Thayos wrote:
If all the content in FFXIV were easy because youtube exists then you'd have a lot more people sitting on full savage clears because it'd just be a matter of spending 10 minutes on youtube and pushing a couple buttons, then all the gear gets mailed to you? Right?
I fully believe that's what Hio believes. Can't think of any other reason why she'd insist upon the things she does.
As for Nashred, I'm pretty sure he just wants FFXIV battles to be more like FFXI battles, which were predicated on certain mechanics but without following such rigid fight scripts. The key to winning a battle in XI wasn't learning from YouTube and then working to memorize a script -- rather, it was knowing mechanics and using your party setup to mitigate those mechanics. Ultimately, XIV simply comes down to beating a DPS check while surviving mechanics by moving to the correct spots on the battlefield.
Regardless, XIV's battles are fun when you get in a good group, and the fundamental elements of XIV will not be changing to be more like XI.
You know me pretty well.
It is like playing a game like duck hunt and the ducks always come out in the same place, eventually you learn the pattern and shoot before you even see them.. That is how FFXIV feels and yes memorizing is a skill but people know what I mean. Now you make the ducks come out faster it makes it a little harder and that is all FFXIV does to make a game harder. Now if the ducks come out at random it is a whole different game and requires a whole bunch of skill not just memorization. This is what I want.
I do not want them to be exactly like FFXI though either..
I just want to use abilities like stun that make a difference in how a fight works out. I would like to see elemental magic make a difference and other abilities vs just dps'ing and dodging your way through every fight.
I miss fights like early on Glaviod fight where s a skilled small party could take him down and a full party with a brew could still die.
I remember this fight in abyssea where a large group of black mages tried to burn it down and wiped on this mob. Tesee and I beat it with just a monk and whm using a strategy that took us 1.5 hrs to bring it down. It was the coolest thing ever, we had a huge crowd gathering and cheering us on but I think a few were there waiting for us to wipe to steal it. But the fight nearly wiped us several times and required us to adapt and change gear to like evasion gear to avoid certain moves. I miss having to strategize vs memorizing places to stand.
Every fight in FFXIV is no different and groups that beat the fight do it the same way every-time.
The fight are not hard they are just memorization game like simon says. For some memorizing probably is tough.
I would like some randomizing. A raid each boss opens with the same move it closes with the same move and does every move in the same order every time you enter. Why cant it randomize it moves? It would stop people from just memorizing a fight.
You know it was fun the first 6 month because it was different but how long has the game been out now and it has not changed anything.
I mean you memorize a fight and can be sped along by videos. Stand here, move here, now move, pull a switch now move here. Yea it takes time to learn the moves but it does not use any skill except memorization.It requires very little gaming skill. As long as you can memorize a progression you can get through anything in the game..
Trying to get enough people that have memorized the fight together is the hard thing.,
Edited, Jan 25th 2017 4:33pm by Nashred Edited, Jan 25th 2017 4:35pm by Nashred Edited, Jan 26th 2017 2:36pm by Nashred