Don't do it!
1. The game is very buggy, with out online support and being able to patch it will be nearly un-playable.
2. The game sucks! The mission included with the game is just horrid.
3. The games only saving grace is the ability to make and play custom maps with friends, with out that you will find it extremelly lacking.
If you enjoy games like that try out Dungeon Siege, they just came out with a nex exspansion also.
Hmm, maybe I liked it so much because I cheated my way up to level 20, and bumped up my stats some. Haven't played it with out the patch, so it may be buggy, not sure. Also, it runs a lot better in 32 bit mode. I was pissed at first because it was sort of choppy, and I've worked hard at having a computer that can play any game, but after switching to 32 bit it runs great.
I like it because I have the choice to become good or evil. There were two people following me around so I could take them to safety because their town was over run by zombies. They kept getting in my way and pissing me off so I killed them.
My character is 18 levels of Wizard, and 2 levels of fighter. Means I can cast a lot of cool spells, transform into huge dragons or golems, summon familiars, and wear heavy armor and use a shield or two weapons.
I also like the ability to hire a thug. I picked a cleric chick to follow me around. She is great against undead, can heal me, and says things like "Yes Master, I'll get right on it" if I tell her to do something. Even cusses in elvish, then excuses herself.
Not bad for 20 bucks.
Queen Skeet