Cheers. There was an episode where the gang was discussing mortality and the Grim Reaper.
Frazier scoffed at their notions, insisting that Death was not some pasty-faced ghoul who reaches out an icy claw to select its victims. At which point Lilith, Frazier's pasty-faced wife reached out her icy white hand and tapped Frazier on the shoulder. Frazier turns, sees her and shrieks like a little girl.
Anothe from Cheers was when Karla's ex-husband is trying to win her back. Nobody else finds anything attractive about him at all, but Karla inists he has some strange mesmerizing power over women. The ex-husband is staring intently at Karla (using his mezmerizing powers apparently) instructing her to show up at his place with a six pack of beer. He then leaves.
Karla finds herself unmoved and laughs, saying that she guesses he doesn't have any power after all.
At this point, Woody walks, zombie like and dazed after the ex-husband with a six pack of beer in his arms.