3 spells found

Icon Name Class Effect(s) Resist AE Range Target Type Expansion
spell icon Kalbrok's Chant of Frost BRD/92 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1245 per tick. Max: 1245 per tick
4: 100% Chance to trigger: Chant of Frost
CR (-50) 0 Single Veil of Alaris
spell icon Kalbrok's Chant of Frost Rk. II BRD/92 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1307 per tick. Max: 1307 per tick
4: 100% Chance to trigger: Chant of Frost
CR (-50) 0 Single Veil of Alaris
spell icon Kalbrok's Chant of Frost Rk. III BRD/92 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1372 per tick. Max: 1372 per tick
4: 100% Chance to trigger: Chant of Frost
CR (-50) 0 Single Veil of Alaris