Some thoughts I have had with the in-game constant chat about KSing, as well as the fact that the official boards progression section is now dominated by talk of this:
I wonder if it would have been easier/less drama to just keep the "play nice policy" in effect, and give one person the fun job of being the "narc".
The "narc" would visit the places that bring out the bad behavior, say HG in Rathe, and just mind there own business killing some HG. KS the narc = 2 month ban. KS the narc a second time (as account would be internally flagged) welcome to permanent ban for that account.
The "narc" would of course politely ask you in tells if you realized you had engaged the previously engaged mob. You say the right things, you get a pass (once) but don't KS the narc again in that session.
Then, as far as the CSR reports of KSing go (which I assume are the actual reason the policy is no longer enforced because responding to each report takes manpower... but why treat all reports the same?) ... just automate the response to the person reported on by sending them an email that "your account has been reported for not nice play" and copy them the policy. Automate it so it counts 2 things: how many times a single account has reported a person, and how many unique accounts have reported a person.
Customer service could then do 2 things:
1. the single account person repeatedly reporting the same person could be spoken to (are you harassing this person, or just always in the same place as them, you realize you are the only person reporting this person including your boxed accounts, etc.)
2. The accounts getting a high number of different accounts reporting them would be passed onto the "narc's" list of people to play near.
Note that the point isn't getting these things all dealt with quickly, but rather whack-a-moling the most heinous offenders and getting the community back enforcing positive norms. On progression we have guilds endorsing KSing and griefing tactics because "it is allowed". Doesn't make it right, doesn't make a better gameplay experience for everyone.