Damage Mitigation is either broken or I completely misunderstand how it works. It appears that damage mitigation aa's do nothing for my 65 enchanter. I just spent 27 aas on damage mitigation, and after all of my effort, I notice no difference in the dps of mobs when parsing.
I had understood that mitigation meant, "If the mob would have hit you for 100 damage, the hit will be mitigated to 90 damage". Fake numbers, but you get my meaning. A couple people told me I must have it wrong because it just couldn't be broken. I was on that band wagon until they added an innate damage mitigation to warriors.
I was testing against a 56 warrior with no aa's at all. When he sat down, a mob hit him for 128 damage. When our druid (No aa's) sat down, the mob hit him for 133 damage. Same for a couple other party members. When I sat down... 133. I had expected 110 or 120... after all... 27 fricking aa's, right? Nope. I have yet to parse any difference at all from the aa's effect.
Is this specific to my class or archtype, or is this happenning across the board?
65 Chanter
The Rathe