3 spells found

Icon Name Class Effect(s) Resist AE Range Target Type Expansion
spell icon Enraging Axe Kicks RNG/112 1: Kick Attack for 253 with 200% Accuracy Mod
2: Kick Attack for 253 with 100% Accuracy Mod
None 0 Single Torment of Velious
spell icon Enraging Axe Kicks Rk. II RNG/112 1: Kick Attack for 259 with 200% Accuracy Mod
2: Kick Attack for 259 with 100% Accuracy Mod
None 0 Single Torment of Velious
spell icon Enraging Axe Kicks Rk. III RNG/112 1: Kick Attack for 265 with 200% Accuracy Mod
2: Kick Attack for 265 with 100% Accuracy Mod
None 0 Single Torment of Velious