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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments - 10/2/15 - 10/8/15Follow

#1 Oct 02 2015 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Decent turnout last week, got a little off topic but as to be expected. What are your plans for this week, as we continue to sail along into the lull of another patchless month...


1. War finally at 59. Need 60 by next Thursday. Seems reasonable. Then probably get blm from 58-60. Then work on machinist or something.
2. Onto getting bard gear from alexander normal. It's overdue.
3. Continue to save up the esoterics until I find out what changes they are making in the next patch.
4. Keep trying for the ramuh pony so I can get Kirin.
#2 Oct 02 2015 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
-- CUL to 50 (should be there in a few days), get Carpenter started on the road to 50 from 36. When all crafting jobs are 50+, re-gear the new 50s with hand-made HQ Patricians to keep them going until the higher level gear is available.
-- NIN the last 2/3 of a level to 34. It's getting interesting, but I think I'm going to drop it at 34 in favor of concentrating on my mains and sub-mains.
-- Align WHM and SCH macros with Waenlona's, since Waen is significantly more advanced on them. Once NIN is 34, use lower roulettes on those and BLM.
-- Pick up MSQ, having just arrived at Idyllshire.
-- Maybe clear out a few pesky moogle quests from the list.

-- Get all the other crafting jobs towards the next step, which is taking them from 6-8 to 15 to open the good leves. With Careful Synthesis II cross-classed from WVR50, that became a whole lot easier.
-- Advance MSQ; at 54 SCH (and WHM the same), she's way behind her level in story progression, having just reached the Chocobo Forest.
-- Fish some more. Hit The Tangle for the Mor Dhona levequests, see if she can push to 50, since they're all about the bass. She may need to re-gear first, though.
-- Consider levelling BLM some more (for fun), and/or advancing Archer towards 34 for Quelling Strikes. Since the latter is only 16 now, that's more a long term thing.

That's pretty ambitious. I don't expect to get it all done, but those are the elements from which I'll be picking.
#3 Oct 02 2015 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Lowballing here as I continue remembering what it's like to work 50 hours a week.

- Machinist to 43. Maybe? Should be doable.
- All crafts to 56. I think just BSM and CUL to go.
- Somehow cap tomes.

I had a great set of Alex runs and was done with that by Wednesday night. Now sporting nearly full Alex gear on my scholar, including the oh-so-pretty dress. (The dress that, along with the Esoterics WHM gown, prompted a thread on the official forums whining about there only being dresses for healers.)
#4 Oct 02 2015 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
Now sporting nearly full Alex gear on my scholar, including the oh-so-pretty dress. (The dress that, along with the Esoterics WHM gown, prompted a thread on the official forums whining about there only being dresses for healers.)

Unlocked the Wild Rose set yesterday. Now I can sport a dress for everything =p
#5 Oct 04 2015 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Valk, you woulda been proud of us. The Coil group got T9 down to 20% on our first attempt this evening. (The lighting that paralyzes in phase 3 kept tripping us up.)

We'll get it next time for sure!

Edited, Oct 4th 2015 10:48pm by Catwho
#6 Oct 06 2015 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
The day-after-the-weekend update: maybe it's ambitious, but a lot is done already.

Laverda wrote:
-- CUL to 50 (should be there in a few days), get Carpenter started on the road to 50 from 36. When all crafting jobs are 50+, re-gear the new 50s with hand-made HQ Patricians to keep them going until the higher level gear is available.
-- NIN the last 2/3 of a level to 34. It's getting interesting, but I think I'm going to drop it at 34 in favor of concentrating on my mains and sub-mains.
-- Align WHM and SCH macros with Waenlona's, since Waen is significantly more advanced on them. Once NIN is 34, use lower roulettes on those and BLM.
-- Pick up MSQ, having just arrived at Idyllshire.
-- Maybe clear out a few pesky moogle quests from the list.

Verdha has the first three done, with CUL 50, NIN 34, and SCH up to 53; she's using the Law/Esoterics roulettes to gather tomes, with the others for SCH/WHM/BLM. Lots of Dusk Vigil runs too for the sub-mains.

Laverda wrote:
-- Get all the other crafting jobs towards the next step, which is taking them from 6-8 to 15 to open the good leves. With Careful Synthesis II cross-classed from WVR50, that became a whole lot easier.
-- Advance MSQ; at 54 SCH (and WHM the same), she's way behind her level in story progression, having just reached the Chocobo Forest.
-- Fish some more. Hit The Tangle for the Mor Dhona levequests, see if she can push to 50, since they're all about the bass. She may need to re-gear first, though.
-- Consider levelling BLM some more (for fun), and/or advancing Archer towards 34 for Quelling Strikes. Since the latter is only 16 now, that's more a long term thing.

Waen has MSQ and Forelands quests on a bit further, with SCH half way through 55 now. Big push resulted in FSH 50 and her first treasure maps. Taking BLM back to Central Coerthas and finishing off the quests there, levelling her Chocobo at the same time. Getting BLM to 52 to use the gear that she's getting from the later quests is a priority -- she geared SCH/WHM from the Market Board since she was so far behind on MSQ -- so really Archer needs to be worked on sooner rather than later too.

So: so far, so good.
#7 Oct 06 2015 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
Valk, you woulda been proud of us. The Coil group got T9 down to 20% on our first attempt this evening. (The lighting that paralyzes in phase 3 kept tripping us up.)

We'll get it next time for sure!

Edited, Oct 4th 2015 10:48pm by Catwho

Nice! That last phase is really tough. Each member has to watch their debuff bar for the lightning to appear, and the entire party must be in front of the boss attacking. The person with the lightning runs immediately to the back of the boss so that the aoe circle forming on that player doesn't hit anyone.

Keep up the fire in fire out mechanic, then spread out, wait for two of the black aoe circles, then stack mid to soak the attack he does next, then its rinse and repeat until divebombs. The last 20% of that fight is madness, even still.
#8 Oct 06 2015 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
The goal was to get BRD from 50 to 60 but after Wanderer's Minuet I'm not so sure...
#9 Oct 07 2015 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh, and Waenlona did something fairly unusual: on SCH, healed a three-person run through Keeper of the Lake. Wiped just once, to the ceruleum tanks, but powered through everything else including the boss fight. We did have a few in-combat raises, but no wipes other than just that one.

What makes it unusual? That was a regular DF party through duty roulette, not an unsynced run. The tank d/c-d right at the start before even the first pull, and after waiting a little while we decided to give it a shot anyway while the DF tried to find us a new one. We were already in the last boss fight when another tank popped and got the roulette credit for watching while locked outside. Smiley: smile

SCH with Eos, SMN with Garuda, and NIN. Big fun. Smiley: grin
#10 Oct 08 2015 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts

Valkayree wrote:

1. War finally at 59. Need 60 by next Thursday. Seems reasonable. Then probably get blm from 58-60. Then work on machinist or something.
2. Onto getting bard gear from alexander normal. It's overdue.
3. Continue to save up the esoterics until I find out what changes they are making in the next patch.
4. Keep trying for the ramuh pony so I can get Kirin.

1. War to 60! I've gotten some work in on him, am ilvl 191, proficient in stance dancing and decided I will buy ilvl 200 stuff for him from here out, since I want to be able to hold hate in my attack stance. Doing 10k in a few seconds with a tank is just mindboggling.

2. Got a chain last night, got two springs and a lens. A2 and A4 to go for the week, not too bad considering there are still 4 days left. Started leveling machinist. Just got to level 40 and got my turret. Leveling 30-40 is PAINFUL. At least 40-50 i can go to n.than and hang out with the bots.

3. Just went ahead and bought the ilvl 200 war axe. Buying ilvl 20 war chest next week, and spending the rest on war until I'm capped. No reason not to at this point. Amazing damage + instaqueue.

4. I hate the beard. 15 runs, 2 drops, lost em both. Ridiculous.

Edited, Oct 8th 2015 10:06am by Valkayree
#11 Oct 08 2015 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
I did get all crafts to 56. I think. Catching up on the 55 quests now.

I also got MCH to 45 so I did something right.
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