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I think SE likes to torture usFollow

#1 Oct 09 2015 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
From someone whos been doin alex normal a lot i thin its loot system is PERFECT... you can keep doin the floor as many times as you want that week until you get a drop with no penalties (i.e chests dont disappear if youre in group with someone whos done it already), after that no more drops for you but you can still help others (with no penalties) until they get theirs..

Why wouldn't SE put that same system on savage?

Its like they wanna dissuade you from getting/being helped... i,e why would I do a savage run with 7 ppl whove done it that week if Im gonna get nothing (but a page) from it? (which if the pages dropped on multiple floors and the armor "sold" for the same "price" as Normal stuff Id be perfectly ok with a page... but when you need 8 pages to buy one item thats worst case scenario 2 months to get one piece? how does SE expect anyone to gear up like that? by the time you get all the pieces you want at that rate the next patch will be out and that stuff will be obsolete before you finish, or if you DO finish before then itll be obsolete a week later
#2 Oct 09 2015 at 1:17 AM Rating: Excellent
74 posts
Savage is a system that's designed for a group of players that repeat the content together each week. And more importantly with its gear Item Level being higher, being able to run it multiple times would take away from the luster of having new gear.

It's something that has become more and more bland in other MMOs as they start giving high quality gear for nothing.

It may slow you down but when you get that item that you longed for you'll feel amazing
#3 Oct 09 2015 at 4:32 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
but when you need 8 pages to buy one item thats worst case scenario 2 months to get one piece? how does SE expect anyone to gear up like that?

They don't. That's the worst case scenario. As in that is the worst thing that can possibly happen ever.

The pages are just bad luck mitigation, they aren't meant to be the primary method to obtain gear from Savage.

Chesder has it right. Savage isn't designed for the duty finder. It's designed for statics that will meet every week and clear their farm content and work on their progression content. Believe me when I tell you, those statics that can clear bosses in Savage are getting plenty of gear.

As for spamming floors each week to obtain that one piece of gear you want. You wouldn't actually want to do that. Savage bosses are mentally very taxing even for groups that have them on farm. If the loot system worked the way you're suggesting, the burnout among Savage groups would be near instantaneous.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#4 Oct 09 2015 at 5:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Alexander uses the post-Abyssea loot systems developed for FFXI. It's casual friendly.

Savage uses the pre-Abyssea loot systems of FFXI. It's not casual friendly.

That's it. That's the difference.

I agree, Alexander normal is perfect. I feel absolutely no need to do Savage, because I'm content with the normal gear.
#5 Oct 09 2015 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
People who do Savage don't like it because it's the same raid as normal for the most part..without the loot system. I dislike both loot systems (like Alex normal being weekly lockout after THIS long) but Savage...could have done a completely different system. I don't find it "punishing", just an obvious wall to keep us busy content wise.

So while we may get the one is enjoying it compared to Coil, which yeah you could go 2 months seeing only DRG drops (we did) but the content at least was fun lol. Most groups are already burnt on Savage since its literally the only relevant content and if you aren't able to get past'll just be "meh" about it even if the reward system worked like Alex Normal.

#6 Oct 09 2015 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Chesder wrote:
Savage is a system that's designed for a group of players that repeat the content together each week. And more importantly with its gear Item Level being higher, being able to run it multiple times would take away from the luster of having new gear.

new gear = reskinned dyeable normal gear with slightly better stats.
#7 Oct 09 2015 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
438 posts
The reason for the limits on Savage is so you can't gear up in 2 weeks, then have nothing to do for 3 months.
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#8 Oct 09 2015 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Chesder wrote:

It may slow you down but when you get that item that you longed for you'll feel amazing

Not when youre be grinding to replace whatever you just got, a week later.

It like the ppl i still see shouting for light farming parties for relic... sure I didnt get my relic finished until the first week of 3.0 early access but at that time I was during teh dungeon drop farming phase....

Doing something like light grinding this far in is pointless when in 3 weeks youll be working on a NEW relic weapon.. its like why bother now? No WAY youd finish relic be before the new one comes out if youre just light farming now (or in my friends case hes not even done with his FIRST animus book)

Edited, Oct 9th 2015 10:33am by DuoMaxwellxx
#9 Oct 09 2015 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
garethrogue wrote:
The reason for the limits on Savage is so you can't gear up in 2 weeks, then have nothing to do for 3 months.

ok lets be serious... this game gets updates normally every 12 weeks, with the eso cost and 450 a week cap it would take 12 weeks to get a FULL eso set and thats not counting the weapon..

alex norm al full set takes 6 weeks..

SO if savage was like normal lets say 6 weeks... 6 weeks outta 12... yous still have other stuff to do, like work on that eso set or the new relic etc etc

Or gasp.. play some of the other games youve been neglecting due to this one which you have "nothing to do" until the next patch hits, maybe then SE will give us more to do when they see this instead of just adding artificial walls (like weekly lockouts) to keep us playing until the next patch, i NEVER ran into the "nothing to do now but wait until the next patch" problem in that OTHER FF mmo... even if t was, spend 8 hours a day everyday farming to make enough gil to buy that overprices okote or haub+1 or hang out in gustaberg or valkurm dunes just to see what claiming and killing leaping lizzy or valkurm emporer was like (even if they didnt drop) i could ALWAYs find SOMETHING to do.... cant say that about XIV, not the mention the long list of other crap to do that id never get done before a patch that added even more stuff (do all dynamis in one week, sky and sea, limbus, salvage, einherjar, nyzul isle, etc etc teh list was so long that youd never get through it all before "weekly reset" or have nothing to do until next content update.
#10 Oct 09 2015 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
but when you need 8 pages to buy one item thats worst case scenario 2 months to get one piece? how does SE expect anyone to gear up like that?

Chesder has it right. Savage isn't designed for the duty finder. It's designed for statics that will meet every week and clear their farm content and work on their progression content. Believe me when I tell you, those statics that can clear bosses in Savage are getting plenty of gear.

plenty of gear? Ok 9 piece of gear, 2 chest drop, 4 floors, each floor but the last one drops two pieces of armor while the last would have 1, so out of 8 ppl, counting lots, 2 ppl get something every week while 6 dont, so it would take the unluckiest person 4 weeks to get gear from a chest, 4 weeks for one piece of gear and theres 9 total? I dont know how that adds up to "plenty of gear" especially with the games update frequency. If this games armor was long lasting like a certain other games then Id be perfectly ok taking 1 month for ONE piece of gar because t least I know id enjoy it for quite awhile before Id need to replace it.

But the funniest thing is those who sell savage. On my server is 10 mil for AS1 (do ppl actually think these prices out logically or do they just pull a high number out of their *** because its hard and new content?) and it goes up 10 mil for each floor so a4s would cost 40mil. but heres the hilarious part.. more than likely if youre paying these ppl theyve done it that week already so all your paying for in page since no chests will drop (and well i already discussed how long gearing up would take if youre just using pages), who in their right mind would pa that kind gil for THAT? only ppl winning in this scenario are the sellers the only "good" thing I could see come out of it is it would get rid of their law bonus so they can go in with a clear party and "fake it" til they win (which having done normal and reading a guide or watching a video to see what the slight changes the savage version brings, shouldnt be hard to do as at least AS1 and 2). those prices even someone buying gil would spend thousands of dollars gearing up (i mean youd be spending 100mil a week on all 4 floors... thats gotta cost a LOT of real money as Im sure even the ppl like us who make our gil legit arent walking around with 100mil to blow, especially not 100mil a WEEK.. I dont care how good your crafting is you are NOT making that kinda gil that often).

The only way I would even CONSIDER spending that kinda gil is if it was a 2 chest party and I was guaranteed both chest drops (though with my luck id still have to do it 5 times before I got the one i wanted lol).

Also savage is designed for static? What about ppls whos real life situation wouldnt allow them to be in a static? Correct me if Im wrong but didnt SE (and just about everyone who plays XIV including some of you on this board) say that the whole reason this game is nothing like that OTHER MMO is because they wanted to make it accessible for EVERYONE.. how is needing a static thus alienating some ppl from ever doing certain content equate to accessible for EVERYONE?
#11 Oct 09 2015 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
garethrogue wrote:
The reason for the limits on Savage is so you can't gear up in 2 weeks, then have nothing to do for 3 months.

While true.,this is the situation for anyone who's cared about (actual) progression since at least august. With the exception of A3S/A4S gear..most people have been sitting around with literally nothing to do but what you've been doing since 2.0 (craft/gather) unless you play only 1-2 hours a week where every content is still "new" to you.

They could remove the cap on Savage and it wouldn't mean much simply because A3S has blocked/disbanded so many groups to the point they simply stopped playing the game altogether lol.

If they didn't obsolete everything or made more content relevant they wouldn't really need all these limits and elaborate cap systems - look at FFXI - Nothing is "locked" in the same sense even if only 3 contents systems are relevant to ilvl players can still do the other content because they were wise enough to have the loot it drops be relevant on all fronts in some way.

For example all they'd have to do is make Bismarck drop i185 accessories and we'd have another World of Darkness situation, where despite the ilvl difference, you'd still rock bismarck accessories especially if you don't do actual content that requires a high ilvl because instead of lolparry and skill speed, it has Det/Crit on it. They have 9 unused slots for gear, meaning they could make gear like 1.0/XI where they can have special stats or dual main stat, e.g STR -AND- VIT, since it's obvious for progression they want tanks to gear up with STR as well, so to cut out inventory bloat..just do what they did with Monk gear when they introduced Ninja - slap on the secondary "main stat".

The biggest problem is they took a 1-2 month vacation. Nothing wrong with time off, but HW wasn' jam packed and lasting that it'd hold a lot of people unless you truly only played a VERY little amount of time in the game to the point as of october, you finally finished the storyline after playing HW since june.

As for selling - That's simply the price people ACTUALLY pay. People were paying 6 mil for T9 clears, 9 mil with loot rights. Being able to 6-7man Savage Alex isn't a BIG deal, but it does require some exceptional coordination in order to sell AS1 and 2. The prices are justified in the sense people are paying it (believe me, they are because I've helped with a 12m AS2 carry before) and it's usually the people who have no reason setting foot in Savage content but want the clear for bragging rights I suppose.

Edited, Oct 9th 2015 9:40am by Theonehio

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