Allegory wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You actually think conservatives were protesting "in favor of covid-19"?
They are. I don't care how they describe themselves. That's what they are doing.
So you're ignoring what they are actually saying they are protesting against, and instead just inventing a reason that fits what you want to believe instead. It's funny because you speak about not being able to have a conversation with someone, but what really makes conversation impossible is when you ignore what the other person is actually saying and claim they're saying something entirely different.
No one is protesting "in favor of covid-19". Claiming they are, when they say they aren't, and are more than willing to spend any amount of time telling you exactly what they are protesting and why, but you just refuse to believe them or even listen to them is entirely on you.
Trump is a mass murderer through gross negligence, and these drones are his accomplices.
WTF? How do you get there? What exact action did Trump do that you believe resulted in mass deaths? Not just deaths, but "murder" (ie: he intended for people to die when performing the action, which is, you know, what makes something murder)? Hyperbole much?
COVID-19 in the U.S. isn't some unfortunate accident. It was an entirely foreseeable and preventable problem. It was massive ******* and the denial of that ****** speaks volumes to the insanity of conservatives.
Huh? It was so forseeable and preventable that when Trump was first raising the alarm about this in mid January, every single politician in the Democratic party dismissed his concerns as either alarmist, or an attempt to distract the media attention from the impeachment fiasco they were in the middle of. Trump was the one who was trying to get people to take this seriously. Long before any other politicians in the US where. So if you want to place blame, or make claims of "mass murder", maybe point that finger at the Dems who chose the political value of impeachment over actually paying attention to the stuff going on in Wuhan back in early January. Want to know what wasn't happening while the impeachment was going on? All the committees who meet and receive briefings on things like foreign affairs, who might have made decisions and taken action during that time period, but couldn't because congress was 100% involved with an impeachment,which requires that all other business be derailed until it's over.
Imagine how much worse things would have been if the Dems had had their way and been able to call tons of witnesses and dragged it out for months more as they had argued. We'd not have been able to pass any of the relief acts we've passed. All because of their obsession to get Trump back for the horrible crime of winning an election.
You have this so completely backwards. it's like facts just don't matter here.
gbaji wrote:
The problem you're having is that you're assuming a motivation for an action you disagree with, rather than listening to that person's reasoning.
I don't care what their motives are. I'm describing the effects of their actions.
No, you're not. If you were you would have worded it like this: "Conservatives are protesting against policies that are necessary for slowing the spread of covid-19 and if they are successful they will increase the hospitalizations and deaths from covid-19 as a result".
See. If you phrase it that way, you're actually speaking about the "effects of their actions". And then we can actually have a discussion about what those effects actually are likely to be, what the probabilities are, risks versus rewards, etc. But when you just say "They're protesting for covid-19", you are arguing what they "want', not what the outcome will be. And in the process you shut down any possibility of honest communication. It's hard to talk to someone when they ignore what you are actually saying and doing, refuse to discuss the actions and choices at hand, the the possible outcomes that may result, but instead just declare that you want to do horrible things and get people killed.
I get it. You disagree with Conservatives on this. But it works the other way too. Conservatives disagree with your assessment of the outcomes of their actions (and with the outcomes of actions you support). They don't want more people to die from covid-19, they simply disagree with your assumptions about the death rates and results from various actions that may occur (which interesting I spent quite a bit of time explaining, yet you didn't bother to provide any counter argument). They don't believe that we'll have mass fatalities if we open up more businesses. As I mentioned earlier, they believe that instead of having people stay at home not work based on the jobs they do, they should do so based on their own health risks and those of their households. They believe that their method would result in far less economic damage from this, and no increase (and possibly even a decrease) in the number of people who will get sick or die from covid-19. Ignoring their arguments is your problem. They have valid points. If you can't counter them, but instead just insist that they are "protesting for covid-19", one can only conclude that you are either a complete idiot, or that you actually realize that they are correct, but don't want anyone to listen to them because you have your own political motivation driving you that has nothing at all to do with saving lives.
like maybe the idea that the more people out of work, the more the economy is damaged, the more you can blame Trump for that, and then hope you can get him out of office in November. Again, I can't assume you have purely political motivations for wanting people to suffer such economic calamity, but when you refuse to actually support your position, nor are willing to engage with or counter an opposing position, you don't give me much reason to know why you would do such a thing other than pure partisan politics. And yeah, saying things like "Trump is a mass murderer" kinda helps to lead to that same conclusion. Anyone who would say that isn't thinking logically and rationally.
I'm responding to your post, but I'm not really talking to you.
That's your problem. You're not talking "to" anyone. You're talking "at" people you disagree with, and just parroting what folks in your own echo chamber are saying. You also aren't listening "to" anyone outside that chamber either. I suppose it's easy to be sure of yourself and your positions when you don't listen to what anyone else says. I guess.
I used to stand up for you gbaji, and you didn't often see it, but I did it a lot. I used to want to believe in you. Not that you would change your mind, but that you were something more than just another part of the problem. This isn't a conversation.
That's your choice and your fault though. I've shown every willingness to express my positions, and give clear detailed arguments in support of those positions. You have done nothing but declare conservatives to be wrong and evil. over and over. No argument. No facts to support your claims. Just repetition. Seriously. Look at your post. You didn't actually make a single argument. Nothing. Just wild allegations. That's not communicating. That's certainly not a conversation.
And again, that's 100% your choice. You are choosing to remain ignorant of other people's positions and reasons, preferring to just apply angry labels to them. That's your choice. I think it's a bad choice, but there you have it. You can grow up and be an adult, and participate in a discussion, or you can remain a child and throw a tantrum when you don't get your way. Choice is up to you.
Conservatives are not to be negotiated with, they are to be managed. Conservatives are not political opponents, they are obstacles.
Obstacles to what? Seriously. Do you even know what you are fighting "for" that conservatives are obstacles to and thus must be attacked so viciously and constantly? I suspect you really don't know. You're just being used to support a political ideology that you don't know of nor understand, and convinced to do so by simply being told "those people over there are enemies. Fight them. Don't listen to them. Ever". Um... What if the folks telling you that are doing so because they're afraid that if you stop fighting and start listening, and perhaps even engaging in communication with them, you might just discover that they have some good ideas and good points and it's the folks telling you to blindly hate them that are the real enemy?
But that would require self reflection. Right? Again, it's pretty obvious when one side can lay out clear arguments for their positions and the other just repeats the equivalent of "you're wrong" over and over, which side is likely actually in the right.
Listening with empathy, sincerity, and openness to actual conservatives is what has led to such a low opinion of them. Liberal propaganda speaks more positively of conservatives than they speak for themselves.
If your interpretation of conservative protests is that they are protesting "for covid-19", then you haven't actually been listening, much less with empathy or sincerity. Heck. The fact that you didn't respond to a single argument I made in my previous post, but rather just bashed conservatives speaks volumes to your lack of actually listening.
I don't know if you and your suicide cult will ultimately succeed, but I am not going to assist you.
Again. it's not a suicide cult. I laid out the argument quite clearly. We believe that there will be fewer deaths if we do it our way instead of the current method, which says that some 60 year old guy with diabetes should continue working because he works in a grocery store, but a 25 year old in perfect health should stay at home and not work (and not earn a paycheck) because he works in a t-shirt shop. That's totally illogical. And if you'd stop angrily emoting for a short period of time and actually stop and think about it, you'd see what we're saying is true.
I'll just leave you with this totally crazy quote that seems somewhat relevant to this discussion:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
You are allowing yourself to be so terrified of this virus that in order to gain some small increase in apparent safety (and yes, I think it's just apparent, not real), you are willing to give up massive amounts of liberty. Things like free assembly (that pesky first amendment), property rights (being able to actually operate a business you own, which is kinda protected in the fifth and 14th amendments), and then the general "you can't tell us what to do just because you say so" stuff that's wedged into the 9th and 10th amendments.
But hey. That's what actual argument in support of a position looks like. What you posted? Not even in the same ballpark. I'll point out again, that if you have a hard time having a conversation with conservatives, the problem is on your end. Not theirs.