Spell Icon Hungry Vines  


4: Decrease Movement by 50%

Recourse Effect   Hungry Vines Recourse

  • 1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20%, 1600 total
  • 9: Increase Damage Shield by 45

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 500 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 30
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -100 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any AE Range: 50
Deletable: No Dot Stacking: Yes
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: PB AE
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: You are wrapped in hungry vines.
Cast on other: Soandso is wrapped in hungry vines.
Effect Fades: The vines fall away.

Game Description

Entangles up to %T of your targets' feet with magical roots, slowing their movement speed for up to 12 secs (2 ticks). The vines also protect the caster's group by absorbing 20% of incoming melee damage up to 1600. The thorns on the vines will damage attacking creatur

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Hungry Vines


Omens of War

2 ticks
Post Comment
# Nov 13 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
the description decrease movement by 50 % i think is wrong because u cant snare a player except pvp

Edited, Nov 13th 2008 4:40pm by babywolfs
# Mar 31 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
You cast this on the mob, which gets snared. The recourse part lands on your group.
Using Vines with groups
# Mar 01 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
Does this Hungry Vines spell seem like a good thing to use during group situations for each incoming pull (assuming single pulls with little chance to aquire agro from the tank)? Or might this spell be too mana intensive for casting on each pull?

Wonder if the Druid Debuffs are more important to cast first?
nice spell
# Sep 15 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
they should of put this spell as the clicky on epic 1.5 /2.0 and made the clicky it has now a spell. love this spell, it stacks with other snares on mobs, so if u cast ensnare u can cast this spell and the snare portion of it will not overwrite the other share you cast. DS + snare+ damage mitigator, was worth the hassel to get the runes for this spell, groups love it (whisper) use it to mass mob PL $$$$$$$
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
From reading the description. IT seems that you can help a tank or you whole group really, take 20% Less damage for 18 seconds. This could be good for before mobs are slowed and a tank is getting smacked down. Also probably really good for raids.. Put two druids in the main tanks group. 20% less per hit is a substantial amont. Say youre getting quadded for 2000. say 8000 per round. 20% off of that makes the tank only take 6400 dmg. Not a bad deal and could make for some new tactics.
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
Jsut thought of another use for this one. Farming! Say you pull a boatload of mobs.. lowerlvl mobs that wont obviously kill you in a few hits. Make sure you have max regen on and both of our dmg shield spells. This spell adds an additional 45 to the ds. SO say you have I think it's 50 + 17+ 45 = 112 Damage shield! That would own alot of lower levels mobs pretty damn quick.
# Jan 28 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Default
With AA abilities and Damage Shield on items you can get this up to 17 (Nettlecoat) + 55 (Nettle Shield) + 70 (Spirit of the Grove 3) + 5 (Let's say you have 5 DS on your items) + 45 (Hungry Vines Recourse) = 192 DS. Throw on Psalm of Veeshan (13) and War March of Muram (23) and you can reach 228. Even if you take out the recourse and the AA you've stlil got 123 DS and should be evidence enough to praise DS's.
Spell is located where?
# Mar 20 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
where do you get this spell?
Positive Effect
# Feb 14 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
The value of this spell has nothing to do with soloing, nor is it the snare. The recourse is a group buff that mitigates incoming melee dmg and provides additional damage shield. Good for a main tank at a raid or in group encounters when absorbing melee dmg is needed.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 05:16:39 2005
RE: Positive Effect
# Feb 20 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
I suppose it could be a little about soloing: If you happen to be surrounded by a set of mobs while soloing (bad pull, pathing, aggro, etc.) you could likely cast this, snaring the mobs and making the barrage of damage being dealt on you mitigated... Just a theory, but I agree that this was meant to be in a group siuation and not mainly for solo use.
PB AE/PLing Tool :)
# Jan 30 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Just to make something clear, PB AE is centered on your position and will strike an unlimited number of mobs near you (like our earquake-type damage spells). So the good news is you will not snare yourself with this one -- bad news is mobs need to be very close to you.

The PB AE snare coupled with the damage mitigation and 45 point DS could make it a nice PLing tool (when PLing I like to position myself in the middle of several mobs, maintain aggro and let my DS's do the work). And in 5 ticks I can recover about 400 mana -- almost enough to cover the cost of the spell so that means minimal downtime for medding.

Nothing about blocking/stacking listed so will be interested to see if this stacks with Nettles -- that would be real nice :)

Feemee Bagginswolf
Druid of the Mystical Lightfighters
Morrell Thule

Edited, Sun Jan 30 16:51:58 2005
Odd Spell
# Oct 22 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Excellent
50 posts
This seems to be a pretty odd spell, as many of its potential benefits are cancelled out by its limitations.

For quadding, very doubtful. It only lasts 18 seconds. If you can cast ensnare over it, then it may have some use to simply round up a group of mobs. But I would guess that this spell would block ensnare, so as a 'round em up' type of quadding spell, I can't see it having any use.

The problem with AE snares is that they generally will also snare the caster. If there is a danger of snaring yourself along with your target, it certainly would be a very dangerous 'getaway' spell. You'd be better off just making sure Eagles was on, and running away far enough to cast your evacuate spell.

The only use that I can foresee is a pulling spell (when pulling for a group rather than solo). It would have the advantage of reducing melee damage for 18 seconds while your group is preparing to slow and debuff the mob. It will wear off quickly so that you can cast ensnare on it.

Finally, if there is a danger of getting 2-3 adds on a pull (that cannot be harmonied for example) this spell will make sure that they all come in moving very slowly, and thus 5x easier to mez and / or root off.

It will be interesting to see how much agro it builds. If its a low agro spell, then I'd say the Dev's have greated a real nice pulling spell for druids. The only real problem with using it as a pulling spell however, is that you generally only want to agro one mob. If its only useful in situations where you can't avoid pulling 2-3, it probably will be one of the seldom used spells.
dont get it
# Sep 14 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
what's a recourse effect?

and how could this spell help quadding?
RE: dont get it
# Sep 14 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
Guyz, a pb snare that lasts for 18 seconds with a 30 second recast time on it is not a good quadding snare.
RE: dont get it
# Sep 15 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Ok I think what he is asking is what does this spell do. From the looks of it it looks like a quick get away spell if you get swarmed by many mobs you cast this and all the mobs around you Hit you for 20% less dammage, run 50% slower, and I think a down side is the 45 point DS only due to summoning mobs, whitch I guess if you are kiting you wouldn't be kiting summoning mobs. This spell would give you enough time and space from the mob to hit your AA evac or get to the nearest zone. IMO this is a great spell to put in that 9th spell slot for kiting. From what I've seen in the OoW zones so far there airn't a whole lot of summoing mobs.
RE: dont get it
# Sep 24 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
Honestly, I don't even think that this is even primarily meant for soloing.

I'm a 65 Druid. In the past, that would have made my word stronger than today, with levels going up to 70 now. Sorry, I haven't played recently.

In any case, I remember that, while trying to join an ubber guild on Rallos Zek, we did many GoD trials. An Enchanter would normally control a pet while the rest of the group attempted to keep a tank alive and the Enchanter's control over the pet strong.

A spell like this would be primarily useful for its recourse. Those highly buffed pets tore through other mobs, even if they were higher than lvl 65 mobs. A tank was used instead of just the pet for two reasons: Primarily, because a pet could decharm, the Chanter would be summoned by the target mob, and that would just end things right there. A side effect of doing this, which I doubt many realized, is healing mana. 65 MOBs are far superior tanks to 65 characters. However, this is due to their incredible ammounts of HP. A Cleric's complete healing, even with max AA's, hits the game's max of 15k heal. That is not anywhere near a complete heal for a charmed pet of that level. A character's HP pool is much smaller, though his melee mitation is much higher than a pet's, so he'll take much less damage over the course of a fight, even if he would be the weaker tank without healers around. Agro is still the main reason for this method, though healing efficiency is enough of a bonus to be considered a reason for some, though many will find it to be little more than an unexpected bonus.

I'm sorry for such a long background story. I'd like to explain how I feel about this spell now, though.
In those groups, things died quickly and did much damage. The recourse to this spell would last for most of the duration of a single pull, if no other complications arrise. In many cases, it may last the complete of a pull. The recourse will help keep the tank alive while Snaring the mob. Since the mob will be dead before 3 ticks is complete, the short duration isn't an issue in these grouping cases.
Its important that tanks at these levels rely on their ability to avoid and reduce damage taken to themselves. Skills, enchanced by AA's, are a major component to this. However, the chances to avoid damage and even to reduce it are random. Even with good odds, a mob is bound to get in a few good hits on a tank sooner or later, which may spell death for him. If he falls, the group will generally follow suit.
In these situations, with a group hunting higher end MOBs, a spell like this will cut down on healing needed for tanks, casuality rates, and group wipes. The charmer(s) will be happy that it'll give them an extra shot at life should their pet decharm at an unfavorable time, and the tanks will be happy that they have increased ability to reduce damage.

A side note about the spell, it is a level 70 spell with a (-100 MR) modifier on it. Contrasted to Snare and Ensnare, this spell should prove to be more reliable. (eg. Situations such as the group one above, mobs often need to be snared quickly before their attention may turn from the tank.) A fast, reiable snare like this will make a Druid an even more valuable asset to a group.
Not that great
# Sep 02 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone look at the duration on this? 3 ticks, so this looks like an "oops I messed up sell" to me
# Aug 02 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
Quading in PoF is gonna be so much easyer now, i cant wait to try this out.
# Jul 19 2004 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
Is it just me or are spells like this (and the level cap raise) going to make AAs all that much easier to get?
RE: Hmmm
# Jul 19 2004 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Think of how messed up conning got from 60 - 65. They had to make a patch to fix the level ranges.

Now imagine that at level 70. It'll stay the same, though this will make planar quadding a whole lot less mana intensive.
RE: Hmmm
# Jul 19 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
You meen the patch that made it so you could get XP from more mobs post 60?

And yeah, planar quadding is the main thing that comes to mind here, leading me to believe AAs will become alot easier to come by as well.
RE: Hmmm
# Jul 19 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah but they'll probably go GoD style on AA and make some cost 20 and so on, so forth.
RE: Hmmm
# Jul 26 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
I quad already in HoH this will just make it faster and less mana.
RE: Hmmm
# Oct 05 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I don't see how this would make quadding Guards in HOH easier since it takes so long to do a quad that you would have to cast this spell over and over again.. like once per run of the room, leaving you no time to cast your AOE to do damage. Also the recast time will make this unusable doing those quads. 18 seconds duration and wait another 12 seconds before you can start casting again.. I see a lot of dead druids trying to use this spell in HOH. Just my 2cp worth on the subject.

Laeuvasu, 66 Druid, Zeb server, Fae Victus Et Nominus
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