Spell Icon Yoppa's Mending  


1: Increase Hitpoints by 1768. Max: 2468

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 691 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.75 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: Your wounds heal.
Cast on other: Soandso 's wounds heal.

Game Description

Mends your target's wounds with a healing touch, restoring up to @1 damage.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Yoppa's Mending


Omens of War

Post Comment
# Jan 15 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
and btw to remind all that this is a shaman spell post, not a comparison thread, what rune is this?
# Jan 15 2008 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
well said mrcuddles, sux when ppl suck at their class, cause they dont play it right, and THEN whine about it. figure out your role peeps, then either quit, or stfu
stop whining
# Aug 07 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
You guys are seriously whining too much quite acting like **** dr00ds and start acting like shamans. If you honestly think a shaman primary function is to MH then you really have picked the wrong class simply shout someone you want to trade your shaman for a dr00d or cleric and the funny thing is people will want your shaman MORE then there own dr00d or cleric for the fact that shamans have alot more effective duoing and are more versatile in group situations then any other class we can dps, slow, mh *if we have too aka if you have two shamans on group* we work awesoem duo partners with necros, mages, warriors, paladins, sk's, rogue *i guess that one abit tough to manage cause shaman tanking :/* i mean seriously how many places can a cleric honestly duo with a partner without shouting oom really fast? or a dr00d for that matter? and far as being mh shaman have AWESOME HOT's those little blue circle icons in your book that say breath of tushar etc USE THEM sometime with a duo partner and test your maximum realistic healing capabilities you will find shaman arent quite potent healers were not RAID healers and never will be or insanely hard zones that is where we become best friends with the hot elf cleric or dr00d were sitting next to :p but seriously you have the most versatile priest class of all norrath and a 2448 heal is freaking awesome if you want to mh more then work on your healing aa's that heal will see close to 3k with max focus items and aa's uncrited let alone with crit aa's that my 2cp for today.
# Dec 27 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
# Nov 05 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
Can we stop this stupid argument?? Ok one Clerics at lvl 39 get CHeal they heal perfectly at lvl 46 they could any Plane they can get into. Druids at lower lvls dont quite catch Shamans now the process is switched and Druids outbeat Shamans (WHO CARES!!) Druids can snare dot and Charm noone cares about Dotting (too much) and Charming when it comes to grps. Shamans can Slow Cripple and Malo which is very group reliant. Now Look at the Statistics Shamans - Slow, Malo, Cripple, and Half Heal to help support a Cleric or Druid Healer are the group reliants. Druids - Snare, Dot (if they are put on DPS) and can Heal. The statistics point to it Shamans are more grp reliant while Druids are more Kite Reliant Now what would be the purpose to give the group reliant that has a cleric healer the better heal here You Tell Me??

Words of Wise: (If you wanna heal, Then Dont make a Shaman and ##### about it).
Are you crazy
# Oct 21 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent

I didnt start playing a Shaman just to heal or slow. I also bring alot of DPS with DoTS and buffed pet. I also do CC with root and slow. And lets not forget if shaman get agro from slows or de buffs the can take the hits better then any chanter and can heal themselfs. I also have a lvl 70 Monk and always want a Shaman in my group.
Lvl 70 Monk
Lvl 68 Shaman
Lvl 68 Wizard
Bah !
# May 03 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
For those of you who do not know, Shaman SLOW. Slow being the key word here.The slower the battle the more a shaman can do with the time. I have spell haste and mana preservation of various types and although I can almost never run out of mana I still can't cast spells fast enough to use it all. It's nice that we get a decent heal in 3.7sec but Shaman will NEVER be able to heal like druids or clerics. We are great spot healers for those tight battles where the cleric or druid may need that fast extra umph. Being a 70 Shaman I would prob make a good cleric to a group of lvl 60's, but never in a group of 70's will I be able to keep up with a 13k or greater hp tank taking thousands of points of dammage every couple sec. I got lucky one day on an MPG named that flattened our cleric after a quick heal on pull. I casted this spell over and over till mob was dead and our Ubah Pally had 7% hp, I was left at 20m at end of battle. I believe with spell haste this spell is casted in 3.4sec.
RE: Bah !
# May 10 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, this spell makes Shaman considerably better healers than Druid's now. Druid Chloro is 2810 HP for 691 mana - same cast time. While that is 342 hp more per cast, the difference is less than 1 tick of Quiesence - let alone Trushar or the Shaman epic 1.5/2.0.

Also, as you pointed out, using this monstrously expensive heal to keep a tank alive (try it without slow) will burn through mana very fast. Druid's have no way to Cannie that back.

No matter how you look at it, Shaman are solidly second best healers behind Clerics. Druid's are fading in a distant 3rd.
RE: Bah !
# Jun 16 2006 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
You've lost me, I have a 70 Shaman and this heal it is a PoS if you compare it to Druid heals. Druids are healers themselves (like Clerics) with a 3k Quick Heal at 70 (Ancients) and a 4-5k Cheal themselves. Druids are way more advanced healers then shamans for sure. (Which i think is all a bunch of BS, ever read your Everquest book once Absolutely out of date! Cleric = a holy being with the power to heal and smite/destroy evil. (what about DEs?????), Druid = master of outdoors, flora, fauna that calls upon nature to use clerical aid. Shaman = Tribal Witch Doctor/Cleric, The Main Task is Healing and Primitive Aid, While Lesser Stuff cause for offensive and lower death tolls. (WTF?!?!?!?!?))
Do Not Read...
# Feb 27 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default

People who care about this heal fail to realize:

Quiescence with extended duration will heal 2500 hp over time...

Spiritual Serenity with the same duration (easy by these levels) will heal 4900 hp over time...

Most of them are complaining that druids get bigger instant heals than shamans do and are saying taht they are better healers... If mobs are outdamaging Spiritual Serenity, no druid is gonna save your @$$. Only clerics have to potential to heal for mobs hitting in the thousands anyway. For xp groups...choose a shaman.

Regen (Druid and Shaman)
SoW (Druid and Shaman)
Slow > Damage Shield (Shm can make DS potions also)
Shm Buffs > Druid Buffs
Instant Heal vs. HoT (HoT wins here because of Slow)
Shm Debuffs > Druid Debuffs
Snare > Root (this goes to druids)
Port/evac > Run like hell (this goes to druids)
Shm Pet > Druid Pet
Shm Canni > Druid mana regen buffs
Druid Track I would say is as useful to them as Shm alchemy is to the Shm. (debatable, no flames for that one pls)
Shm HASTE > Druid...er...

Shamans makes groups happy. They make mobs easier to kill.

Track is invaluable yes.
Damage Shields are nice.
Yes it's nice to see a big number when instant healed. (but it's no better than a shaman)
Ports are indeed good.

I'm not trying to trivialize the role of the druid, they are very useful. But by no means are they BETTER than shamans in a group at all times. They're silmply different.
RE: Do Not Read...
# Oct 16 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
forgot to talk about debuffs.
stop complaining
# Jan 22 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
so we get one of the best mana regens in the game..so what if we have to work for it...i've kept grps alive when im oom.....dont see clerics or druids doing that.....an MH is so boring sit sit and try not to fall asleep when someone actually needs you...most clerics in a grp with a good slower are always at full mana...most clerics in a grp with are almost always oom ...as a shammie being able to tank better then any casters have a pet for extra dps/taunt while i run(and does it a hella lot better then a druid's..lol) good dot's and decent nukes, buffs/debuffs and heals and be able to do all that while out of mana or lom.....i'd like to see a cleric/druid do better.....oohh and as far as the beastlords go have one he's killer..he's got all the good beasty stuff...when kei goes...he's oom and needs to med...dont know the last time i needed to med....more like a take a breather from the grind need some mana be 20 secs or less..lol
RE: stop complaining
# Feb 12 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
you're absolutely correct but...

Have you noticed that when a fellow shaman complains about something the rest of the community jumps on him/her for complaining?

While I'll admit that this community characteristic makes hanging out with other shaman a fairly complaint free and on the whole enjoyable experience, you have to admit that when a druid complains, the rest of the druid community steps in without thinking and says "DANG RIGHT!!! HEY SOE WHY DON'T WE GET A BETTER SPELL TYPE XYZ????" and then soe in their "infinite wisdom" say OMFG a major player constituency is unhappy OMG OMG WE MUST APPEASE THEM!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather perform my own root canal than be a lamor dr00d, but have you ever looked at what soe has seen fit to grant them as a class? Better SoW than shaman (SOE/FOE), better heals than shaman (btw I really don't want this one fixed... I hate being the MH/SH), better dd's than shaman (and let's face it, soe has done everything short of removing dot's from the game to trivialize them - at least as far as group encounters is concerned), whole lines of self target, single target, and group target mana regen spells, insta-click fixed duration invis... AS A FUXING AA!!!, insta-click group succor... AS A FUXING AA!!!, and the list goes on and on and on...

all the while, _most_ shaman continue to limp along casting a lvl 52 slow that costs 250 mana, takes 3 seconds to cast, and can't possibly land before you've cast a 400mana 5 second debuff (malos), and the only shaman specific aa worth mentioning? Canni V...

IMHO druids taken as a class are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiney, WHINEY juveniles, but I'm really starting to think there's something to all that complaining they do...
RE: stop complaining
# Oct 16 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
coupple of things. a- the only overpowered class are druids. if druid was a religion they would be the ones known for bitceching, and sacrificing other people for their own benefit.

2 a 39 cleric can outheal any other class, so why bother about whining about who has better heals druid or shaman. that being said, a level 46 cleric could in theory heal in a mpg group( i know they cant get in.) if they had a shaman to slow. think about the awesome xp they could get.

also shamans are overall better than druids if you have enough skill, in most situations. we get cani spells, and a cani aa which is mass mana. also even if your cant match quick heals with a druid we have HoT, something that druids dont get. if you do a slow, then youll have enough time to put on a hot, then do some quick heals if still needed. druid would have to chain cast quick heals to keep someone alive.

still, in a lot of zones you WONT need to cast malos first. in wos you only need to malos nor in mpg/rss.
RE: stop complaining
# Mar 28 2006 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
if druid was a religion

hehe druidism or druidry is a religion just as shamanism is a religion also.
RE: stop complaining
# May 12 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
LOL - that is the one of the best pieces of sarcasm I've seen i a long time! I almost took it seriously =)
Inexperience Kills the class
# Oct 24 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
90% of the people who posted on this forum are inexperienced as shaman. If i only bring slows to a group then yes replace me, but if i only bring slow to a group i am also only doing 5% of my capability. Shamans have some of the best DPS to mana Ratio in the game because of canni. We bring the best buffs / debuffs to the group. And pretty damn good heals. Shamans should be the most wanted class for groups, unfortunately we get a bad wrap from lazy players who ... Malos ... Slow ... Sick pet ... Sit.
RE: Inexperience Kills the class
# Feb 12 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
/em wonders about the pot calling the kettle black

If you're in a group and you have _time_ (mana is almost _never_ an issue...) to do anything besides:

Malos... Slow... Malos... Slow... Malos... Slow... Canni... repeat ad infinitum.

then you're in dire need of more dps... here's an experiment for you, try dropping a few of those extra sk's, grab a mage or 3, and then come back and lecture us on what a shammy's role is in group...
You whiners
# Oct 11 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
Give a shaman the same heals as a cleric and what would a cleric be worth? Virt buffs in Pok? Shaman heal just fine and the new fast heals are a good addition. We aren't meant to be clerics. You can't expect a shaman to have dots, slows, buffs, debuffs, hastes, pets, every other dang thing AND cheals.

Ya know what, there are going to be places you just can't MH. Life sucks. Did you become a shaman to be MH your whole career? If so, you created the wrong char.

Would it be great to have the lines that clerics have? Hell yeah! But we don't. Get over it. Shaman heals are fine. I can MH most places and the ones I can't we get a chealer.

Anyone that expects their shaman to be able to MH everywhere a chealer does is an idiot. All those whining about druid heals probably don't have a druid. Even with their heals you are lucky to get a group alot of the time.

No matter what they give, you whiners complain. If this isn't good enough, you can't play a shaman and I hope I never have the misfortune of accidentally grouping with you with an alt.

Edited, Mon Oct 11 16:33:11 2004
RE: You whiners
# Jun 03 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone that expects their shaman to be able to MH everywhere a chealer does is an idiot. All those whining about druid heals probably don't have a druid. Even with their heals you are lucky to get a group alot of the time.

Agree wholeheartedly. I had to level in Seb with guildies from about 53 - 58 because no other groups would take me without a cheal and no one wants crappy druid dps. I found ONE. ONE. ONE PoV group in all of those levels.

Yes, they can solo. No, it's not as effective as it was in the past, and frankly almost any druid you ask would rather group than kite. Ask any druid that's DC'ed HoH alone, I'm sure they'll agree.

So in response to shms getting a worthless spell too late in the game, I say good. It's about time that they experienced what it's like being a druid.
Shaman a healer class?
# Sep 21 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Why not just give us clown suits, floppy pointed hats with bells hanging off it and giant red shoes and get it over and done with already!!!!!
# Sep 03 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
Daluda's Mending - ive broke near 4500 cirt heal with elemental sleeves and all healing AAs - and not just once an not rare either was Raiding in Ikkinz and crit healed over 4k almsot 6 times in a row
# Sep 03 2004 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
double post - 8O)

Edited, Fri Sep 3 04:11:37 2004
Shaman Healing
# Aug 29 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Default
"The pathetic thing is, a 58 druid or a 39 cleric can heal better than a 70 shaman. Up the spell's hps healed or give me a 1 time class change." was written by AprryBarnwyr.
If you have ever played a Shaman on moderately high end you would know this is wrong. As a 65 Shaman with just now having gotten 2 pieces of Elemental gear I am able to keep a 9k Shadowknight tank alive in Kod'Taz on any non-named with just Breath of Trushar and Tnarg's Mending. Some 65 Kod'Taz flagged Clerics have trouble doing this, but with Healing crits, our amazing heal over times and our nearly limitless supply of mana, Shaman do have a distinct edge upon healing that in no way can be said a 39 Cleric or 58 Druid can heal better than us, maybe they can heal more hp's in 1 cast, but we can chain cast without running low on mana!
RE: Shaman Healing
# Oct 02 2004 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
710 posts
LOL @ your message

This is, of course, all assuming our slow will actually HIT the mob and not be mitigated and not work at all..

no modifiers
# Jul 09 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Sooooooo for 72 more mana than Daluda's we get 140 more hp w/o modifiers? wow we're kickin butt

Edited, Fri Jul 9 11:45:32 2004
Still best non restricted heal?
# Jul 06 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
Kinda sad this is the best heal a Shaman has up to date. I would of expected at least a 2100 heal or something but how many heals can you give a Shaman and NOT have a one of them go over 1690 other than Kraggs with the 75% hit???

Food for thought on a class we used to be close in healing.


Level: 64
Karana's Renewal DRU/64 1: Increase Hitpoints by 4680 (75% max)
600 Alteration Single

Level: 65
Sylvan Infusion DRU/65 1: Increase Hitpoints by 2100
550 Alteration Single

Level: 68
Chlorotrope DRU/68 1: Increase Hitpoints by 2275
625 Alteration Single

More power to druids for having those, our HoT line rocks, but it would be nice to see a Non-Restricted Shammy heal in the 2100-2300 range.

Guess there's always the next expansion ;(
RE: Still best non restricted heal?
# Jul 08 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
A few things to remember here:

1)Druids usually specialise in Evo or Con. Shaman usually specialise in Alteration, which means Shammy heals generally cost 50% less to cast than a Druid's. Factor this in & u'll see that Shammy's can actually heal as good as or better - they just need to cast more often.

2) With a Shammy in a grp, mobs r slowed. So the need for healing is dramatically reduced. A grp with just a druid will have a lot more problems - their heal is not 4 times better than ours, but mobs will be doing 4 times the damage!

3) With Improved Healing focus & AA pts, a shammy can heal with this for well in excess of 2k (double with crits). That is more than enuff to keep the weaker armoured classes on their feet. I've seen clerics crit heal for 17k, but that is pretty pointless when the char healed only has 7k hps max!

RE: Still best non restricted heal?
# Sep 19 2004 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
37 posts
"2) With a Shammy in a grp, mobs r slowed. So the need for healing is dramatically reduced. A grp with just a druid will have a lot more problems - their heal is not 4 times better than ours, but mobs will be doing 4 times the damage!"

This particular argument is pointless. I don't know of any groups that go into higher level zones without some form of slow. At the very least, they'll get a Beastlord to provide 65% slows, if not an Enchanter to do 70%. Your theoretical Druid will be healing vs. slowed mobs, even if they are not Shaman-slowed. With the mitigation commonly seen now, the difference in slows between a Beastlord and a Shaman aren't nearly as much as the difference in heals between a Druid and a Shaman.

Edited, Sun Sep 19 05:48:54 2004
RE: Still best non restricted heal?
# Jul 08 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
The point I was trying to make is Shamans still do not have a base non restricted heal over 1690. Wasn't a Druid vs Shaman debate I just used druids as an example of how other classes have progressed in heals while Shaman are getting left behind.

While your example of slowed mobs in a group is good, my point still remains about the base number in the heal and our role as a secondary healer we still won't be able to get a instant heal over 1690 at lvl 70. And sometimes we won't have the time to recast heals while trying to slow adds, heal another group member, ect ect so the larger base heal would help out alot.

Yes AA's, Focuses and all that are good but they only improve on the starting heal, and everything being equal a double of a 1690 heal versus a double of a 2200 heal there is a big difference between the two. IE 3380 vs 4400, thats a difference of 1120 HPs. That could be the difference of your tank biting the dust or not.

Not calling for a nerf of any heal or class would just like to see a larger heal added to our ******* :)

Good luck all.

RE: Still best non restricted heal?
# Aug 01 2004 at 5:27 AM Rating: Good
in my mind a single heal that's more powerful is better overall then casting multiple smaller heals... even if the smaller heals use less mana... you using more time on them...
RE: Still best non restricted heal?
# Sep 22 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Well i see shaman as being more effective now at healing, if you add slow to the new avoidance buffs and lesser mana cost for using alteration and nearly endless mana supply, we heal ok. Playing a shaman, i dont like being MH because its boring and id rather be -slowing- debuffing- dotting- offtanking- spot healing, it makes you feel more useful. Oh and if a shaman isnt good enough to MH in a high lvl zone, bring a cleric or a druid with you - druids are decent healers because they only get half assed dots and half assed nukes and half assed debuffs.

Edited, Wed Sep 22 08:49:14 2004
pathetic healing
# Jun 19 2004 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Why don't they give us a group heal? would be much more beneficial, hard to believe a pally has a group heal over a shaman
RE: This spell is pathetic
# Oct 06 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Atlhough i feel this spell is pointless i dont think shamans are bad healers in any way. I for one can slow buff and main heal a group almost anywhere "almost" with little or no down time and i dont have elemental armor or uber gear. so it can be done i do it more than i should prolly.

Elder Kumlaen Thunderhammer
Inny Server
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