Spell Icon Ancient Voice of Muram  


1: Charm up to level 70

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 1100 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 5 Recast Time: 300
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -1000 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Dot Stacking: Yes
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 04/23


Cast on other: Soandso has been charmed.

Game Description

Dominates your target's mind, allowing you to control them for a short time. This spell works on creatures up to level @1 . This spell is also unresistible and lasts a specific period of time.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Ancient: Voice of Muram


Omens of War

8 ticks
Post Comment
no thankx
# Jul 13 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Well cant you just cast boggle on the mob so you can decrease 500 of your agro
Charm no thanks ?
# Mar 24 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
I seen someone talking about CC with a charmed pet, and this so right ...

Charm on inc on in the train, send it on next, pet get agro from all the train.

By the time ur pet should die, if u are a good chanter, all adds are mezed and noone in ur grp got agro yet ...

What left to do... Dot blur ur pet, cancel magic, kill pet, while grp buisy, tash slow add mezed, refresh mez and bye bye.

1100 mana with focus, let me check = 900 mana ish with AA and other tool.

It s only 1/10 of ur mana pool, and if not , go farm time and stop talking about OOW end zone plz =).

charm can be a great tool in many occasion, one of them is cc (break a train and save ur grp), other case is dps (any here did tipt run or vxed run, bet why sony want to nerf charm and at least did on oow ), and last, for solo(sol ro tower, fire, pov, potactic).

If u consider charm just for a tool to use in soloing, or u are not in the right guild, or u are missing some of ur chanter power ... Time to log on and start to learn again =).

Unresistable charm( or near) can be usefull, there isn t just many place and strat where u can use atm, but 3 chanter on a raid using this on a bard song not off on a pull (oups once oor puller forgot to clik it off) can save that raid. Here whre ur guild will love the chanter team and in some other won't.

Last point, if u plan to use charm, be sure to have hotkey message seted, and at least TD 3 (for noob = total domination)

Weird sony didn t put a few encounter with a good use of this spell yet, i hope with the nerf they gonna do to our class they will at least make it usefull in more situation than it did atm .

Hope this give some "new idea" to certain of u playing a chanter =)
RE: Charm no thanks ?
# Dec 21 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
402 posts
I seen someone talking about CC with a charmed pet, and this so right ...

Charm on inc on in the train, send it on next, pet get agro from all the train.

By the time ur pet should die, if u are a good chanter, all adds are mezed and noone in ur grp got agro yet ...

Yeah, right!... Has it escaped your attention that this spell has a FIVE SECOND cast time? Even if you're spell hasted to the max, there is no way you're ever going to cast this spell on a mob and use it to attack the next one, then mezz the adds in time to save your party from getting aggro!

Don't misunderstand. I love this spell and will definitely use it, since, not only have I effectively disposed of an add, but I've now got some significant DPS to add, but the scenario you describe is ridiculous. And please don't insult our intelligence by saying you've actually DONE this.

charm can be a great tool in many occasion, one of them is cc (break a train and save ur grp), other case is dps (any here did tipt run or vxed run, bet why sony want to nerf charm and at least did on oow ), and last, for solo(sol ro tower, fire, pov, potactic).

Sol Ro Tower mobs (at least the ones I've tried) are uncharmable.

Hope this give some "new idea" to certain of u playing a chanter =)

Some of these new ideas would be useful, if feasible. It would help if those who posted here at least told the truth about their experiences.
RE: Charm no thanks ?
# Jun 04 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent

even if its late to answer that post , here are some experiences :

a) It CAN Save your Group / Raid .
There are some Camps in OOW where you can see the mobs early enough to get the spell to land when inc . Sure your party will get a hit or 2 but who cares .
b) Charming in Solro Tower is easy .
There are also some DC pets availible .
Nearly all mobs i tried are charmable , with DC , True Name or Ancient Voice of Muram .
8 ticks?
# Jan 30 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
bah 8 ticks I'm a beastlord even I see this would be a hardcore agro gainer & 8 ticks later you'd have a flattened chanter... what exactly is this used for?
RE: 8 ticks?
# Nov 15 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
actually if your a smart enchanter you'd prolly have a timer to time the mez and have a mez inc on the mob just as it breaks .. like me
Still Nerfed
# Jan 20 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
To those of you who don't have this spell here is something you all should know. Start with it's not the fact of being almost unresistable, but Sony found a way around this. Say your mob you want to charm is within the level limits it still does no good 99% of the time. What Sony has done is made the mobs (Immune to Charm). I am a charming pet freak, but I also have learned many things and unfortantly until the Immune to Charm is lifted it is only really used for CC on a dotted mob if your MT drops and pray to god the thing is not Immune. Sony needs to lay off the enchanters and let them use charm as it was ment to be. For those who want to see the differance in Charming Mobs use this spell in GoD then in Omens. Omens needs to be unlimited as GoD is when it comes to charming. Until then it is a nice spell, but worthless. Remember (Immune to Charm) also applies to this spell.
chain charming
# Jan 14 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
recast time of 300 seconds sucks but, feasibly, if you could get 5 enchanters with this spell you could chain charm a mob that might otherwise be unmanageable... :) i say F the cleric CH-heal rotations lets start making enchanters do CH(arm) rotations! :)
Great Spell
# Oct 26 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
This is a great spell, there are a number of raid mobs where when killed spawn 6 to 8 other mobs. That is where this spell is great. Not to mention if u happen to have it up and your puller ends up pulling 5 or 6 mobs and splitting is just to time consuming for grinding out xp for others or AA's for any grp.

Edited, Tue Oct 26 16:00:24 2004
RE: Great Spell
# Dec 28 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty useless since your pet will only hit for 260 it will get owned and maybe do 2k of damage during that time. Teh it will summon you and splat. Better to just mezz the add and use the mana you save to nuke you will do higher dps and be far safer.
RE: Great Spell
# Feb 11 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
551 posts
So when 4-6 mobs are spawned from a death/event/trap that are there for no other reason than to kill your group... you're telling me that a charm that will make one of those mobs a gimp and fight (maybe even die) another one of those mobs to keep them busy is pointless?

Ok, maybe the DPS of your pet is gonna suck... but did you ever think of the time you're giving your group to prepare for more mobs while the DPS of the 3-4 other mobs pounding away on your pet is making a Wizard feel gimp?

Even if your charmed pet dies... that's one less mob to worry about.
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
RE: Great Spell
# Jan 09 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
You obviously dont have this spell, do you? It's unresistable. That's incredibly awesome. Unlike you. You're incredibly unawesome. In fact, I hate you for being so stupid.
RE: Great Spell
# Jan 12 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
I hate to flame an obvious hard core flamer here, but Miterick doesn't read nor listen, that's very apparent. What does unresistable have to do with what flukenuke was talking about? They were making a VERY good point, this spell is completely useless if you are making use of it in OoW. All the mobs are nerfed beyond kingdom come, and when they get charmed, my god, I think my level 1 wizard can hit harder than them. He was simply making the point that this spell is almost not worth it and if you are using it in OoW yes. So like, that's great that you see it's unresistable, but that is sort of obvious now isn't it? It's people like you that make this game so disgustly unenjoyable at times, I want to barf. But then again, it's people like you that eventually end up with no guild tag, and sit LFG for hour and hours, but people would rather live without a 6th person, than have you and your rotten attitude in their groups. So I really should say that it's obvious YOU don't have this spell. ****, I don't even have this spell, I don't forsee myself getting it in the near future. But even if you did have this spell, is your mana pool big enough to cast the 1100 it takes. Somebody with your flaming attitude probably not, I doubt it breaks 1k with C6. Anyways, stop making stupid and pointless and meaningless remarks on this web site because it's people like you that already cause us enough trouble in game. Thanks alot.
RE: Great Spell
# Feb 19 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
so flamers are the ones who sit guildless and lfg for hours? just a guess but you could have made your points without flaming, so are you guildless and lfg for hours?
RE: Great Spell
# Apr 11 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't had LFG on in searching for an exp group for probably 1.5 years =P Guildie group or no group.
RE: Great Spell
# May 10 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
Lmao, look at the hp on fatbass. This guy doesent even need a group!
RE: Great Spell
# Feb 18 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Well, no offence, you may be right with your statements, but have you really even considered that a charmed pet is something else then just DPS for you? Could it be used for something else, let's say to absorb damage, to keep other attackers busy? Even if it is only to take one opponent out for short time, is that never usefull?
Isn't it often the unusual use of some spells or discplin that are the most successfull and sometimes even lead them to be nerfed?

Edited, Fri Feb 18 12:03:18 2005
re: where????
# Oct 06 2004 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
# Sep 24 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
Where or how do you get this spell and the other Ancient one.... Neurosis?
RE: where???
# Dec 09 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
The ancients are dropping in Anguish right now, as well as the royals in Riftseeker's and 1 other mob in RCoD from what I've read. :)
# Sep 16 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
Hmm two points. Good for when you have a group of raid mobs that cannot be split. Charm one if only for 48 seconds and use him to cream his buddy. Kite him around after that. And good for making sure an unexpected add is controlled no matter what. I bet this will turn out to be and incredibly useful raid spell. Maybe not for xp unless you can use it to assist kill some nasty named but for I bet any enchanter that gets this keeps it memmed for raids.
no thanx
# Sep 08 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
no thanx to this charm cause its like a bard charm -x
RE: no thanx
# Sep 10 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
Agree'd. Thats a whole lotta mana to use for 8 ticks, even with such a high resist check.
RE: no thanx
# Oct 14 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Excellent
-1000 means unresistable...which is pretty uber. But I can see far and few situations this would be useful in. And charming a mob to beat on another is not one. When charm breaks, you get summoned and owned.(Very high majority of raid mobs have AEs, or even a bad positioned pet might eat a ripo for enough dmg to start summons) I could see it as a form of CC though like in old kael raids where you'd have to charm giants for CC.The low duration is nice too for that matter. I'm sure there will be times when this spell is a lifesaver and that sony has some intentions for this spell, like they do with majority of spells that seem useless.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 06:52:45 2004
RE: no thanx
# Dec 21 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
402 posts
-1000 means unresistable...which is pretty uber. But I can see far and few situations this would be useful in. And charming a mob to beat on another is not one. When charm breaks, you get summoned and owned.(Very high majority of raid mobs have AEs, or even a bad positioned pet might eat a ripo for enough dmg to start summons)

You might consider those areas where the mobs don't summon, such as DoN. Also, not every mob in DoDh is a summoner. But since this post was dated before either expansion existed, this is not so much a correction as an update.
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