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Huh? (article about anima weapons)Follow

#1 Dec 26 2015 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"Finally, though Yoshida wants Anima weapons to remain time-consuming to obtain, the development team will no longer be using "difficult content" to gate them off. We'll need to wait until patches 3.25 and 3.3 to discover their full meaning, but any future boss requirements will certainly be limited to normal difficulty"

What "difficult content" gates off anima weapons? Getting a million poetic and law tomes = difficult? huh?
#2 Dec 26 2015 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
When they say "no longer be using difficult content" they're referring to their future plans, not something already implemented. Their initial plan was to use more than just a grind to progress further but it looks like they've decided against that.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#3 Dec 27 2015 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
they could give is something thats "more than just a grind" that isnt difficult....

try giving us content exclusive to relic instead of reusing old content.. FOR example the first step in relic required you beating the first three primals on hard then they had fights that were specific to that quest line (hydra and chimera) neither was "difficult" and it wasnt a grind either.... they could do the same hing with future relic
#4 Dec 29 2015 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Yeah - essentially he feared it would prevent people from getting a relic if they did actual content for the relic quest.

Since you know, so many people didn't get an original i80/85 Relic back at 2.0 since you know, 3 primals and Chimera/Hydra was so impossible that no one was able to clear it.....>_>

Since he said they won't do anything like "Thordan Ex difficulty" which isn't even hard, get used to these kinds of grinds since he said trials prevent even midcore players from progressing. It was balanced around the time frame it'd take to get an A4S weapon, which according to information from this latest interview....

They didn't even balance A3S and A4S because they ran out of time essentially so they had purely tested it around each phase transition and not an actual start to finish balance testing. So I'm guessing the plans they had for Relic would have taken too long to test and instead, dump a bunch of currency they themselves didn't have to do (or they would never subject people to silly grinds like that.)

I enjoyed XI's currency collection because I can sell what I didn't need, I can collect gear and hell you even get an instant 2-24+ million refund (depends on era of XI) after you complete the relic which you could either cash out for the millions, or pass the currency along to someone else to help their stages.


#5 Dec 29 2015 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Since he said they won't do anything like "Thordan Ex difficulty" which isn't even hard

The hardcore players who have a static in my FC threw themselves at that fight almost nightly for several weeks before they finally won. It's absurd to say that battle isn't hard, especially when so many others on the OFs praised it for its difficulty.
Thayos Redblade
#6 Dec 29 2015 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Since he said they won't do anything like "Thordan Ex difficulty" which isn't even hard

The hardcore players who have a static in my FC threw themselves at that fight almost nightly for several weeks before they finally won. It's absurd to say that battle isn't hard, especially when so many others on the OFs praised it for its difficulty.

It's not a hard fight, even the guy who designed it said as such because he balanced it around being a mechanical driven fight instead of omg dps rush or wipe kind of fight, just that there's a lot of mechanics and the difficulty will be nothing to players who can clear A1S and A2S. Trust me, when you actually do the fight you'll see it for yourself. It gets praised for its difficulty because it's actually well designed compared to the crap they threw at us 5-6 months ago. Pre-Meteor phase the hardest part is hoping your tanks know how to pay attention to buff icons and how to rotate cool downs and placing the Dragoon jump. So the fact you say it took them several weeks on a nightly basis to clear it doesn't necessarily mean it's hard, because most ACTUAL hardcore players cleared it within the first 2 hours of the patch going live. I'll assume you mean those players are more midcore than hardcore if we're using the terminology because there's very little that can actually wipe you aside your own mistakes (taking a divebomb as a healer or tank will instantly end the fight.)

So yeah if your FC mates could clear A1S and A2S, they shouldn't have had a problem because in terms of diffculty, they're above Thordan - but considering how so many people can barely get past the first 2 floors of Savage Alex, of course there's going to be people who praise Thordan's difficulty, because it set to be under that difficulty meaning it should be far more accessible to people. Yoshi himself even said if you're currently doing savage the fight will be a cakewalk and is designed to help push people through 3 and 4 due to the weapon drops.


#7 Dec 29 2015 at 2:10 PM Rating: Excellent
So yeah if your FC mates could clear A1S and A2S, they shouldn't have had a problem because in terms of diffculty, they're above Thordan

They were at least on A3S.

Yes, Thordan Ex is a difficult fight. Yoshi never said A1S or A2S were easy, either. In fact, they're called "Savage Mode."

Why do you keep insisting that everything is easy, even when everything is clearly not easy? You also implied in your last post that Titan HM was easy back in the day... this isn't true, either. I literally lost friends from the game because that was such a difficult roadblock for so many players.

I really don't know what point you're trying to make by just blindly insisting that nothing is difficult. What you should be doing is calling BS on the kind of difficulty the dev team has put in place for you to wrestle with.

I'm going to take a guess at it -- you don't want the learning curve to be difficult; you'd prefer the fight to be based more on reflexes and general knowledge rather than memorization. Is that correct? That's how I feel, too... and you can still hold those opinions while also acknowledging that the current fights are difficult for many of the game's players.

I mean, you can stand back and say everything's easy all you want. And perhaps you're a truly gifted gamer, or maybe memorization just comes insanely easy to you, in which case these fights would be really simple. Doesn't change the fact that for most players, these fights are difficult.

because most ACTUAL hardcore players cleared it within the first 2 hours of the patch going live

Also, calling BS on this. What I saw from my FC's hardcore static was echoed from numerous other players on the OFs. I don't recall any kind of widespread commenting from people saying "oh yeah, we beat this within a few hours!" Most of the comments two weeks later were from people talking about how far into the fight their statics had progressed, although there were more groups starting to win by that point.

I wouldn't be surprised if the upper echelon of hardcore groups beat it within 24 hours, but the development team would be stupid to tune content in this game to that degree of difficulty. If the content is difficult enough that most players need weeks to learn the fight, then it's difficult enough.

Edited, Dec 29th 2015 12:18pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#8 Dec 29 2015 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
btw did the final coil of bahamut have a credits roll either after turn 12 or 13?
#9 Dec 29 2015 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
btw did the final coil of bahamut have a credits roll either after turn 12 or 13?

Couldn't tell you... those are the two I couldn't get finished. :(
Thayos Redblade
#10 Dec 29 2015 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
btw did the final coil of bahamut have a credits roll either after turn 12 or 13?

Not T12. Never finished T13 but I doubt it. Final Coil wasn't the end of the game, it was the end of a subplot (an important subplot.. yes... but a subplot just the same).
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#11 Dec 29 2015 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Why do you keep insisting that everything is easy, even when everything is clearly not easy?

Because if it's easy for *them* obviously it must be easy for everyone else too, durr
#12 Dec 30 2015 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
pretty sure the end of coil had credits or at least an ARR or HW like cut scene (more like he opening cutscene not the usual ingame engine cutscenes) for it
#13 Dec 30 2015 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Why do you keep insisting that everything is easy, even when everything is clearly not easy?

Because if it's easy for *them* obviously it must be easy for everyone else too, durr

A good example of what's being stated is, there's people who struggle with Void Ark, which would lead one to say Void Ark is "challenging content" just because people wipe on Cetus and the 2nd trash pull (the malboro) or constantly wipe on Cuch despite how easy the mechanics are (don't even fool yourself) meanwhile you can have an alliance that has zero problems and actually finish it within 30 minutes but you're not allowed to say "Void Ark is easy" because there's people who struggle with content still. The same with primal fights, including Thordan. The fights aren't that difficult, the fact people struggle with it and the fact there's people who blow through it like nothing means it's more down to players than content design because by design, people should have a tough time with it each and every time if it truly is challenging content, it shouldn't get easier especially when the game doesn't advance past it (everyone is still at 210 ilvl max and majority of players are in ilvl200 or below weapons.) Stating otherwise is just trying to argue against even Yoshida admitting as such. He didn't spend the last 2 letters and interviews post 3.1 and 3.15 stating they realize they overtuned Savage 3 and 4 and didn't properly balance content due to lack of time and from here on out nothing will be as challenging as Thordan Ex (which BY DESIGN is nestled inbetween AS1 and AS2, which everyone (Who actually does the content) admits are the easiest) if people had no issues with the content design nor would he have had created this topic to "explain" the situation:

If there was only praises.

Fyi, "Savage" and "Hard" is only stated in Japanese to show the difference in the duty finder, which is EXACTLY why Yoshida stated he's dropping the "Hard" and "Savage" after 3.2 because it no longer makes sense in the grand scheme of things (especially in regards to primals) - it was never meant to state the difficulty because I guarantee people don't find hard mode primals "challenging content", especially these days unless you truly are in that % of players who would struggle in with a boss that kills itself if you leave it alone and still manage to constantly wipe to it. The content isn't hard, it's really not. Players make things harder than it truly is at times. Go into Ravana Ex on Duty Finder and if you get no tome bonus, watch how often people mess up mechanics despite obviously having clears..that will make an easy primal fight see hard, would it not? Thordan is mechanics more than difficult, the guy who designed it said so and Yoshida even admitted prior to 3.1 they NERFED it.

Coil had no credits in the traditional sense (credits are usually rolled after storyline endings, so 2.0/3.0/4.0 etc.) but you did get a video that shows you exactly what happened after we got suspended in time. So there was an ending, but not a long ending of all the people not working on this game like you get with MSQ endings.

#14 Dec 30 2015 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
You're comparing Void Ark to Thordan? Really?

Void Ark is designed to be completed in one or two playthroughs. So yes, that is easy. It's designed to be easy.

Extreme Primals, Thorndan Ex, Coil, Alex SM, etc., are designed to need several playthroughs before clearing. These are more difficult. Within those, you'll find learning curves with varying degrees of difficulty. You'll also find battles that are sometimes difficult to execute even once everyone knows what to do.

Again, you can sit there and call things "easy" all you want, but in reality it's not easy to learn and complete those battles. Otherwise, a much larger percentage of players would have wins.

Heck, if you're honestly going to compare Void Ark with Thordan Ex, then I'd love for you to explain why most people breezed through Void Ark in a single playthrough, while on the other hand, most people needed several weeks of practice to beat Thordan for the first time.

You can't do it, because it's a nonsensical comparison.

the fact people struggle with it and the fact there's people who blow through it like nothing means it's more down to players than content design because by design, people should have a tough time with it each and every time if it truly is challenging content

Yes and no.

We obviously agree here that SE should be designing fights based less on memorization and more on thinking on your feet, more like FFXI was.

But really, nobody blows through these difficult fights. Some hardcore players are able to beat them within a few days, sure -- but that's only because those people do nothing else other than play video games, and when new content like Thordan Ex is released that's ALL THEY DO until they beat it. To say a battle is "easy" because that sliver of basement dwellers has nothing better to do is really off the mark.

Edited, Dec 30th 2015 12:23pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#15 Dec 30 2015 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
We obviously agree here that SE should be designing fights based less on memorization and more on thinking on your feet, more like FFXI was.

I was with you up until the 'like FFXI' part. While encounters in XI didn't follow patterns like today's MMOs do, it was usually a matter of always planning for the worst and being prepared. To do so, you still needed to understand what mobs were capable of so memorization was still a part of it.

If you were going to point to any encounter as an example of 'think on your feet', I'd offer the Faction Champions from the Trial of the Crusader raid in WoW. For anyone who never experienced it, your raid essentially PvPs a group of NPCs of various jobs. The jobs of the opponents varied, their behavior was not consistent and it was basically a gigantic ************ They couldn't be tanked like normal mobs because just like a player in PvP, you're free to attack anyone you like(unless you're CC'd of course).

I have to ask though... if players can't execute properly when the actions are pre-determined, how do you expect them to confront the unknown? I honestly feel that if you put a Faction Champions style fight in XIV, players would grovel and beg for their memory game mechanics back.

The only truly dynamic content in MMOs comes in the form of PvP. Love it, hate it or remain indifferent; you won't find anything else that comes close in terms of having to think and react.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#16 Dec 30 2015 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
I have to ask though... if players can't execute properly when the actions are pre-determined, how do you expect them to confront the unknown? I honestly feel that if you put a Faction Champions style fight in XIV, players would grovel and beg for their memory game mechanics back.

Yeah, that is a great point. I think the way to do it is just ease up slightly on the mechanic frequency, and/or make some mechanics a bit more survivable. It's not just the jump roping that makes XIV's battles get old, but also the "one mistake and you wipe" design that covers so many fights. It is possible to make things more random without changing the overall difficulty. I don't see SE making significant changes to battle design though.
Thayos Redblade
#17 Dec 30 2015 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I think the way to do it is just ease up slightly on the mechanic frequency, and/or make some mechanics a bit more survivable. It's not just the jump roping that makes XIV's battles get old, but also the "one mistake and you wipe" design that covers so many fights. It is possible to make things more random without changing the overall difficulty. I don't see SE making significant changes to battle design though.

The problem is that what separates normal content from difficult content is the level of execution required to defeat each of them. The more difficult that a developer wishes to make their content, the closer toward perfect execution the players participating need to be. I remember Yoshi saying something about adding another level of difficulty, but I'm not sure if that was a probability or a possibility.

Either way, I wouldn't expect to see it until the level cap increases and leaves them some room to implement it. Current content is balanced around just normal and difficult.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#18 Dec 31 2015 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
The difference with XI and why that type of content worked though was partly because you were, in most content, not allowed to try it as many times as you liked. You payed for every entry, there was a one attempt per five days, or lost claim etc. The result being that it needed to be easier to beat than any raid is in XIV where you are allowed to go in as many times as you like.

I personally like the XI system a lot better because it forces developers to create more content to do since you can for the most part not do the same thing over and over. You were forced to do different things (which was also due to different equipment coming from different content to a larger extent instead of tomes in all of them or same ilvl equipment) which gave more variety. Together with that and fights being more of a "I have a shot from the start to beat it, but I need to be on my toes and prepare well beforehand" made the fights more fun in general compared to "I will do this fight 100 times now until I learn every phase to not get 1-shot so we beat it" (if the rest of the group does the same). At least for me I get bored of doing anything too many times so for the most part with 1-shot raid type content I often get bored of fights even before I actually beat it.

I feel a bit like a broken record, but again I think this is tied into the vertical progression system. Developers can't create content fast enough, so they need to gate you, but keep you busy at the same time. What is the solution? Content that takes a long time to complete. The problem is that to make something last you can't make it easy and let people do it as many times as they want so you end up with content like what XIV has. I mean, a game could have both types of content ideally, but if I have to choose I'll go for variety and content being fun for a longer time because I can't do it an unlimited amount of times right from the start.
#19 Jan 01 2016 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
That's why I didn't mind the gates in XI because there was enough content to rotate and even enough side content (that wasn't just for "glamour purposes") to keep you busy as well even beyond the leveling process.

In XI 75 era you had Dynamis that was on a few days cooldown, gathering sky sets to pop them same day or some other time, gathering sea sets for the same purpose, Einherjar on same few day cooldown, limbus on same few day cooldown and people scheduled the events so you'll always be within a day or two your next content rotation and this lasted for years.

XIV's gates are pointless because it's purely designed to keep you from finishing the content within the same day..week being generous. Void Ark having a lockout on loot despite it dropping ilvl 200 gear..when Diadem drops 210 gear even post changes (but a bit slower now that it's not as loot pinata..y.)

Then Savage is still gated and even to exhaust those drops not only do you need to beat 3 and 4, but you also get a token drop, which you need at minimum 4 to even get anything, so you'd still have to spam it plenty gated or not. Vertical progression is all well and good, but XIV's is a bit too severe, especially if they're supposedly hurting as badly as they say they are in terms of resources.


#20 Jan 01 2016 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Theonehio wrote:
That's why I didn't mind the gates in XI because there was enough content to rotate and even enough side content (that wasn't just for "glamour purposes") to keep you busy as well even beyond the leveling process.

I think you're overgeneralizing. Most of the old "gated" content in XI was as stupid as certain ideas in XIV. I can't count the times I actually wanted to do something but couldn't due to the gate/wait/low probability mechanics (and this goes back from the ToAU days, so the WoTG effect wasn't present). In fact, I actually dislike both XI and XIV regarding this matter - the "you can't do X? But you can do YZW" approach, while necessary for a MMO, is something never works the way it's intended to do, IMO.

I think recently people are too gentle with XI, as it had a lot of issues and a very (standard for any MMO) toxic community, especially on servers like Asura (and ironically, one of the most hit by the Salvage mass ban back then). The fact that it had some ideas that are better than the current implementation of XIV doesn't really mean anything - the current relic grind in XIV is as stupid as the original Relic/Mythic/Empyrean grind in XI and the fact that in the latter case certain restrictions are being eased as the game is transitioning to minimal development effort (anyone thinking differently is delusional) doesn't erase the idiocy of the path taken.

Right now XIV's 3.1 patch is very boring for me but not because of Diadem (I don't even intend to do it, and I'm not planning to do Thordan EX either) or the relic quest, but due to the extremely weak story (side story included, seriously I found odd no one discussed how bland the Scholasticarum story is compared to the Hildibrand one), the bad dungeons design (since 2.2 they've been corridors), and Void Ark's general dullness (again, compared to the Labyrinth of the Ancients, is too linear). Honesly, for me all the "drama" for Savage isn't really something I'm inclined to follow.

XI is way better than XIV regarding story (XIV's story is a mass of plotholes, player boosting ego tricks, and ridicolous choices) and in certain encounter setups - less instadeath ideas and also more room for improvisation, something that XIV completely lacks - but for the rest isn't that better regarding endgame. The concept of using WSes, SCs and MBs isn't comparable with XIV, as the design philosophy is completely different, the only thing that I can say for myself is that the fights in XIV "look" more boring due to bigger amount of spamming of special effects.

Edited, Jan 1st 2016 9:41pm by xizro
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#21 Jan 01 2016 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, and I also don't think we should kid ourselves about FFXI's lasting for years being entirely a good thing.
Thayos Redblade
#22 Jan 02 2016 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Yeah, and I also don't think we should kid ourselves about FFXI's lasting for years being entirely a good thing.

Indeed - Thus why FFXI was a failed MMO and no one played it after 2005 (the core of its progression) since the design was "bad", then again, considering it was an MMO designed in the late 90s and released in 2002, it is pretty easy to forget just how different it was in comparison to other MMOs for its time. After dealing with so many "modern MMOs" and more, like FFXIV, that continue to release that isn't even really any better and in some cases, worse, than MMOs before it (don't kid yourselves, if the game will "crash" because of adding basic features, you cannot defend that) it can seem like something older MMOs did was "bad" after evaluating what a "newer" MMO does that has very little evolution beyond it, like it should have.

People who played XI didn't exactly complain about stuff lasting for years because regardless of new content coming out, you still had reasons to do older content and good chance when you're playing catch up with new members it's also an incentive to take the "trash" drops no one wanted before (usually because linkshells charged points for it for organization purposes..dkp was used in MMOs for a reason), but after playing MMOs that hand everything to you and nothing truly matters in the long run, looking back it is pretty easy to say it's "bad" that stuff lasts awhile in horizontal MMOs, since you're used to nothing remaining relevant in modern MMOs for very long.

xizro wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
That's why I didn't mind the gates in XI because there was enough content to rotate and even enough side content (that wasn't just for "glamour purposes") to keep you busy as well even beyond the leveling process.

I think you're overgeneralizing. Most of the old "gated" content in XI was as stupid as certain ideas in XIV. I can't count the times I actually wanted to do something but couldn't due to the gate/wait/low probability mechanics (and this goes back from the ToAU days, so the WoTG effect wasn't present). In fact, I actually dislike both XI and XIV regarding this matter - the "you can't do X? But you can do YZW" approach, while necessary for a MMO, is something never works the way it's intended to do, IMO.

I can actually - Whenever I wanted to do something considering I was part of a raiding linkshell I still had plenty of other content I could do that didn't have complete lockout gates, for example all of the BCNM style content for gear or gil, which only problem with those were drop rates and in later years, like post 75 cap, I had the abyssea and adoulin content. So it's not overgeneralizing, since take for example in XIV, a lot of gates open on a tuesday weekly reset and most people who do progression content, finish the same day and then have nothing to do for the rest of the week since at this point the rest of the game's content is irrelevant to you, obsoleted or content that never interested you (and doing it serves no purpose because the rewards are likely stuff you already have or for content no one really bothers with.)

The fact that it had some ideas that are better than the current implementation of XIV doesn't really mean anything

It means plenty actually - It means SE can be doing so much more than they are and considering yoshida's new year's message..good chance nothing will be changing either. I don't know, maybe I'm the only person in the world that realizes if an MMO can't add features or content because of "no funding/lack of staff/servers will crash" there's serious problems..but hey, it's YoshiP - Far too many are still in the honeymoon phase, but then again, it seems the ones more likely to defend XIV are also ones who tend to not actually do the game's content, so I guess it does make sense. I mean you can't find the problems with your car if you don't drive it, so if the battery is dead you'd never realize it because you choose to walk 40 miles to work instead.


#23 Jan 02 2016 at 1:32 AM Rating: Excellent
it seems the ones more likely to defend XIV are also ones who tend to not actually do the game's content

I don't agree with this at all. Most people I play with in game do the majority of content. The only content that most players don't do are the hardcore endgame raids, which are just a sliver of the game's content, especially now that those raids have a story mode.

In fact, I'd say it's the people who don't play the game's content who are most likely to complain. But that's to be expected. Because if they enjoyed the game, they'd be playing the content.
Thayos Redblade
#24 Jan 02 2016 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Theonehio wrote:

People who played XI didn't exactly complain about stuff lasting for years because regardless of new content coming out, you still had reasons to do older content and good chance when you're playing catch up with new members it's also an incentive to take the "trash" drops no one wanted before (usually because linkshells charged points for it for organization purposes..dkp was used in MMOs for a reason), but after playing MMOs that hand everything to you and nothing truly matters in the long run, looking back it is pretty easy to say it's "bad" that stuff lasts awhile in horizontal MMOs, since you're used to nothing remaining relevant in modern MMOs for very long.

I actually hadn't, but I'm the minority I guess as missions were the biggest reason for me to play. I had almost zero interest in any of the endgame stuff, after I got what I "needed" I stopped completely and even when I got back to play Rhapsodies I never got past i119 stuff for equipment - the rest was too boring to even be considered fun.

I can actually - Whenever I wanted to do something considering I was part of a raiding linkshell I still had plenty of other content I could do that didn't have complete lockout gates, for example all of the BCNM style content for gear or gil, which only problem with those were drop rates and in later years, like post 75 cap, I had the abyssea and adoulin content. So it's not overgeneralizing, since take for example in XIV, a lot of gates open on a tuesday weekly reset and most people who do progression content, finish the same day and then have nothing to do for the rest of the week since at this point the rest of the game's content is irrelevant to you, obsoleted or content that never interested you (and doing it serves no purpose because the rewards are likely stuff you already have or for content no one really bothers with.)

Gated content is gated content, no matter the amount, and it's stupid in both games. In XI you had more gated content, but it was equally boring, at least for me. "Raiding" and "endgame" in most, if not all MMO are a series of "repeat X" for a certain number of times until you get the desired result for you or your group. And even the most complex fights can become annoying after a while.
In XIV you have forced gates and weekly resets and only two - extremely boring - dungeons in the Expert Roulette, which means again, sleep-inducing activities.
In the WoTG era I logged in only for missions, right now I'm not doing anything until the next patch hits (hopefully with more story) - I think both games have similar issues for my style of playing.


It means plenty actually - It means SE can be doing so much more than they are and considering yoshida's new year's message..good chance nothing will be changing either. I don't know, maybe I'm the only person in the world that realizes if an MMO can't add features or content because of "no funding/lack of staff/servers will crash" there's serious problems..

I think you should realize by now that they're already in a sort of legacy code situation. Since the fundamentals have been laid down more than two years ago, any complex modification can effect also something that is completely unexpected. Therefore certain seemgly innocent changes can require more money/time/staff than people think. It can be done, just that it'd require far more time, hence it's the reason a lot of "overhauls" in modern MMOs are planned months or even a year in advance. Since right now there's nothing that shows, according to the limited data available to users, that they feel they need to change/modify things in a drastic way, it's silly to expect or even hope for it.
The reason XI had a lot of "improvements" lately is because they're clearly freeing stuff that will no longer be used, that's all.

Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#25 Jan 02 2016 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
By the sound of what interests you Xizro you seem to be in the wrong genre. Storyline has never been the strong suit of mmorpgs. Even in the case of a storydriven mmorpg like Star Wars the Old Republic if you compare the story to most decent single player games I would say it pales in comparison. For me the advantage would be doing the story with friends, but in games like XIV for the most part you can't even play with your friends through the story. Not to mention there is not even any challenge when doing it, I mean I don't think you could say there has been any challenging content for storyline in XIV aside from that dragon on the bridge before Heavensward was released (which was quickly nerfed).

From reading your post all I really saw was that you think endgame in just about every mmorpg is bad and storyline is all you care about so I am not even sure what you are arguing. That games should have more storyline content? Because I don't think anyone here would mind something like that, but I also don't know how many people I've seen really not caring at all about story (more in my experience than players like you who only care about story, but that is purely anecdotal) so there needs to be other content too. Or is it that there should be no content gating? Because from what I heard you would not be playing the content either way so what does it matter? Not that I would mind it really, but there would need to be something else that keeps people from just quitting after a week.

Player retention is a large issue for a lot of mmorpgs and whilst I agree that gameplay being fun could be improved upon in most mmorpgs there is more to it than just saying the mechanics of it all needs improvement. Players play and enjoy the genre for many different reasons, gameplay, adventure (which is a large part why I don't enjoy most new mmoprgs, because I feel that is entirely gone), progression through content, progression of your character, story with/without friends, challenges (I would love to add competition as well, but that is for the most part gone nowadays) etc. That is a problem with mmorpgs compared to MOBA in my view. MOBAs can more easily keep their players because their content is PvP and based around that. Whilst mmorpgs can do the same many playing mmorpgs don't even want PvP at all, not to mention their focus is often character progression and these things make it harder to keep the game interesting in the longrun as opposed to MOBAs for example. Regardless of how fun the actual gameplay might be or not be.

As for vertical/horizontal progression I agree that vertical progression does not have to be bad. I think it creates issues of developers keeping up with content development, but I am not against it entirely. I think there can be a good mix, but like Theonehio said XIV is just too extreme. Not to mention I think their order of releasing the content is one of the most convoluted ways I have ever seen it happen, in any mmorpg I ever played.
#26 Jan 02 2016 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
448 posts
Belcrono wrote:
By the sound of what interests you Xizro you seem to be in the wrong genre. Storyline has never been the strong suit of mmorpgs. Even in the case of a storydriven mmorpg like Star Wars the Old Republic if you compare the story to most decent single player games I would say it pales in comparison. For me the advantage would be doing the story with friends, but in games like XIV for the most part you can't even play with your friends through the story. Not to mention there is not even any challenge when doing it, I mean I don't think you could say there has been any challenging content for storyline in XIV aside from that dragon on the bridge before Heavensward was released (which was quickly nerfed).

Actually there are some MMOs that heavily focus on lore/story, XI is the only one that hasn't tanked in recent years, but its story is, I think, way better than the offline FFs up to now (mostly thanks to the "original trilogy" - Vanilla, RoTZ, CoP), given as well as some limitations of the design. XIV makes the story a big point as well - only that's is very poorly written.
XI certainly had a lot of story and lore thought out and only during the end of ToAU/beginning of WoTG it began to fizzle due to certain choices (SoA is marginally better, however the story takes too long to start then it ends too quickly).
Right now I'm waiting up to 4.0 to see if something "really important" happens in the story (most of HW's stuff can be considered a side story), otherwise I think I'll quit.


From reading your post all I really saw was that you think endgame in just about every mmorpg is bad and storyline is all you care about so I am not even sure what you are arguing. That games should have more storyline content? Because I don't think anyone here would mind something like that, but I also don't know how many people I've seen really not caring at all about story (more in my experience than players like you who only care about story, but that is purely anecdotal) so there needs to be other content too. Or is it that there should be no content gating? Because from what I heard you would not be playing the content either way so what does it matter? Not that I would mind it really, but there would need to be something else that keeps people from just quitting after a week.

Story stuff, aside being interesting for me, usually promotes small party content, which is the way I prefer to do things. In fact, I think the full party configuration is excessive while the light party is too small.
I've done most of the XI's missions content with the same people I started with for this precise reason (and I'm pretty sure Theo remembers my video posts that used to pop up in XI's forums from time to time). I prefer content tailored to small groups.
However, XIV's content is solo only (duty, and I miss the feature in 1.0 that let you have someone in party in duty), instanced via DF, or FC tailored (mostly Diadem at the moment), all of which can be finished in hours - save Savage or Coil in 2.0 - even if the people aren't extremely bad. The only long-lasting content is the gated one with a single mechanic (caps), which is a bit bizarre.
Back then I didn't mind the level caps for CoP that slowed the progression a bit, however such system isn't applicable at all in XIV - see also the backlash HW got for requiring being up to date with 2.55 in order to access Ishgard.
With that said, taking out the extremes (people that never finish the content, people that finish the content in a day) the entire system needs an overlook, as it reminds me of WoTG's days in XI, where patches were extremely late, add very little and it was expected for no particular reason that people kept playing.
My original point anyway is that XI had stupid ideas much like XIV has now, and arguing about which one is "better" (in a few areas FFXI is better, but certainly not the ones usually mentioned) is a waste of time.
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