3 spells found

Icon Name Class Effect(s) Resist AE Range Target Type Expansion
spell icon Chorus of Vhal'Sera BRD/113 1: Increase Hitpoints by 220 per tick. Max: 220 per tick
2: Increase Mana by 175 per tick
3: Increase Endurance by 14 per tick
None 60 AE PC v2 Torment of Velious
spell icon Chorus of Vhal'Sera Rk. II BRD/113 1: Increase Hitpoints by 231 per tick. Max: 231 per tick
2: Increase Mana by 179 per tick
3: Increase Endurance by 15 per tick
None 60 AE PC v2 Torment of Velious
spell icon Chorus of Vhal'Sera Rk. III BRD/113 1: Increase Hitpoints by 243 per tick. Max: 243 per tick
2: Increase Mana by 183 per tick
3: Increase Endurance by 16 per tick
None 60 AE PC v2 Torment of Velious