Well since my DK's already 80, I can take him pretty much anywhere to farm. That won't be a problem. It's just the getting up of effort enough to actually log on him and farm mining while still working on my shammy. I picked up a couple pieces last night in naxx, though we got a lot of crap we ended up DE'ing >.<.
Ran at about 2.6k overall for the run, hitting up to 3.2k on boss fights w/heroism.
Anyone here use bartender? What's the general consensus on it? I'm going to switch to it from Dominos because every time I looted a badge off a boss last night, my top bar flipped out and wouldn't come back so I had to relog each time, which messed up my WWS report >.<
EDIT: 2 Pages of Bored Druids!
Edited, Apr 8th 2009 8:11am by Galenmoon