring the UK for political reasons (you know the whole Brexit thing,right?). Um... Never mind this was about geography. Same deal with Australia being allowed for travel. Both are separated by seas from other areas, and thus travel was more easily restricted and thus infections were less likely to expand to those areas (well, in the short term anyway). That's why the restrictions went in the direction and order they did. They were based on infection rates and geographic travel patterns, ie: science. But the Left just turned it into an identity political thing.
Nancy Pelosi gave a freaking photo op on Feb 24th in Chinatown in SF. Why Chinatown? Because she was making a point that "See, I'm not a xenophobe. I like Chinese people, hur, hur". She stood in a crowd declaring it was perfectly safe, and no one should take Trump seriously. At the same point in time, Trump's white house was already putting together their task force, and was releasing health advice for folks to follow (wash hands, avoid touching your face, avoid large crowds, social distance, etc). So the Dems were telling people to do the exact opposite of what they should have been doing to slow down the spread. And that wasn't the last time. Chuck Schumer did another media op, this time in Times Square, again making the whole thing appear to be made up by Trump to scare people. This was on March 4th. He said that it was perfectly safe to be in big crowds, no one should give into the fearmongering of Trump, we're not going to cancel the St. Patty's day parade, cause it's perfectly safe, etc.
Realize that mass shutdowns hit New York just two weeks later, and frankly, I think they waited a week too long. How many people spread covid because of the wrong messaging from the Dems? One side was right. One was wrong. The irony is that it wasn't even late march to early april when those same politicians were declaring Trump's response to be "sluggish" and "too little too late". Um... really?
Meanwhile, Trump was meeting with big business owners in the US to work with them on helping out. Of course, this got panned by the Left as him giving hand outs to big businesses and rich folks, but the reality is that he knew that China held a virtual monopoly on PPE and other goods, and was hording it. So our supplies would rapidly run out. He was getting them to re-tool their facilities to make stuff that would be needed here in the US. Not just medical equipment, but a ton of regular day to day stuff we buy that for decades have been built in China and shipped here. It's unclear just how big a positive impact this had. We still had shortages of many things, but how much worse would they have been if the "The islands not sinking, so let's sing the one that goes tum te tum tum tum!" Democrats had been in charge? He didn't wait for problems to occur, but was incredibly proactive. So yeah, on the federal level our "response" was very very good.
The real issues have occurred at the state level. And again, we've seen a pattern where the states run by Democrats just didn't do well. They waited too long to take any actions, and when they did, they were overboard and didn't make sense with regards to the actual virus. It has been like the Dems through this entire crisis have been taking actions that they believe will benefit themselves politically, and not those that will save the most lives while creating the least negative impact on the people.
IMO, Coumo was the worst. The guy whined constantly about not having this or that (from Trump of course, so it was just about pointing fingers), but failed to take actions he was responsible for. And when those failures cost lives, instead of taking responsibility, he again just pointed the finger at Trump. So apparently, Trump wasn't just supposed to advise NY on what to do, but they were supposed to actually do it for them as well? That's... not how our system works. And that's before we get into Coumo ordering that nursing homes must accept covid-19 positive patients. How many elderly died because of that? And it wasn't even like it was just a mistake, or no one thought of it. The hospitals wanted to move elderly covic-19 patients from their own care facilities (costs maybe?) to the nursing homes. The nursing homes said no, because they knew it would result in infections spreading to other at-risk people and result in lots of deaths. Coumo stepped in and ordered the homes to take the patients. He knew the facts and made the exact wrong decision.
Meanwhile, the hospitals he was clearing of those patients never actually reached capacity for covid-19, he barely touched the overflow facilities that Trump had built for him, and only a handful of patients ever saw the inside of the hospital ship Trump sent for him. So whining got him resources he didn't actually need, but his own incompetence managed to gets tens of thousand more people killed in his state. Good going man!
But he gets praise from the Left, while they repeat the mantra that Trump somehow failed. Right...
Edited, Jul 22nd 2020 2:01pm by gbaji