Went for coffee with an old friend tonight. She is one of my tamer friends. Very settled. Boyfriend of 11 years, house they love, good University job. After a few minutes of slurping joe, she decides she needs a real drink. She seems kind of out of it...a little...different. So, I ask her:
What's gotten into you?
Seems a harmless enough question; I mean I don't expect a real answer. She then tells me that, while she was away on a conference for work, she met the most amazing fellow. I mean this guy rocked her world. She didn't sleep with him, but is firmly convinced that she is in love with him, after only knowing him a few days. They are e-mailing now everyday and he has expressed similar feelings.
And, being the good friend that I am, I am going to Montreal with her in May so she can meet up with him on the sly. Now, here's my dilemma. I really like her current boyfriend. Should I be doing that? I mean, she's going to use me as an excuse to go to Montreal "just the girls" when really I'll be waiting for them to stop boning all night and come out with me.
I dunno. Sorry about the rant, guys. I guess I'm more than a little confused about matters of the heart these days. I wonder what you all might do. I love her, and I want her to be happy, but I am not 100% down with sneaking off to meet this other guy.
Anyone wanna invite me to visit? Hehe.