I kinda miss this game, you know?
I played for a time, and then got sidetracked. Then a friend got me to re-sub, but he was on another server so I played with him until he stopped logging on. Then I went back to my original server, but I saw that I was So. Far. Behind. everybody else.
Everybody else was busy on the "new" stuff (back then it was, um, what was that again? I think the last time I played was not all that long after they introduced the Golden Saucer and who was that again, Ramuh?). It was right before Heavensward.
So here I was, trying to get Lv50 at the time, or maybe I was 50 and was trying to get the "Main Storyline" done up to the part where you kill the Ultima Weapon (I think that's what it was called?) and I sorta just...
Felt completely buried underneath a ton of content because they were advertising a new expansion, I was nowhere near ready for and I was buried under a metric crap-ton of fetch quests involved with the main story. And of course, the "cool" content everybody else was doing, I couldn't even dream of doing because all of that stuff was locked behind the Main Story and who knows how many questlines after that.
Well anyways that brings me to the question...
1). Did they modify the main quest line in any way, or deviate from it, or ANYTHING to help players who've been away for awhile catch up? Or do you still face 100+ hours of solo questing before you can participate in anything that's current/relevant?
2). Do they still do dungeon finders for old content, like let's say if I needed Ultima Weapon, is it still possible to Q up for it and actually get it done? Do players get tired of running years-old dungeons like Sastasha, that Manor, etc?
3). Is the market still nearly impossible for a lowbie character to actually make anything you could call decent money? Before I left... nothing I could make was really worth anything, I'd be lucky I could get 500-1000 gil out of anything I could go farm or make 'cept for crystals and those were boring as all bleeep to get any significant number of them (which is probably why they were expensive).
4). I take it the expansion is absolutely required if you expect to do much of anything fun in the game? lol
I guess that's pretty much it for my questions...