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#52 Oct 21 2015 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm busting balls with the comment, sure, but it also indicates the contract has effectively changed without any say from the player. Prior to this, they thought their stuff would be safe. Not so much now.

Oh no! I no longer have a house in the game I only play twice a year! I'm so mad!!!

Yeah, I could see why those people might be irritated for a few minutes, but jesus... perspective. It's almost kind of funny imagining people who would actually get mad over something like this.

Overall, I want to believe that Yoshi is smarter than this and someone on his team had the foresight to predict all this years back, but being all Dubya and Staying The Course(tm) has brought us to the present. Rah rah, bootstraps, whatever.

If this were Dubya, we'd still be staying the course, and empty, abandoned houses would just sit inactive because their owners no longer play.

Credit the devs for not letting that happen!

It's pretty much consensus among anyone who pays attention to this game that SE never expected this game to be so popular. So I think it's very narrow minded (and a tad arrogant) to assume that nobody on the development team saw this problem coming. The more common-sense assumption is they chose to deliver the product they'd prepared rather than delay housing indefinitely to reconceptualize and rebuild a system from scratch.

And yes, these are digital goods in a pay-to-play game. You won't convince me that houses are ultra-meaningful to people who don't even want to sub four months per year. You also won't convince me that those properties shouldn't be freed up for people who actually play the damn game.

Talk about selfish.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 2:22pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#53 Oct 21 2015 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:

hence why I say the less you play, the more you like the game because if you play a lengthy amount of WILL run out of stuff to do VERY quickly and that's not rushing at all.

That's an odd, jaded way of saying that FFXIV is optimized for a more casual/midcore approach. That's exactly what some of us were trying to explain to you in the other thread about why the devs don't focus more on hardcore raids. That's not the kind of game this is.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 9:50am by Thayos

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 10:28am by Thayos

And all I pretty much explain is, it breaks down to:

The less you play the game. The happier you are with it - meaning the game is designed to NOT be played. You play 2 hours a week? You're set. You can dedicate more time to it? Guess what, the game isn't for you.

The misconception comes with "hardcore" - Being able to play the game and knowing your job isn't hardcore. The fact these people I've been helping on balmung has been wiping to Ravana Ex for 2 weeks constantly, dedicating 1 hour every few days to it means if that's the playerbase Yoshi wants to focus on..of course anything slightly challenging will be seen as "hardcore." Which is why Savage Alexander can't be used as any raiding example, because it took OPTIONAL content design and FORCED it as raid content for progression, when Coil, as shown by the numbers, has a 10000000x% more completion rate than Savage Alexanderr ever will. So it's not jaded - It's the truth. If you play the game consistently in any sense of progression, you will run out of content, you will get bored. If you barely play the game, you're set for life because the fact they obsolete every bit of content won't bother you because you have nil reason to progress your character if you're not touching content.

It's not developed for midcore either - Because they have yet to introduce midcore content. It's either faceroll easy or the playerbase will wait until they nerf the living hell out of it to even touch it and STILL fail it constantly.

#54 Oct 21 2015 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
The less you play the game. The happier you are with it - meaning the game is designed to NOT be played. You play 2 hours a week? You're set.

You are totally contradicting yourself here. If you take out "meaning the game is designed to NOT be played," then what you say makes sense. With that in there, though, it's nonsensical.

Take that out, and I agree with you.

Thing is, that applies to most things in life. The more you do certain things, the more ordinary they become.

In gaming, though, certain games are designed to support consecutive 8+ hour sessions of hitting the feeder bar. Final Fantasy XIV is definitely not one of those games.

EDIT: You could also amend your boilerplate statement to be, "The less you play the game, the happier you are with it -- meaning the game is not designed to be played as often as other games on the market. You play two hours per week? You're set."

It's not developed for midcore either - Because they have yet to introduce midcore content.

Coil/Alexander Savage has been the hardcore content.

Primal extremes, Alexander Normal and probably Void Ark explorations will make up the midcore content.

Dungeons and 24-man raids have always been the casual content.

SE has implemented way more midcore/casual content into this game than hardcore content, and that's because this game doesn't cater to hardcore players... which you and I are in full agreement on, according to your own statement up above.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 2:29pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#55 Oct 21 2015 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I know the poor choice of wording in this thread has made things seem a little exaggerated. That being said, there's 46 pages worth of arguing over this same issue on the official forums. It's an issue for quite a few people.

I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but should they also delete all inactive characters on Balmung with X play time or less? Or delete some items in their inventory to help alleviate the servers for the current paying population? I mean, it's just digital property and they didn't play for long, so who cares right? That way current subscribers could actually get their friends on Gilgamesh, Balmung, etc. Some people invested insane amounts of time saving up the gil for their homes. Upwards of the 100 millions on some servers, that's some serious playtime just thrown down the crapper.

Anyways, I know it's not exactly the same as the housing, but some players have invested some serious time and money into their homes. Like I say, I see both sides of the coin here. What means next to nothing for someone in game, might mean a whole lot more to someone else. I've taken at least 2 long breaks from this game, had I cancelled my sub at the times, I would of lost my homes. Yet, I came back for 6-7 month stretches after, just seems ridiculous to lose your house or any item for that matter in this day and age.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 5:48pm by Montsegurnephcreep

#57 Oct 21 2015 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but should they also delete all inactive characters on Balmung with X play time or less? Or delete some items in their inventory to help alleviate the servers for the current paying population? I mean, it's just digital property and they didn't play for long, so who cares right? That way current subscribers could actually get their friends on Gilgamesh, Balmung, etc. Some people invested insane amounts of time saving up the gil for their homes. Upwards of the 100 millions on some servers, that's some serious playtime just thrown down the crapper.

Anyways, I know it's not exactly the same as the housing, but some players have invested some serious time and money into their homes. Like I say, I see both sides of the coin here. What means next to nothing for someone in game, might mean a whole lot more to someone else. I've taken at least 2 long breaks from this game, had I cancelled my sub at the times, I would of lost my homes. Yet, I came back for 6-7 month stretches after, just seems ridiculous to lose your house or any item for that matter in this day and age.

That's a great post.

I really do see both sides of the issue. But as you said above, the housing situation in FFXIV is unique from other items/gear/in-game possessions. The housing system happens to be based on finite resources, and it simply doesn't make sense for those resources to be claimed by people who are mostly or completely inactive -- especially when there are others who play significantly more often who are trying to get real estate.

That's why I say that people need to gain some perspective. SE isn't "punishing" anyone. It's simply trying to provide for its customers. And people who only plan on subscribing for two or three months of the year need to really ask themselves whether their lives or in-game experiences will seriously be negatively impacted by not having a house in FFXIV. Yeah, we all attach different values to different things, but I seriously have an incredibly hard time seeing as how this would genuinely matter to someone who literally only plays a few months per year.

I think it's fun to get mad about things on the Internet, hence that massive thread on the OF. But the people who'd be most affected by this don't need to worry, because they'll be playing the game.

It's definitely a big issue on the official forums, but that doesn't change the crux of the argument. The fact of the matter is people now have roughly four months to decide whether to keep or sell their homes. People who are currently inactive have four months to decide whether saving their in-game properties make subbing for one month worthwhile -- and honestly, with 3.1 dropping next month, it seems like anyone who's serious about playing would be renewing their subs anyway.

Nobody is being surprised by this. People have plenty of time to liquidate their possessions and get most of their investments back. And on the other hand, maybe people who think of themselves as just "occasional" players -- but, in reality, these people will never really play the game again -- maybe this will actually help those players walk away and find something else they'll enjoy.

My one final thought on your post is what SE may someday do to relieve the population on Balmung. I think that server is a drama time bomb waiting to happen. Everyone knows it's the most crowded server, yet people keep trying to pack in there. I wouldn't dare move to Balmung, just because of the very real possibility that SE might be forced to break it up someday. But if that day happens, you can bet people will lose their minds regardless of all the writing on the wall.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 3:09pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#58 Oct 21 2015 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Thayos wrote:
Talk about selfish.

Just so we're clear, I'm selfish because I want content to be 100% accessible with no resource loss due to inactivity involved?

I mean, I am arguing with someone who's apparently okay with only 2% of the population getting a house and flipping any of that 2% the bird if they opt to quit for a bit, right? Are you that bitter because you want a house? Or have we ventured into the territory where it's just because I'm the one making the counterpoints, we don't yield because letting Seri be right is an internet crime? Note for other readers: I'm not above making fun of myself.

If me being selfish is wanting a game dev to not only do things the right way, but well, fine, guilty as charged. If the implication is they rushed housing out like this to appease a vocal minority, then SE has rightfully earned every ounce of ridicule and scorn people are giving them over the issue. You are not a better or wiser person because you happen to be paying a sub at the moment. A pivotal factor in preventing upkeep soon. I ignored your earlier inquiry to such because I knew where that questioning would go. I could've said I'm playing right this moment and you'd probably want proof. And if I gave it, then what? I'm just a stupid head whose opinion doesn't matter because SE has "the numbers" or some other self-flagellation? I could say I haven't played since Legacy and you'd just feel further justified in trying to silence me. Anywhere in between is pretty much more of the same.

Is all this posturing because you think I'm playing the role of preludes and declaring XIV will be dead soon because of this? Nah, I don't think that. I don't think it will help, however. People will lose friends because of it. You might lose some, even. People still won't have house. Some will have lost millions of gil. Want peace of mind? Yours for the low, low price of $12.95 a month! Perhaps SE's the truly selfish one in this picture.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 6:06pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#59 Oct 21 2015 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I know the poor choice of wording in this thread has made things seem a little exaggerated. That being said, there's 46 pages worth of arguing over this same issue on the official forums. It's an issue for quite a few people.

I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but should they also delete all inactive characters on Balmung with X play time or less? Or delete some items in their inventory to help alleviate the servers for the current paying population? I mean, it's just digital property and they didn't play for long, so who cares right? That way current subscribers could actually get their friends on Gilgamesh, Balmung, etc. Some people invested insane amounts of time saving up the gil for their homes. Upwards of the 100 millions on some servers, that's some serious playtime just thrown down the crapper.

Anyways, I know it's not exactly the same as the housing, but some players have invested some serious time and money into their homes. Like I say, I see both sides of the coin here. What means next to nothing for someone in game, might mean a whole lot more to someone else. I've taken at least 2 long breaks from this game, had I cancelled my sub at the times, I would of lost my homes. Yet, I came back for 6-7 month stretches after, just seems ridiculous to lose your house or any item for that matter in this day and age.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 5:48pm by Montsegurnephcreep

Here's the thing:

Deleting characters/account? That was actually a thing for many MMOs due to tons of inactive characters taking up space in the earlier days. These days? It wouldn't make sense so it would never be a consideration but with XIV I wouldn't be surprised considering Yoshi himself said if they increase the individual character data even slightly the servers will crash.

Deleting items makes absolutely no sense outside of corrupted update data that they want to remove that's causing a server crash.

Houses? Makes sense - It's a system people want to partake in, but can't due to limit availability and TONS of inactive houses due to people quitting, THAT makes the most sense to get rid of way more than anything else listed even if hypothetical.

In the end, given the current system - It makes sense because it's a solution suited for their system as they would have to waste way more resources revamping the system when the game needs more content first and foremost. Is it fair to the people currently playing that you, with your 4-7 month break can keep their house, while them, someone currently paying and been playing every day since 2013 can't get a house? If we're to talk about selfishness.....

I wouldn't care if I lost my house even when I take extended breaks because I'm not playing thus I don't need one. But my FC has a house and it's guaranteed the leader will always be in and out due to workshop. I mean, SE could up and get rid of all inactive plots retroactively because if they were already gone for 90 days, they weren't coming back and if that's the means the game was already either boring them (the case for many, even on official forums) or they were waiting for the update..and the fact it's been a 5 month lull if you actually did HW content, this is exactly why they chose to start it AFTER 3.1 launches.

So a house may mean everything to them...why aren't they playing and taking care of it? It could be a number of reasons...yet if you can't dedicate literally 5 minutes to get on and interact with your house in a 90 day period...that's not SE's problem, it just means someone who WANTs a house has the potential to finally get one. Which is less selfish? Because they're not revamping the system without sacrificing much needed fixes and additions elsewhere, which is why people aren't looking forward to 3.2 at all unless you partake in PvP and will most likely introduce more Savage Alexander no one asked for.

#60 Oct 21 2015 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Just so we're clear, I'm selfish because I want content to be 100% accessible with no resource loss due to inactivity involved?

Do you think that people who only play two or three months per year (or less) should take precedence over active players? That's how you come across, and that makes you selfish.

I mean, I am arguing with someone who's apparently okay with only 2% of the population getting a house and flipping any of that 2% the bird if they opt to quit for a bit, right?

Where did you get that 2 percent figure from? That might actually be true now, given the number of inactive players who have houses... but otherwise, I'll need to ask for a source on that figure.

Are you that bitter because you want a house?

Bitter? What are you talking about? I already have a house... have had one for a long time. And guess what? I barely use it, even though I play pretty often. I've thought about selling it, actually.

Or have we ventured into the territory where it's just because I'm the one making the counterpoints, we don't yield because letting Seri be right is an internet crime? Note for other readers: I'm not above making fun of myself.

I'm actually showing how you're being a hypocrite. There is no right or wrong here. You called me selfish, and you justified your feelings on an even more selfish point of view. Don't shoot the messenger.

If me being selfish is wanting a game dev to not only do things the right way, but well, fine, guilty as charged. If the implication is they rushed housing out like this to appease a vocal minority, then SE has rightfully earned every ounce of ridicule and scorn people are giving them over the issue.

What is this vocal minority you're talking about? When SE launched ARR, the housing system had already been promised as being on the way. This had nothing to do with appeasing any "vocal minority." I'm honestly not sure where you even pulled that from.

You are not a better or wiser person because you happen to be paying a sub at the moment.

Nor have I claimed to be better or wiser for subbing to a video game. In fact, I'd probably say gaming is detrimental to being a responsible adult, but I don't care. It's a fun addiction.

A pivotal factor in preventing upkeep soon. I ignored your earlier inquiry to such because I knew where that questioning would go.

Are you talking about when I asked how long it has been since you played? I didn't want to outwardly hypothesize that you haven't played in months. It really doesn't matter, anyway. All that really matters is you now have FOUR MONTHS to decide if your in-game house is important enough to renew your sub for a month. And that's plenty of time to come up with a plan that shouldn't shatter your in-game world.

I could've said I'm playing right this moment and you'd probably want proof. And if I gave it, then what?

LOL, why on earth would I want proof? Are you going to come after my family or something if I don't find any proof? I really don't care that much. Like I said, it's irrelevant anyway, considering there's still four months before anything actually happens.

I'm just a stupid head whose opinion doesn't matter because SE has "the numbers" or some other self-flagellation? I could say I haven't played since Legacy and you'd just feel further justified in trying to silence me. Anywhere in between is pretty much more of the same.

See above.

Is all this posturing because you think I'm playing the role of preludes and declaring XIV will be dead soon because of this? Nah, I don't think that. I don't think it will help, however. People will lose friends because of it. You might lose some, even. People still won't have house. Some will have lost millions of gil. Want peace of mind? Yours for the low, low price of $12.95 a month! Perhaps SE's the truly selfish one in this picture.

My whole point is that people are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overreacting to this. And a lot of people who are wildly overreacting are people who haven't played in months, and weren't planning to play again for months.

I can't even think of a real-life example to compare this to, because I don't think one exists. You're choosing to get pissed about something that literally wouldn't affect you. SE could have just ninja-wiped your house, and you probably wouldn't have figured it out until sometime next year.

Here's the big problem with your view... going back to the very first thing you said:

I want content to be 100% accessible with no resource loss due to inactivity involved?

That's the problem... you can't have both. The way this housing content was built, the content can't be kept accessible without some form of lot turnover. So if there's no resource loss, then the content effectively becomes locked -- no more access for anyone. But if you have lot turnover, then the content will always be accessible, even if it's infrequent.

So then the question becomes, "What's the best way to have lots turn over?" And I can't think of a better answer than to reclaim lots from inactive players.

But you can't have both, and that's why you and I aren't seeing eye-to-eye here.

I also don't like dealing in "wouldas, couldas, shouldas," which is why I'm focused on the reality that we must work with the housing system we have.

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 3:53pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#61 Oct 21 2015 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
I think it's funny the people that are upset... There is nothing in this world that you pay to use that you get to keep for 90 days without making a payment. Go on vacation for 3 months and don't pay your house payment or rent, let me know how that works out for you when you return from vacation. Buy, lease, or rent a car and then don't make payments for a month or two because it's just sitting in the garage while you try out public transportation or whatever... let me know how that works out for you...

At the end of the day, you own NOTHING in this game. You are renting digital space and the fact that they keep your character and stuff for more than 30 days without payment is a nicety, not a given.

The only thing I'm not clear on, if a FC leader goes away for a while, the house is or is not safe as long as FC members visit it during the time period?
#62 Oct 21 2015 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
I can't have both? You mean, if I go log into my Rift character, the Dimension I've been using for storage would be gone because I haven't played there in a while? Actually, it'd still be there. Why? Because Trion took a better approach to housing. As have countless other games who have faced this issue in one form or another.

You're defending bad design here. When I say 100% accessible, I mean anyone with the gil for the right house size can walk up, pay for it, and get their house, and it'd be there as long as the servers are up. Right now, this isn't the case. Some people can't afford the steep gil cost. Plot limitations are the next obvious factor. Lack of instancing in favor of the "neighborhood" vibe is the last monkey wrench which is now prompting the destruction of resources you're okay with throwing away because you want to make assumptions about the playing habits of strangers. What we ultimately have are a bunch of RPers keeping content from 98% of the players. Much as I like RPing, I'm not that daft.

Terrible system. Terrible "fix" to it. Terrible service as a result.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#63 Oct 21 2015 at 5:02 PM Rating: Excellent
You're defending bad design here.

No, I'm dealing with reality.

I can't have both? You mean, if I go log into my Rift character

Specifically, I'm dealing with the reality of FFXIV.

FFXIV's housing system is what it is, and it's pointless to wish for solutions that won't come to this game.

If you don't like it... well, you're probably not subbed anyway. So no harm, no foul, right?

Edited, Oct 21st 2015 4:09pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#64 Oct 21 2015 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Seriha wrote:
You're defending bad design here.

Whether or not it's bad design has absolutely no impact on the discussion here. Yes, SE probably could have designed the entire system differently, but they didn't. All the coulda, woulda, shouldas in the world don't change reality.

Perrin wrote:
The only thing I'm not clear on, if a FC leader goes away for a while, the house is or is not safe as long as FC members visit it during the time period?

SE wrote:
Estates Subject to Demolishing:
Free company housing that has not been accessed by at least one member within forty-five days.

To me that says a FC house is safe as long as someone in the FC is using it, even if the leader doesn't log in.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#65 Oct 21 2015 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Smiley: goat

...since there's no sheep smiley.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#66 Oct 21 2015 at 5:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Estates Subject to Demolishing:
Free company housing that has not been accessed by at least one member within forty-five days.

That's good!

That would have been a legit problem.
Thayos Redblade
#67 Oct 22 2015 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
I would definitely have more pride in the game and in my playtime if I had my own house, or my own FC house. I honestly believe I would be online more, but since no housing is available.. why bother right now until housing becomes available, either by reclamation or new wards added.
Join Today!
#68 Oct 22 2015 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
Someone on the official forums said he was concerned about losing his house because, even though he plays several times a week, he never actually goes into his house.


I personally log out from inside my little cottage every night. I made it as lovely and comfortable as I could. I have a retainer bell in case I need to send them out overnight. I have an NPC merchant to replenish any missing immediate supplies and sell crap in my inventory. Sometimes I even change into PJs if I'm feeling silly. It provides a sense of closure, and the next time I log in I'm right on my front lawn, ready for another round of adventure.
#69 Oct 22 2015 at 6:33 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
That sounds so cosy Cat, I love that type of thing :D
#70 Oct 22 2015 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks, Cat. Now I'll be spending some Gil on a few upgrades
Thayos Redblade
#71 Oct 22 2015 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Catwho wrote:
Someone on the official forums said he was concerned about losing his house because, even though he plays several times a week, he never actually goes into his house.


I personally log out from inside my little cottage every night. I made it as lovely and comfortable as I could. I have a retainer bell in case I need to send them out overnight. I have an NPC merchant to replenish any missing immediate supplies and sell crap in my inventory. Sometimes I even change into PJs if I'm feeling silly. It provides a sense of closure, and the next time I log in I'm right on my front lawn, ready for another round of adventure.

Hope your pj's aren't lingerie then.

#72 Oct 22 2015 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
It's the nightie that SE didn't test before releasing.

Look at that tail clip. Just look at it. Smiley: glare
#73 Oct 22 2015 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Yeah, 30 days would have been crazy, and even 45 days would have been borderline. I think 90 days is perfect. People can take lengthy breaks and still keep their houses.

This is going to really free up a lot of inventory from people who've actually quit. Will be cool to see how it shakes out.

But it does not say quit or inactive players it says " accessed " that means actually going in the house too me.

That is bull. People payed for their housing and SE should not be able to take it away just because they messed up on housing and can not add much more housing.

I know some people who dont use their house but bought one in-case SE actually has a use for it sometimes. Agian it is not their fault SE has not done anything with housing yet to make it useful.

I also know people who garden and who rarely enter a house.
Matter of fact Tesee and I are near our house all the time but rarely enter it. We craft in the yard. Tesee uses her garden and choco stable but we rarely go in anymore because there is little reason too. We have it decorated and there is no space for anything else till SE lets us.

I can see if someone does not log on for a year.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2015 2:12pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#74 Oct 22 2015 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
You'll get several notifications reminding you to enter your house after a month-and-a-half of not doing so.

Really, it's like two clicks.... click on your door, then click to enter. Just do that once every 90 days. Again, this is not worth a complaint. If you care so little about your house that two clicks over a 90-day period isn't worth it, then you won't convince me that you'd really be that upset over losing your house.

In the meantime, why not have some fun with it?

I don't use my house for gardening or raising chocobos. Every now and then, I just buy a piece of furniture and play around with the layout. It's fun and casual. You don't need SE to say, "You need to use your house this way." Just play around with it and have fun.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2015 11:44am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#75 Oct 22 2015 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
You'll get several notifications reminding you to enter your house after a month-and-a-half of not doing so.

Really, it's like two clicks.... click on your door, then click to enter. Just do that once every 90 days. Again, this is not worth a complaint. If you care so little about your house that two clicks over a 90-day period isn't worth it, then you won't convince me that you'd really be that upset over losing your house.

Not through email, Tesee does not receive emails from SE.
Email is extremely unreliable nowadays.
warnings or no warnings it is still bull, people work hard for their houses. About the only people that are for this are people who dont have a house.
They should be angry though just not at the people who have them. They should be angry at SE for having a horrible system for housing and having a hard time adding more. Again I can see for people who dont play but for people who do it is garbage. There is no reason for it..

As long as people are paying for their subscription SE should not take anything away from people who earned it.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2015 2:48pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#76 Oct 22 2015 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Set a reminder on your cell phone... set it to go off after 60 days. That still leaves you 30 days to click twice on the door of your house.

Put a post-it note on your screen.

Or, do as I said above... have fun with your house! Buy a new furnishing every month, or craft something new, just for the hell of it. Post your decoration screenies here for all of us to oooh and ahhhh over.

Get "Cat" pajamas and log out in your bed every once in awhile.

If the thought of clicking twice on your door is literally making you "angry," then you're not playing the game right.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2015 11:48am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
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