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Slowly doing my part...Follow

#1 Jan 19 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
To make the world a more slack-*** place.

When I started working for my company, I was downstairs, right at the entrance of the building. For that reason, and also because I was new and wanted to make a good impression, I dressed very nice. As a kid I always thought to myself that I'd like a job where I wear a suit and tie to work everyday, looking all sharp, carry a briefcase, work at a desk, have a sign on my door with my name on it, etc etc .

Then I grew up. I don't want any of that ****.

When I got moved up stairs and started this accounting stuff, I realized that nobody ever comes up here, everybody except for us accountants comes late, and us accountants are always the last to leave.

So I started by not wearing a tie. Just a nice button up, long sleeve shirt, and nice slacks. About 1 month later, one of my 3 bosses (yes, I have 3 bosses, and yes, I got the damn memo about the TPS reports) Stopped wearing ties too, then shortly after, all of them had stopped, except for when we have a meeting, or auditors coming, etc etc .

That was nice, but I wanted more, so I tried a nice shirt, but with a sweater over it, and my neck buttons undone a little bit so I can breath.

Wasn't quite Winter yet when I started, so it didn't catch on. Until I played with the thermostat. See, all our servers are up here, and they heat up real nice, so I just cranked the AC up to make it nice and cool. Shortly after my bosses followed in suit, one after the other, wearing a sweater over a nice button up shirt with the neck undone.

Then I tried just putting on any comfortable shirt that isn't really work material, but wearing a nice sweater over it. To my surprise the head boss adapted to this style first(the Jew). Probably because he gets here around 7 am, which means he leaves his place about 5:30 am. Then usually leaves around 6 or 6:30 pm.

It kind of backfired though, because when I saw him doing it, I looked at him and thought to myself "wow, he looks like ****". Then I started dressing nice again.

Except for that whole tie thing. ***** that.

Queen Skeet Smiley: king
#2 Jan 19 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
See what happens when you wear a pair of red, rubber underwear and black electrical tape over your nipples. Report findings here.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#3 Jan 19 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
You mean you guys don't wear those already?


Queen Skeet Smiley: king
#4 Jan 19 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Maybe we could all pick up some goyim fashion from ohsosexy's Wanderhome sight? (or not...)
#5 Jan 19 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
/gets out binoculars
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#6 Jan 19 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Khakis and button-downs. That's all. Same thing I wear to play golf (one of the reasons I love golf so much is the attire - no plaid pants and goofy caps for me!)
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#7 Jan 19 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
I find my own clients prefer the casual approach ...

suits just scare the ***** out of em
9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#8 Jan 20 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm. Define "clients" please... I'm getting a scary mental picture here.
#9 Jan 20 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Whoa! Wait a minizzle. You're an... accountant?!? Accountant as in bean numbering, Coke bottle myopia glasses wearing, green eyeshading, pocket protectoring, pencil necked geek? That kind of accountant? The kind that collects abacuses and old LED TI calculators and snorts when he laughs?

/9 second stunned

Quick, Aunt Bea, fetch me the smellin' salts. Totem's got the vapors.

I thought you were some cool kind of-- I don't know, ummm, professional BASE jumper or Playboy mansion pool cleaning banana hammock wearing cabana boy to judge from your posts and SO's warm description of you. Instead, you're an... accountant.

It seems so... pedestrian, I'm sorry. The least you could have done was make up some fantastical exciting career about being a super-spy like Smasharoo.

What's up with that?!?

#10 Jan 20 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Double post. Count 'em Skeeter.


Edited, Tue Jan 20 14:37:37 2004 by Totem
#11 Jan 20 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
Lol. Hey, I never wanted to be an accountant! It just happened, I swear! My friend in CA went to college to be an accountant, I laughed at her many times. I remember saying "Why would anybody want to be an accountant, let alone go to college for it??" That, my friend, is Karma I guess. So what if I have a crazy Jew for a boss, I've seen applications for my position from people that have majored in accounting, and have more years in experience than my total number of years here so far. Great pay, a lot of benefits, health care, Peruvian chicken on Thursdays, Donuts and Bagels on Fridays, plus it's the perfect cover up for my secret Super Hero life.. Oops.

But on the real, fo shizzle, I want to be a Music Theory teacher eventually. I had a really cool Teacher in college named Dr. Mathews, he was a white guy, with a funny afro thing going on with his hair, and he wasn't the typical stuck up music person. Even liked groups like Mothers of Invention.

My Guitar wants to kill your mother.

Queen Skeet Smiley: king
#12 Jan 20 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts

Well, show some distinctly non-accountant-like sack and wear a banana hammock to work then and make Flea smile at the very least. Then jump up on the conference table in the next staff meeting, drop your pants, and shake it like a polaroid in your bosses' face and quit to become a music teacher, fer cryin' out loud.

Better yet, become a BASE jumping professional music teacher who condenses his lessons into 10 seconds or less on the way down from the local radio antennna.

An accountant!

/shakes his head

#13 Jan 20 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
I get to do cool things like reconcile vendor statements to the extreme! Then I shimmy over to the other side of my office and do some filing in my whacked out cabinets!

Then, every Tuesday, I get to call up a bunch of biotches that owe us money, and spit my game at them, B*tch better have my money!

You lookin' for a payment from us? I can hook you up. I look into my fly accounting software and hook you up propa like with our dope check number.

So when I'm not BASE jumping, or having sex with my fine honey, I'm keeping it real at work, on the solo tip. Word.

Queen Skeet Smiley: king
#14 Jan 20 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
Skeeter the Tulip wrote:
Lol. Hey, I never wanted to be an accountant! It just happened, I swear! My friend in CA went to college to be an accountant, I laughed at her many times. I remember saying "Why would anybody want to be an accountant, let alone go to college for it??" That, my friend, is Karma...

My best friend from the old neighborhood (Cleveland) - BIG-time partier - didn't go to college straight off - worked on a relative's vineyard (manual labor) for a few years, then decided "Accounting."

Long story short... he works like he partied - Damn Hard! He is now president of a major cable movie company (if I told you, you'd know it) and every year, he flys the gang from the old neighborhood out to Colorado for a ski trip. So no posts from me at the end of February - I'll be flying down the side of a Breckenridge mountain - compliments of an "accountant."
#15 Jan 20 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
I work smack dab in the middle of a bunch of accountants that are generally of the flavor that Totem described. I am here to stir things up, I think, since I am no number cruncher and my positioning here has to have come from a higher power....

I am told by various sources that my office always has the loudest music playing, most giggling coming out of it, strangest visitors inside and emits smells that would probably seriously damage the nose of the average person (I'm a pig, ok? I throw half eaten things in may garbage and wonder why it smells so bad in there 2 days later). What can I say, I take pride in my very important role as the token office pain-in-the-***** Accountants, they are here for me to play with!Smiley: tongue

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#16 Jan 21 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Since my office is right in the middle of my area, I have my Hispanic coworkers and my Cracker coworkers at equal distance from me. I like to play a Spanish CD mix that my S.O. made for me because:

1. I like the music

2. My Hispanic coworkers like it

3. My boss The Jewtm doesn't like it

4. That ***** that just started working here recently and thinks she owns the place hates it. (Yep, she's white too)

5. What kind of dumb *** spells their name "Susyn"???

Now on to smokers. Some other white coworker that I don't like, smokes like a fiend. Needless to say his voice is all jacked up and so are his lungs. He clears his throat like once every 30 seconds. And if you think that is bad, half the time he turns it into some damn humming song like "Ahem hhmmmmmm hmm hmmm hmmm".

Ah yes, so lovely, I love a nice melody with the sound of phlegm being dislodged from ones coal black lungs.

While I'm talking about this guy, I'll also mention that he's a prick. There is one, yes one really good worker up here in my office and his name is Ron. This ******* goes to Ron all the time and I swear it's like I'm seeing a bully make a nerd do his homework for him. He comes to me and wants me to fetch all the invoices for the airport he is in charge of and wants me to make copies of them and add up the paper supplies and give him the report. At first I'd just tell him I'm busy. But I got fed up the other day and I told him "Look, I'm not Ron, I'm not going to do your work for you. It's my job to enter those invoices, get them approved, make sure they get paid, then file them away, it is not my job to make it so you don't have to do any work around here. Seeing as how I've done my job, the invoices you are looking for are in the file cabinet under "A" for "American Chemical". And the copier is right through that door"

Damn crackers trying to make me do their work just because I'm brown.

Sadly Ron hasn't grown balls and still does **** for him.

Anyhow... What was I talking about??

Eh, who cares..
#17 Jan 21 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
Music theory teacher, eh?

Can you name the modes of a major scale from bottom to top? Did you pay attention in theory class?

Flea, make sure he doesn't look it up, that's cheating.
#18 Jan 21 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Bah, I sucked at modes.

Can you spell a German 6th?

Seriously, Music theory is something you have to keep working on. I haven't had a theory lesson in over a year, and it shows. I find myself listening to music then hearing something I recognize, but it takes me forever to remember what it's called.

Be nice to me or I'll start telling "Music Theory Mom Jokes" Like:

"Your mother is a tri-tone in a melodic line"


"Your mother is a doubled 3rd in a chord"
#19 Jan 21 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Ok, this one time at band camp...



#20 Jan 21 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
Heh, I sucked at everything except modes. My German and Italian theory classes are in a box somewhere. Basically, I was good at anything that made me a better guitarist, and kind of ignored everything else. I wish I would have done it the othery way around.

I can recite a circle of fifths like a pro, though, and a lot of damn good that does me, guitar wise.

Speaking of theory jokes: How many country bassists does it take to change a light bulb? One, er five, er one, er five, er one...

PS: Dear Totem, I get more ***** than you. Love, Merri!
#21 Jan 21 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
Lol. That was great.

She has a point Tote.

#22 Jan 21 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
Skeeter the Tulip wrote:
...Damn crackers trying to make me do their work just because I'm brown...


I got over to "accounting" the other day, to make some corrections to my electronic time sheet (it comes out a different color if you make an error. When I'm done making the changes, Janice, a very nice black (or brown, if you will) woman in accounting, says, "There - now you're the right color!"

Looking down at my somewhat pale arms, I respond, "That's a matter of opinion, don't you think?"

She responded without batting an eye, "Perhaps - from where I sit, you need a lot more sun!"

We had a good laugh. Damn it's nice when you don't have to worry about being PC!
#23 Jan 21 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
No no, I'm fine with chicks knowing their music, but Skeeter, having gone from Zenmaster bungi jumping Tantric sex instructor to bean counting birth control glasses wearing musical nodes knowing accountant is completely blowing my image of him.

The next thing we'll find out is that he knows the difference between tafeta and simulated silk-- and can tell you the subtle nuances of each in depth. "Well, I love the color of dusty rose on my tafeta curtains, because that salmon coral peach was just too much!" (Skeeter flips his hands forward in a display of stomach churning effeminent limp wristedness while swishing his hips around like a washing machine in the agitation cycle)

/eyes Skeeter suspiciously

#24 Jan 21 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
Um, bro? No clue what you are talking about, and the fact that you know enough about all of that to be able to describe it in such vivid detail is frightening.

Especially with all of the baking you've been doing, and quality time with your son. Totally lost that feel for the Tornado Chasing jokester, who loves to go scuba diving and rock climbing when he isn't at comedy clubs, making fun of the comics.

Now you seem much more like Bob Saget in a Family Ties or what ever show he was in before that dumb Americas Funniest Videos show.
#25 Jan 21 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Aaaah crap. You caught me. I baked some more chocolate chip cookies last night. And I do know the difference between tafeta and simulated silk, but I need my wife to tell me how dusty rose at sunset is utterly different from salmon coral peach. I'm fairly certain I'm not gay though, because I still think Members Only jackets are cool-- a major discriminating criteria for determining one's sexual orientation.

Just tell me you drive a red sports car or something, ok? And not a Neon or Geo Tracker. I need to have something to believe in...

#26 Jan 21 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Now I'm scared I'll walk in one day to Totem and Skeet making out on my couch.
BTW, Totem, just to ease your pain Skeet is the slickest looking **** in that entire office. A bit sloppy, true, but boy when he actually bothers he is quite the l'il heartbreaker.

Now you two kiss and make up.
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