Argnyte's Guide to the Best Places to Level

Argnyte's Guide to the Best Places to Level

As I see it, the Key to actually making Levels is not necesarily fighting reds, or Yellows. As I see it, the Key is Spawn rate vs down time. If you have a spot with a high spawn rate of blue creatures that you can killoften with low down time, you will gain XP at an overall MUCH higher rate than  fighting Reds or Yellows that when they die, hand you a whole buch of sit down time too. This is why Derv camp in RO are so popular from about 12-16th lvls. There is a good spawn rate, but thier popularity makes it crowded, effectively reducing the Spawn rate as far as you are concerned.Below I have some suggestions that I have found and used, and lvls I would recomend to each spot.

Levels 1-3: Stay in your newbie zone! Where ever you started, stay there. At  this level most newbie zones are roughly equivalent, and going out of it  will just make you soend more time running to get your body. You might even want to stay here through lvl 5.

Levels 4-6: If you on Faydwer, at this level I recomend that you get bound  outside of the zone border IN greater Faydark, and travel into Lesser Faydark to the Pixie Tower. This has a LARGE number of very quick spawn points, and three things that randomly spawn here. First are pixie trixters at an average of 3rd lvl. next is the Pixie Prankster averaging about6th lvl as high as 7. Last are the Pixie Jogeleurs at about 15th lvl.Each time you kill a Pixie it says you lose faction with Pixie. Although it says this, as I have seen you NEVER become KOS to the Jongs for killing any of the other kinds.The other two WILL group on you, so be ready to occasionally have to run back to your body. In a small group, or solo, you can count on little or no Down time here at all. Only as much as you need to regain your HP/Mana. Other things to consider are the occasionalt wandering things. Mummies and Orcs. They will sometimes see you and kill you. What you need to consider is this: if you kill enough of the Pixies, fast enough, you have greatly profitted on XP. DOn't worry about a few deaths! Pixies also drop ALOT of loot for thier lvl, much of which is very light, and stacks too!

Levels 4-6: If you are not Near the Lesser Faydark Zone There are several camps of Orcs and oblins in Misty Thicket which are very good spawn rates  too. A bit tougher than the Pixies, but much closer to home, dependant on your area!   Also, of near Qeynos, you might you into Black Burrow. Stay close to the zones, as the Large corwds of Gnolls in there can be very deadly!

Levels 8-12: My absolute favorite for these levels would have to be North Ro. There ARE things in this zone that can kill you, but this is something you will have to deal with untill you are old and grey. This is simply how the game goes. On the positive side, are the Sand Scarabs. These are  absolutely GREAT xp at these levels! VERY hard to solo at 8th, but as a Warior I know it can be done. pet caster clases can also probably solo some of these at 8th. They range from about 8th lvl to about 12th lvl, and DO  group on you, so be cautious. At 8th lvl, in a group of two, you sould recieve about 1/4 bubble from each. The spawn slows waaaay down during the "night time", but day time spawn is pretty good, if scattered. Also avaiable, if you have cure poison, are Desert Tarantulas. Not quite as good for XP, but can nicely suppliment the scarabs! Again, DO NOT worry if you die a few times! You will! Every zone has SOME wandering thing in it that can kill anyone who is likely to be hunting that zone. Simply look and see the GAINS you have made in XP! Get bound near as you can, so as to shorten the run.

Levels 12-16: Here is where there are more choices, and I have switched favorites many times. Most of the camps will be good for you here, be it dervs in RO, Orcs in the Commons,Lesser Faydark, or Bandits in the Karanas.  All of these have adequate spawn rates, and give decent loot for the lvl<often bronze weapons or medium priced gems>. They are all alike, to a degree. Location is probably more important. IF you are a risk taker, North Karana has EXCELLENT spawn rates of many beetles,bears, and lions. You can  fight these with only as much down time as you need to regain your HP/Mana. Why I say this is good for risk takers is the wide variety of wandering 30+ lvl things in this zone, such as Griffons and Hill Giants. Many more are in there 20's such as Griffennes. If you are adventurous, this MAY be the zone for you.

Levels 17-23: I highly recoment Aviaks in South Karana at the Villiage, or get your self a nice 1-3 spawn point camp in Lake Rathe. There are several that are not too highly camped, and will be basically private. The camps in Lake Rathe spawn their biggest avaiks at 20th lvl. A small group of 3 or 4 16-17ths sould be able to keep the spawn clear and lvl very nicely here! If staying in South Karana, at the Villiage, again, there are some wandering Giants and Cyclops, but there are usually some higher lvl groups who are happy to take care of them for you. be carefull here of what you pull, as there are several kinds of Aviaks. Egrets are good for 16-18th levels. Darters are about 20th, plus or minus. Rooks are low to mid 20's. Harriers are HIGH 20's, and  Avocets will fall into a VERY dangerous category unless you are in a full group of 23+ characters!Even then, exercise cuation! These will, once again, group on you, but there is no KOS, as there is no Aviak faction.

Well, I hope this might help some people out there. I do not intend that it be THE definative guide to where to level, and I am sure there wil be other recomendations, and I know I have some gaps.Thanks for reading, if you got  this far!
