Well isn't this interesting. Someone decides to rate down everyone in the oot forum, specifically targeting certain people. Even more interesting, It turns out to be you! I'll spare you the details about how you should be more careful who you rate when.
On behalf of all the people you rated down, I would like to offer a great big **** you!
What, did you think no one would notice? Were you pissed that none of us were stroking your ego? Or did you just decide to **** us over for the hell of it. I'd really like to know.
The truth is out. Will people believe a 16 post rate bot over you, who presents no evidence other than his word? Who knows. It doesn't matter, because by the time you read this, The deed will be done. You will never be a problem for us again.
Consider this well. I've spent an hour and a half repairing the damage you did. You have made enemies today. Was it worth it? Maybe it doesn’t matter to you, but it does to us. Thou Shalt not target the Just, for vengeance, and Justice will be ours!