I have not been able to find anything out there that is a good guide for people to follow when grouped with an Enchanter. So I have decided to write one up myself in hopes to enlighten people as to what an enchanter really is. This pertains to mainly grouping in dungeons.
Many of the people who spend the majority of their time in dungeons know most of this stuff and take it for granted. But there are many people that never set foot into a dungeon until they are level 30 or later and have no clue about dungeon group tactics. Let alone dungeon group tactics with an Enchanter. This is for them so they can know what to expect and how to act when grouping in a dungeon.
Contrary to the belief that way too many people have, an Enchanter's main role in a group is not to keep the group with Clarity and speed buffs and blast like a wizard. The main role of the Enchanter in a group is crowd control. The buffs are just a nice benefit. A well disciplined group with a good Enchanter can handle many more MOB's than normally possible. If the group is poorly disciplined, an Enchanter, no matter how good he is will be near worthless to the group.
When grouping with an Enchanter, fighting tactics for the entire party totally change as opposed to fighting without one. Normally the tanks job is to try to taunt all of the MOB's onto him/herself. With an Enchanter in the group it is the Enchanters job to keep everything mesmerized while the group concentrates on a single MOB. The Enchanter Mesmerize line of spells will hold a MOB in place for the duration of the spell and it will not attack as long as no one else attacks it. The mesmerize spells will not work if a DOT is cast on them.
-- First off everyone must agree who the main puller/tank will be and make sure everyone will be assisting that single person. To do this make up a hot key that says /assist puller' s name. You can lose precious time by trying to target the puller and typing /assist every time you want to assist someone. When assisting it is important to wait till the puller/tank is actually engaged with the MOB before assisting or you may get the wrong MOB targeted. It is also very important for the puller/tank to instantly engage the MOB they wish to attack and when it dies to instantly switch to a new one so people can target right away. Don't stand there looking at everything trying to decide which one to attack. When in a tense situation time is of the essence. Also if you're not engaging something when someone tries to assist you they may target something half way across the zone.
-- For people trying to assist.... if assist does not work when you try it, i.e. nothing targets, move and try again. For some reason Assist is picky and if you do not have a clear line of sight to your target it may not allow you to target it. And at other times it will target something across the zone if the person you are assisting is not currently engaged with a MOB.
-- Very important... do NOT switch MOBS. Do not switch to pull something off of one of your casters. Trust the Enchanter to get it mesmerized. A good Enchanter will be standing back watching the entire battle to see what needs to be done where. Do not switch if a caster joins in. Trust the Enchanter to mesmerize it and then it should be high on the puller/tanks list of mobs to attack after finishing the one that he is currently on. Now of course there are always exceptions to this. If there is something on a caster and the Enchanter is having a tough time with resists, only the MAIN tank should switch to taunt the MOB off of the caster and then as soon as it is taunted off switch right back to the MOB he was previously attacking. That should give the enchanter plenty of time to get it Mez'd and back out of the action. If you keep on attacking the MOB you pulled off the caster and not let the Enchanter mez it you have cut your groups effectiveness in half. If there is a MOB or 2 on an Enchanter they should have no problem getting it off themselves if they use Color Shift/Color Flux (which is an AE stun spell affecting everything within a couple steps around the Enchanter) and then casting a Mez spell.
-- When pulling in small, cramped rooms try to pull the mobs to one corner of the room so the Enchanter can stand as far away as possible to cast his AE mez spell. It's very frustrating when you realize you were too close and catch yourself in your own mez spell. The AE mez spell is a very nice spell though because unlike all the other Enchanters mez spells it can be cast over top of itself and refreshed. That means if the Enchanter casts the AE mez again after about 10 seconds or so of casting the first one he can effectively keep everything standing still for quite a long time. It is much more effective than picking each MOB out singly and trying to mez it. If you do that you have to wait until the mez effect drops before you can mez it again.
-- Casters and Clerics... if you have a MOB that you pulled onto yourself that is not the one that the others are attacking DO NOT run around with it. It is much safer to stay where you are and let the AE mez spell catch it. The Enchanter should be back observing the battle and if he is not in the process of casting his AE mez he should Enthrall it if possible. If you go running around you leave the range of the AE mez effect and you have to make the Enchanter chase after you trying to target the thing that is on you. Single targeting like that will make the MOB aggro on the Enchanter when the mez drops. With the AE mez as long as the Enchanter is assisting the puller he will be casting his AE mez onto the MOB the puller/tank is attacking and will not aggro anything else onto himself.
The single most important thing is for everyone to stay focused on one MOB at a time. If you can do that and avoid that compulsion to switch to something else you can overcome unbelievable odds. If you give in to that compulsion you can spell disaster for your entire group. It is a good habit to use these tactics when only fighting 2 or 3 mobs as well so that you get it ingrained into you and don't stumble later. I hear so many people say "But it went ok so it don't matter" after just haphazardly attacking the 2 or 3 that are there. Get into good habits now and they can save you in the future.
Karana server