Who else loves this show? I never miss an episode since I found out about it a month ago.
They basicly take a common urban legend and disprove/prove if it could scientifcly happen. They give two engineers, who are also pretty damn funny, an unlimited budget, and let them build crazy *** machines.
Most of the time they disprove the myth's, like if droping a penny from a tall building will kill someone (First they modified a nail gun to fire a penny at the maximum speed it could obtain by fallin, and proved that it really couldent do any damage, just for fun they modified a rifle to fire a penny at supersonic speed they fired it at a block on concrete, it completley flatned one side of the penny and bent it down the middle, it was cool :)
Sometimes they do prove something that I would have swore up a down wasent true. Like the exploding water in the microwave. They showed that distiled water will not boil (Which I didn't know) then it could be heated to above boiling tempetures, then by droping a impurity (Like a sugar cube) into the water it will start to boil, violently. I thought that was really cool.