The reason you probably don't get the same "vibe" from the Jewish faith is because of the fundamental difference between montheism and exclusive monotheism.
Normal Monotheism (like Judaism) says: "There is only one god for me".
Exclusive Monotheism (like Christianity and Islam) says: "There is only one god for everyone".
Monotheism does not inherently preclude other deities and faiths. To the Jews, God is "their" god. If someone else wants to worship Baal, or Vishna, or the Great Pumpkin it doesn't affect their faith one bit. Hence, they have no need or desire to convert others or force them to follow their beliefs.
Once you start getting into exclusive monotheism, you run into a couple huge problems:
1. There can really only be one. Two or more exclusive monotheisms will have to fight eachother since they are, well.. exclusive. Heck. People kill eachother over different ways of worshiping that "one God". Think about it...
2. The assumption that they are right because their god is the god for everyone (whether they know it or not) is so deep seated that it blinds them to anything else. Thus, they must convert everyone. They have a very hard time seeing a difference between church laws and legal laws (shouldn't they be the same?).
It's just yucky all the way around. Any sane person would see that the root of most of the worlds problems stem from the fact that a good percentage of the worlds population holds a faith that is so oppressive that it must interfere with all other beliefs and structures to make things like their religion.
The really scary thing is that most of these people, even the ones who think they are very tolerant, really aren't. They are just so blinded by their faith that they don't see just how obtrusive they are. I would definately extend the desciption to all Christian and Islam faiths though. They all really are the same exact thing. They vary only in the details...